Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vasty Nothingness [Salacia/Firemane]

Etti IV | Main Spaceport | Docking Sections 279B-286B

Activity hummed around the Silurus-class Research vessel. With its large ramp down, gravsleds and personnel moved in and out, carrying the goods needed for the assignment. Fuel hoses criss-crossed the ground, pumping into the main tank and reserve tanks. No one could be for certain what would be encountered on the edge of the Tingel Arm.

Meanwhile, Judah, Salacia key employees and Firemane officers were poring over a starchart. Judah had downloaded the information onto a datapad, currently projecting its contents for the group to see in mid-air. A map of the Tingel Arm slowly rotated in place and many heads stared at the image, trying to decide the best route.

"Some of this is just...blank. No notes. Nothing. We're going in blind." Obviously, some key Salacia employees were not comfortable heading out into the great unknown. The laboratory or job site was clearly their comfort zones.

"Not all of it is blind. There was some corruption on on the data but I was able to pull quite a bit. You all have to remember this information is Pre-Gulag. We're speaking on terms of four hundred years or so."

Judah pointed to a sector only recently discovered by some of those in Sanctum space. Midvinter was recently added into the holdings by Free Space. Typing a few commands, a new starchart laid over the old in a shiny new color. It only made the omissions even more glaring.

"North of Midvinter is relatively unexplored. There has to be something there. I say we push down south here from Etti and end our trip somewhere in that region. We don't find anything we simply move over a bit and keep exploring until we reach the edge of the galaxy."

"Miss [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] , does her Ladyship have any ideas to this venture?"
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

"We're going boldly where, if there's anything, no one has presumably gone in a very long time?" Siobhan asked rhetorically as she looked over the starchart that was spread out before them, cocking her head slightly to the side to get a better view of things.

"In the event that we don't stumble upon eldritch abominations, zombie hordes, Vong or something similarly clichéd, any world we find is bound to have been isolated for ages. Goddess knows what for a number the Gulag Virus did on an inhabited planet that could be in that big black hole of nothing, what depths it might have sunk to. Potential first contact may be very unfriendly."
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"Presumably. However Free Space is a relatively recent addition to this area. It could be our maps are quite incomplete. Could be an entire sector trading and going on like normal, although I highly doubt it. Someone from the Corporate Sector would know by now."

Judah motioned back to the research vessel behind him.Final loading was being conducted. Distantly a short, dark skinned woman could be seen going down the list, making sure everything was loaded. Salacia had thrown in all but the kitchen sink on this little jaunt. While they weren't going incredibly far, it was just the fact of the unknown stretching out before them.

"You're more than welcome to back out Miss Kerrigan. I've gone through the data and narrowed it down to a handful of planets. We're looking to set up farms to expand our pharmaceutical business. Not to mention gain a strong footing in this area. Salacia knows what we're getting into. Everyone on this expedition is a volunteer. If the trip is too dangerous for Firemane than by all means sit out. We're not going to let a potentially hostile welcome stop us though."
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

"Is that a case of reverse psychology to get me to join by offering a challenge?" Siobhan asked sardonically with an air of amusement, raising an eyebrow at that. "If there's danger it can't be more menacing than hordes of Reavers, a talking Warthog Sith Master who vaporises planets for the fun of it and Lotek'k. We made a contract to provide security for your operations. If there's trouble in the great unknown we're seeking out, Firemane's more than equipped to terminate hostilities."
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"Far too intelligent for your own good." Judah chuckled and turned off the holoprojection. Talking about going there wasn't going to burn the fuel to actually get there. While Firemane did sign a contract, Judah wasn't a slave driver. If they didn't come then it was merely a job he didn't have to give payment for. Packing up the electronics, Salacia employees started to scatter back to their research vessel.

"Coordinates have been sent to your vessel Miss Kerrigan. We're about to shove off. I do hope you've brought enough ammo for the journey."
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

Getting Siobhan to do something she did not want to was sort of...impossible. Tegs had tried and Sio did have a slave girl outfit she wore for her at night sometimes. Oh, wait this thread is PG-13. Anyhow, while she was not the explorer type if there was something out there it meant opportunities for Firemane. They were, after all, looking towards expanding the reach of their operations.

