Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Variant Roles Begins; My Tale Here Ends.

For months I've been looking for ways to get back into Chaos and write even small posts here and there just for the fun of it, but I've learned I dont find this site fun anymore. Despite this site being as large as it is I've always tried to keep to smaller groups, and now I have a new and fun way to get the RP fix I want and include my wife.

That is of course through Dungeons and Dragons tabletop. Even before I stopped posting here I was playing dnd, and now we're kicking it up a notch and starting our own stream under the name Variant Roles. We even have our own site going, and the first session later tonight! https://www.variantroles.comif you wanna check it out. On top of this, the twins we're having are identical boys! The wife got a new car, we're catching up on bills. Right now, life is good.

This post is an update on my life and a shameless plug for my stream, but most importantly its my final good bye. I see no reason to come back (Well maybe to write a journal entry of my twins for pictures so ya'll can see my babies!)

To those I know, take care. Keep writing and having fun for my sake. [member="Darth Ophidia"] is my shout out for this. You've been a good friend and buddy here, and an amazing apprnetice. Keep the rule of three strong, and never forget.

Success or Death.

To those of you I dont know, good luck with your work here. There are countless amazing rpers that get idolized or over looked, so dont bother with the popular game. Just have fun with what you do and dont worry about member of the months or like counts as I did for so long. Its a trap that'll only suck away the fun you'd be having otherwise.

Peace Chaos o/
If you don't come back with pictures of them at some point I'll be severely put out with you. Make sure they're wearing the proper Sith Empire onesies and all that fun stuff.

Have fun with the rapidly approaching gray hairs and/or male pattern baldness, sleepless nights, and eventually joy of introducing your kids to Star Wars!

(And just generally raising them, I suppose that's important too.)
[member="Darth Ferus"]

Ophidia wasn't your only apprentice who made it far, I feel seriously underappreciated right now.

But in all seriousness, it's been a great ride. Best of luck with being a dad and I hope your D&D campaign becomes a hit. I salute you!

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