Ari Naldax

Music | Drag Racer 1st Half (Extended) |
Aliases | Nugget Rook Scrap Queen |
Class(es) | Pilot Mechanic |
Birthplace | Raxus |
Age | 19 |
Personality Traits | Stubborn Impatient Diligent |
Education Traits | Tough Soldier |
Lifestyle Traits | Architect Military Engineer |
Rank(s) | Flight Officer |
Faction(s) | GADF Starfighter Corps Revenant Squadron |
Species | Human |
Languages | Galactic Basic other Outer Rim languages |
Gender | Female |
Force Sensitive | Y |
Character Alignment | Chaotic Good |
Height | 5'7" |
Weight | 125 lbs |
Chapter IOf Onderonian Blood, Vazal, or the "Scrap Queen" as she would come to be known, was born in exile on the junkyard world of Raxus Prime, her parents eking out a meager existence scavenging rare or expensive parks from the dead hulks of decommissioned starships. Growing up in the family business taught the young girl a whole lot about how different things worked, what they did in a starship, what they were worth and how they could be fixed, and she absorbed all of the information like a sponge. Her father had her learning engineering at a rather young age, and her mother taught her to fly their junk barge. It wasn't long before she'd fixed her self up an old V-wing Airspeeder, speeding through the canyons of junk and taking pot shots at Garbage Worms. She angered her parents even more when they found out she'd built herself a pair of Racing Wings, and was doing some even more dastardly stuff.
Perhaps more impressive than all of these feats, however, was the ship that earned Vazal her nickname. At the age of 14, and with the help of her father, she'd began designing and putting together her very own starfighter - an ugly using the fuselage and engines of an A-wing with the wings and cannons of an E-wing. Through a lot of trial and error, and more than a few emergency landings, by the time she was 17 her magnum opus was finally spaceworthy. Unfortunately a pirate raid killed her parents later that year - and in the aftermath she fired off into the black of space, using her untested hyperdrive to escape the system. Bouncing from world to world, taking different escort jobs, she eventually found herself enraptured by the character of Ari Naldax, joining the ragtag band of rogues the renegade Alliance Ace was putting together to purge the remnants of The Empire from the Rim.
While serving in this ragtag band of rogues, she was approached by another Alliance Ace - they were putting together a squadron, and Ari had suggested her as a hand-picked member of this squadron. Making sure her Wolf-X was above and beyond the Alliance's maintenance standards, she made her way corewards - one of the newest members of the recently-reborn Revenant Squadron
We follow the Scrap Queen as she joins the fight against the Empire's remnants out in the Rim.
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