"I've never been accused of bringing too little ammo. Some people have this weird idea that I'm into overkill," Siobhan responded. There was absolutely no truth to that. There was no such thing as overkill, only open fire and reload. Any reasonable person would agree with that assessment! "I'll see you on the other side." The task force of Firemane soldiers and engineers had already filed into the Thrax, as this particularly Illyria-class frigate was called. The Ardarvia was very special and unique, so a frigate named after the Eldorai goddess of death would do.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"Enjoy the trip."

While a frigate named after the Goddess of death was well and nice, Judah didn't expect to go out in a blaze of fire and glory quite just yet. Parting ways with Kerrigan, he entered the Silurus-class research vessel with the rest of the crew. Getting the vessel out into the atmosphere was no easy feat. Lucky for them space traffic on Etti IV wasn't as terrible as Coruscant. Lifting into the atmosphere, they were soon gliding through the black. Coordinates were entered and soon the ship disappeared into hyperspace.

Yet in hyperspace there wasn't much to do. Sabacc was played in the hangar of the large vessel, with crates used as temporary seats. Sure the crew could have put their time into doing final preparations but to be honest no one knew what they were walking into. Hours past until the interior lights flashed, signalling an end to their hyperspace journey. Sabacc was immediately abandoned, with crew and Salacia employees vying for a spot at the viewports. Everyone wanted to see if the starchart information was correct.

Sliding out of hyperspace, a blue and green planet stretched out before them.

"Start running scans immediately. Lets find out whats down there."
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

So off they went, venturing as pioneers into the unknown. Who knew what might await them? Perhaps the empire of the fabled 'True Sith' Kreia had been yammering about. Perhaps eldritch abominations that would be awoken by our adventurers trespassing upon their lair. Or maybe a race of blue alien space babes...oh, wait, that's Siobhan's fantasy!

Coordinates were punched in and the Thrax dropped into hyperspace, making its own passage through the shimmering blue tunnel. Time passed and it was rather dull for most of the common soldiers and crewers. Some might have played Sabacc in the hangar since that was always fun. Others might have decided it was productive to clean guns and prepare...the difficulty of that being it was not certain what to prepare against, beyond the possibility of hostile contact, which might have excited the pyromaniacs Firemane was stuffed with. For her part Siobhan had discovered that her cabin possessed a hot tub, which served to put her in the right mood as it mellowed her perhaps all too martial spirit and took her thoughts off violence. Somehow a mocha-coloured comms specialist with bedroom eyes ended up joining her...well, that was just the Countess being equal opportunities!

Hot tub fun was abandoned when the loudspeakers droned out that they wre dropping out of hyperspace and soon our heroine, now fully clothed and all that, was on the bridge as the black, shark shaped vessel slid into real space. Before their eyes lay a blue and green orb that seemed so lush an innocent on first sight. Siobhan knew that appearances could be deceiving. "Run scans on the planet and hail the Silurus. Send out two Adril fighters to scout out and perform a quick sweep. Mr. Dashiell we've arrived, your scanners picked up on anything?"
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

The Silurus-class had slowed down tremendously. Judah had made his way to the bridge where the crew was hunched over their control panels. Data started to pore in from their various readings. Atmosphere and gravity immediately checked out positively. There was nothing to throw the sensors off wildly about any type of power. One would expect large cities or military bases to consume quite a bit of power, yet it remained almost near baseline. This caused Judah to pause for a moment. Either the world was never really inhabited or was merely abandoned. Not being on the charts tended to do that once in awhile.

"Drop down into the atmosphere. Lets do a visual survey."

Just as they were lowering closer to the planet, Siobhan came across the communications display.

