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Approved Tech VC Serpent

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Nisha Decrilla


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Intent: To create a droid capable of sabotage upon a ship
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Apoleia Inc
Model: VC Serpent
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: Yes
Production: Mass
Material: Alusteel, Quadranium
Description: Designed to tip the scales in a space battle the serpent can be deployed by a human personnel, or released from and airlock. Its aim, once activated is simple, hack and or disable the ships systems. Its shape and size means its can move through ships wiring with ease and also remain hidden from detection. Fitted with a cutting torch, the serpent will latch onto which ever ship it comes into contact with and cut into the hull of a ship if its is not deployed by someone on board.

Its first aim is to disrupt targeting computers, often causing friendly fire and forcing the targeting computer to be shut down and canon operatives to fire by eye.

Its second aim is to shut down fail safes that are in place in a result of a fire or hull breach, possibly resulting in fires spreading as areas or not vented, or causing more to be vented than necessary.

Its final aim is to shut down life support and/or engines.

These are the aims that they are programmed with as standard. Aims can be selected when purchasing, but cannot be changed once purchased. Other examples could be to affect air filtration and asphyxiate the crew by pumping too much carbon dioxide into the system, disrupting sensors to set off alarms and force action that doesn’t need to be taken. The possibilities are limited only by the buyers imagination.

The droid, is essentially a slicer without a care for its own life, so its only as good as a ship's security system is bad. It has no cloaking device and does not attempt to hide its position while slicing so it can be traced and removed or its access slowed. Its small size generally means it’s harder to locate.

Once it has accomplished its mission, it will self destruct, erasing any trace back to whoever deployed it. If it is detached from its point before its mission is complete it will also self destruct. It has no repulsors so when being released in space, one must be sure there are no friendlies between them and the target and it also cannot pass through shields so ideal deployment would be from the inside. The droids cannot distinguish between enemy and friendly, whatever it comes into contact with is a target once activated.

Classification: First Degree
Weight: 750g
Length: 50cm
Movement: Snake like (sorry not sure of technical term?!)
Armaments: Chepatite impact explosive.
Misc. Equipment: Cutting torch


Professor of Alchemy
Oh [member="Anaya Fen"], you don't often make subs, but when you do they're beautiful. I have just one question before I stamp, what benefits(if any) do you expect from using quadranium rather than durasteel?

Nisha Decrilla

Why thank you [member="Valik"] Honestly? None whatsoever, its just a material I've used in some of my other droids.


Professor of Alchemy
A flavor piece then? No "I RESIST ALL BLASTA FIAH"? What a nice change of pace. Pending Approval. Enjoy [member="Anaya Fen"]. I know I will watching it at work.
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