Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vee H'rel

NAME: Vee (Ruus) H'rel
RANK: None.
SPECIES: Human. Mandalorian heritage.
AGE: 30
SEX: Female, sexually straight.
HEIGHT: 5'11 - slender and toned.
EYES: Blue-green
HAIR: Bright red-gold
SKIN: When in space, her skin color is almost ghostly pale. When she is on-planet for a longer period of time, she starts to become tanned.



-Vee is not much of a fighter. While she knows how to aim and fire a gun with relative precision and ease, as well as can handle her father's energy whip well, she is rather weak on hand-to-hand combat.

- Vee is rather reticent and almost charmless. She can be rather cold.

-Vee is an excellent pilot.

Vee is considered a beauty among her people. Even though she is unusually tall (often being taller or the same height as the men around her), men still find themselves drawn to her. Her beautiful face, however, is marred by a prominent scar that starts at the top of her right cheekbone and slashes down toward the right side of her chin, giving a rough air about her. She normally braids her long hair and wears her dragon-hide pants and/or jacket. Otherwise, she wears simple clothing in dark colors. She is not one to concern or preoccupy herself with her appearance.

Vee was born on Basilisk to Mandalorian scientists, Ve'en and Adeline Ruus. In addition to experimenting upon the planet to discover a way to grow crops and sustain life, they also fought and trained the Basilisk dragons. At 17, her fiance was killed in an attack. Both of her parents were killed shortly after she turned 20. Her extended family afterward encouraged her to leave the dangerous planet to integrate into Mandalorian society, as well as possibly marry and raise her own family.

Shortly after arriving at Keldabe upon Mandalore, Vee met Taung H'rel. They quickly fell in love and married only two months after meeting. Shortly thereafter, Taung was called away to war. Since Mandalore was under attack and they recently discovered Vee was pregnant, Taung told her to return to Basilisk with her family where he would find her afterwards. Only a few months later, Vee was informed that her husband was killed in battle. Grief-stricken, she miscarriaged the baby and decided to remain on Basilisk.

She, her aunt and uncle remained on the planet for only a few years thereafter, deciding to move to Mandalore after the empire decided to end Basilisk research funding. After settling in Keldabe, Vee decided to pursue learning how to fly and immediately became a pilot after graduating flight school. She ran mostly cargo across the galaxy with her co-pilot, Don V'hett. They flew together for years until a run went sideways. Don never returned. Vee refuses to discuss what happened.

A YT-1300 named 'Tracyn'




None yet! Hoping to change that. :)

Okay so your girl is the polar opposite on her strengths and personality from Gray here. He is good at shooting and in close quarters combat, but is an absolute horrible pilot. So bad in fact he crashed his own ship.

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