"Atmosphere and gravity check out. We're not seeing much in the way of power consumption or activity of any sort. Dropping into the atmosphere to survey the land. If everything checks out we will be landing within the hour. Start preparing your folks to go out on the ground. We don't see anything hostile yet but that doesnt mean we won't be attacked by nasty creatures. Raevana has taught us that."
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

The scans performed by the Thrax confirmed what Judah had informed her of. Atmosphere and gravity checked out as normal, barely anything in the way of power consumption. By all accounts the world appeared underdeveloped, or perhaps even abandoned. No major cities, no military bases of note that appeared as a blip on the radar. Or perhaps the planet had been hit really hard by the Plague.

Of course, some people would posit that the planet was a virgin paradise unspoiled by the ravages of civilisation! Siobhan was not the wide-eyed idealistic sort and so she dismissed that claim, as much as she would not mind a tribe of Amazons living on it. But regardless they had work to do.

"Understood. We'll be behind you. If the visual checks out Firemane troops will be landing in advance to secure an LZ in the case of hostile contact. Kerrigan out," she gave a signal to the Firemane officers and the shark shaped Illyria, which was just a bit smaller than the Silurus-class, began its slow descent to the atmosphere for a survey. "Prepare dropshins and gunships. I want a strike force in the hangar ready for takeoff at my mark."

Hopefully they would not have to burn a forest down right after landing. As fun as explosions were that would be...a bit awkward.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Lowering into the clouds, the Silurus-class lumbered like a large whale through the skies. Their large shadow cast across the brilliant green landscapes. Rivers and mountains cut through. It looked relatively quiet and peaceful. The only life the crew had picked up so far was that of large herds of animals. Some of the animals looked like domestic beasts often seen on other planets. So who brought them over? Was the planet a private hunting paradise? Abandoned agricultural planet? The vessel quickly approached an large city. Vines, trees and crumbling ruins dotted the landscape. There was no section that was clear. Everything had been reclaimed by nature.

"Lets stay clear of the cities for now. Remember that mountain range we passed? Stick us down near that valley."

The Silurus-class slowly panned back towards the mountains. It left the city behind. Yet the people living in the city took notice. Slaves had craned their necks, marveling at the wonder. Some children cried, scared. Armed thugs for the local warlords scurried into the shadows, rushing to spread the word throughout their encampments. They would have to find the origin of this vessel.

Soon, the Silurus-class had touched down in the verdant valley. Murmurings echoed through the crew base, with scientists lugging equipment and talking between themselves about the planet. Wild theories were batted about -- with the science behind them hotly debated. Judah just shook his head and stepped into the warm sunshine, walking slowly off the ramp. Rarely could a vessel this large land. Yet since nothing was around take off would be a breeze.

He raised a hand in greeting to the first Firemane troops fanning out. Scientists were already setting to work, scooping soil samples or wading into the streams, crouched over with nets. The sole purpose would be to find a suitable area for growing their medicinal plants. Once they found decent soil and water the temperature could be taken care of with large greenhouses or the like.
[member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Eyrecae Alzari"]

From above the planet might have looked like a paradise. As so often - and as Siobhan well knew - appearances could be deceiving. A brilliant green landscape was stretched out before them, crossed by rivers and mountains that looked wild, untamed and yet strangely beautiful. Vines, trees, large herds of animals and crumbled ruins that hinted at a time when civilisation might have existed on the planet as they passed what had apparently once been a city.

The Gulag Virus had hit many worlds hard. The further one got from the core, where reconstruction had begun first, the greater the downfall. Yet Siobhan doubted that it was as uninhabited as it appeared on first sight. Somehow she was reminded of Dahomey, though the landscape had been different there. As the Silurus-class vessel touched down in a large verdant alley - quite sizeable considering it could accommodate the entire research vessel and thus eliminate the need for smaller transport craft - Firemane was already landing.

From the sky heavily armoured transport craft were raining down, descending upon the planet like a swarm of locusts, while Silaqui-class Gunships roared overhead like birds of prey seeking out game to hunt, seemingly bristling with firepower. The scientists might already be imagining themselves as pioneers, now finding themselves with a whole new world to study, but the Company was not taking any chances. Firemane soldiers were fanning out, setting up defensive emplacements and e-webs to secure the initial landing zone. The firepower the Firemane strike force had its disposal would probably make the praetorian guard of a third world tin pot dictator green with envy, but Siobhan had the feeling it would be sorely needed. Why, one may ask, was she so lacking in faith in humanity, peace and understanding? Because that never worked!

