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Varrian Kae

Varrian Kae

Varrian Kae

NAME: Varrian Kae
FACTION: The Republic
RANK: Jedi Padawan
AGE: 21
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'0"
WEIGHT: 155 lbs
EYES: Grey
HAIR: White
SKIN: Fair


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Reflective and Mature: Varrian is a quiet soul, wise beyond his years. He is capable of rationalising and reflecting on his own behaviour and how it affects others. This self-awareness can actually bring him closer to people who recognise his considerate nature.

Martial Talent: The young Echani has learned the martial art of his people, and is a very talented pugilist. This affects other forms of combat.

Unusual Mind: Varrian perceives the galaxy and the Force at a different level than most people. Thus, his use of the Force is interesting and unique, more scientific than emotional.

Pure Heart: He really only desires to love and be loved. All of his actions are motivated by other people, when he does indeed choose to speak or act.

Withdrawn: Varrian has a very elaborate system of defense mechanisms and does not trust easily. He is quiet and does not trust easily, and so it takes a lot to get him out of his shell. This means he does not make friends easily, despite his kind nature.

Passive: Var sometimes does not act when he should, and suffers accordingly. He is a think first, act later kind of guy, and often fails when decisive action is required.

Strong Minded: The young Echani does what he feels is right, superiors and masters be damned. This often puts him at odds with higher-ups, who can see his determined black and white view of the world as insubordinate and disrespectful.

Varrian, appearance wise, is a typical Echani. Tall and slender, with white hair and grey eyes, Kae moves gracefully and is very athletic. He is lithely muscled and has an erect posture, which speaks of a quiet confidence.

Born and raised on Eshan, the Echani homeworld, Varrian was born into the famed Kae family. As a young boy he prospered, becoming an excellent martial artist and was seen by his elders at the future of the family. Though he was male and thus not allowed to become the Kae, he displayed attributes that seemed suited to being a loyal and capable family retainer. During his upbringing, Varrian developed a love of the outdoors, becoming a survivalist. He also grew to appreciate the effectiveness of ranged weapons such as blaster rifles, despite his people's aversion to using such weapons.

Discovering his Force potential, the Kae family sent Varrian to Coruscant to begin his instruction. The Kae's had an affinity with the Force that most families lacked, and as such they encouraged Varrian to become a Jedi. So he set out for Coruscant and a life of adventure.






Varrian Kae

@[member="Manu Xextos"] Well, originally I was Hana's uncle, so I guess I was your ... ? ... I dunno, haha. Yeah, let's have a hangout and be family and stuff! Wooo!

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