Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Vas T’sikerret

Vas T’sikerret

NAME: Vas T’sikerret

FACTION: Formerly Viszla

RANK: Mando Outcast

SPECIES: Mandalorian

AGE: 45


HEIGHT: 2 Meters, 6’1” feet

WEIGHT: 195lbs.

EYES: Amber

HAIR: Short Jet Black with some grey at the front forehead.

SKIN: White



Sharp Shooter:
Skill in long range combat, Vas is an expert sniper who can shoot a death stick out of man’s hand at 200 kilometers, blindfolded.

Demolitions: Skilled at creating explosives and where to use them in any eventuality.

Ijatt/ Honor: Vas is a Mando of his word, if he agrees to a job he will do it.


Lone Wolf:
Vas works alone, and only alone, so back up is never an option.


Vas is muscular, has full beskar armor, and pale skin from wearing his armor most of the time to conceal his identity.


Vas was once part of Viszla Clan, but abandoned all bonds of fellowship to become a bounty hunter. For much of his life he had to scrap for a living, and he tired of the Mando martyrdom complex & waiting for the glory of Manda’alor once more. Vas found he loved the hunt and the pay after bagging a kill. Vas only does kill bounties, no “bringing em in warm, only cold.”


DLT-19X Targeting Blaster

IB-94 Blaster Pistol

Wrist Flamethrower

Wrist Blades


Detonator Charges


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