Speeder bikes shot out of the open bays of the dropships, crewed with scout troopers reminiscent of those the Galactic Empire had used on Endor. Hopefully they would fare better against those dangerous killer teddies. After all, not so long ago said teddies had managed to steal a Venator. Then again, its owner had been DeathWatch! The objective of the Firemane troops was clear: secure the area, keep the scientists from getting killed by whatever lurked in the forest that so deceptively inviting and recon the area, eventually setting up a base close to the installation Salacia had planned.

Tied with recon would be the objective to find out what in the blazes had happened on the planet and whether there were any sentient life forms. In the sky the Illyria-class frigate could be made out, the shape of a shark and coloured black. Out here the firepower at its disposal would be imposing. Siobhan had stepped out into the sunshine as her troops secured the area and was, most absurdly given the humid air and intense sunshine, smoking a cigarette.


Wandering Scientist
Cold water lapped at her knees as Jacy waded through the small river cutting through the valley. The water was clean and clear, rushing quickly past the rocks and pebbles that lay underfoot. The scientist stood in the middle with her hands on her narrow hips, staring down at the water. Small freshwater crabs scuttled around her boots, using their pinchers to poke at the thick outsole. Several of her fellow scientists and researchers were scooping up water samples or pulling out water vegetation. A youngish Rodian held a water sample to the sun, as if he could see particles naked to the human eye if he did so.

Jacy twirled the small net in her hand. Her task was to look for all signs of lifeforms. Normally she did such work for the University of Sanbra in the vessel Angusta. Yet someone had come along with deeper pockets than her own small resources at the University. Her hope was to gain a bit of knowledge, publish a paper and if she was really lucky -- find a unknown species and name it. The pinnacle of her career would be to do such a thing! Perhaps this planet would be the perfect opportunity.

Net dipped down and captured the brightly colored little crab. Her well-polished fingers gently reached down in the net, pulling the small water creature out. The crab struggled, legs failing everywhere. Her keen gaze looked it over. Seemed like a fairly standard crab but it was best to make notes. Tucking the net under her armpit, a small vocorder emerged from another pocket.

"Day One, unknown planet. Currently standing in a rushing river in a valley. Mountain peaks as far as I can see. The soil looks fertile here. Just pulled a small freshwater crab from the river. Roughly eight centimeters in length. Brilliant blue and shiny green in color. Nothing special to note about this crab. One will be collected for sample and compared against a database back on the research vessel. Dr. Sallow out for now."
[member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Eyrecae Alzari had been silent until this point.


Well, her writer had not been able to post her so far, so by ‘silent’ likely what is meant is that she hadn’t broken anything yet. Nothing major anyway.

As she stood on one of the transports she hefted her hammer, waiting for the battle to begin. They might be wanting to avoid a battle, but Eyrecae didn’t.
Eyrecae reached up to her helmet and activated her commlink.
“Siobhan, I’m not picking up any hostiles yet,” she said in disappointment. “How about you?”
[member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Eyrecae Alzari"]

Siobhan let out a slight sigh. Admittedly unlike most people she found Eyrecae's unending lust for combat and slaughter endearing rather than off-outting, but nonetheless. "Eyrecae, we just landed. Theoretically we don't even know whether there are hostiles...though I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to fight people. But don't start a massacre one minute after landing. It looks bad," she spoke.

She blamed the Confeds becase they had razed Druckenwell before Eyrecae had been able to beat up that Mandalorian. "Scout ahead and keep the scientists from getting themselves killed."
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Judah Dashiell"]

Eyrecae snorted. "There are always hostiles! Sometimes you just need to look hard to find them!" she declared.
She ordered the Firemane troops to spread out in a perimetre, alert and ready for action. "Load APE, you apes!" she ordered them. Apparently this was the height of wit. Fortunately none of the Firemane troopers were dumb enough to call out a hammer wielding maniac!
[member="Eyrecae Alzari"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Hand ran through his curls as he watched Firemane. Lady Kerrigan seemed laid back, smoking a cigarette and surveying the land. It was an odd planet, abandoned and left to the wilds. Quite far in the distance a herd of grazing animals rested on the banks of the winding river. Scientists waded through the river or squatted in the grass land, collecting their samples. With any luck the samples would pan out and turn into an excellent spot to settle their farming ventures. They would have to use biodomes to replicate the jungle humidity but that was the least of their problems at this time.

Walking through the grasses, he approached Lady Kerrigan and another woman. Kerrigan was talking about threats and potential natives. Of course. He did hire them for that reason after all.

"No doubt something dangerous is native to this planet. Did you see the cities as we passed over? Fairly overrun but I would have to say there are pockets of sentients located in or around them. Keep an eye out, something is bound to come our way."


Off in the distance a small band of survivors worked their way through the mountain range. They had heard and saw the bright shiny vessels cutting through the bright blue sky. Armed with primitive spears, bows and axes, the band worked nimbly through the mountain range. They were close to cresting near a small opening, a pass. Some had heard legends of what the planet was before. Yet they were all young. None knew of such things. Most technology had been covered with brush or rusted away, lost to time.

"Let us move to their flanks. Quickly."
[member="Eyrecae Alzari"], [member="Judah Dashiell"]

"Probably. I want a perimeter established around the landing zone. Might demolish some trees to provide cover." Siobhan said thoughtfully as she exhaled and blew out a stream of smoke that escaped into the humid air. Her posture and stance might appear casual on first sight but keen eyes travelled over the landscape, surveying the forests and the mountain range that was laid out before them.

On paper the area appeared peaceful and tranquil, beautiful even. Appearances could be deceiving. Mountains made a good place for ambushes and such though. The city they had overflown appeared and abandoned and taken over by nature, Mother Earth having furiously reclaimed what she had lost. This implied that a great disaster must have taken place, her supposition being that the Gulag Virus must have done a number on the planet. But there still had to be sentients on the planet.

Activating her comm she radioed one of the Silaqui-class Gunships. "I want a flyover and sweep of the sector. Don't shoot at the first living being you see, but keep your weapons' systems prepped. Once we've scouted out this area I want two Gunships doing a recon of the city we just passed," she spoke into the comm before gesturing to Eyrecae. "Eyrecae, dear, go head up to those mountains and secure them. A squad will be behind you."
[member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Eyrecae made a face behind her helmet's mask. Mountains didn't hold much appeal to her, but they might contain enemies....
"Yes," she said. She didn't feel like indulging Siobhan's love for titles and subordination today. "Right, follow me you lot!" she ordered.

Taking the lead, Eyrecae and her squad carefully made their way up the rocky slope towards the top of the ridge. Eyrecae hefted her hammer expectantly. This was the perfect place for an ambush.

Whilst it might seem as such, Eyrecae was not eternally seeking only enemies to fight...there was also food, liquor, non-PG-13 fun and for some reason Ropos!


Wandering Scientist
Observing the little crab, Jacy soon produced a container appropriate for aquatic life. She plunked the little creature down and scooped out some type of aquatic plant from the river, putting it in the container as well.Wading to the river bank, she set the container down with others. Inside multiple containers already sat small fish and insects collected by the others.

Stretching slightly, Jacy massaged her lower back for a second. Hunching over a river for long periods wasn't conducive to comfort. Off in the distance near their ships soldiers were starting off on foot. Distantly she could hear the yelling by their commander. Immediately her dark chocolate eyes scanned the horizon for any threads. Small dots indicated to her there were grazing animals of some type near by. Jacy would love to get closer, but no doubt they would stampede or merely trot away. Beyond the animals she didn't see a thing, it was quite peaceful so far on planet. One of the nicest she had been to. Better than the deserts she had been recently been to.

"Finding anything Dr. Itho?" Jacy called out to the scientist closest to her, a near-human elderly man that was squatting near the bank, taking notes on some type of flowering marsh plant.

"Nothing too exciting. I'll keep you updated."

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