Vee Toa(Hutt Rep)
Active Member
Name: Vee Toa
Rank: Crime Lord
Faction: None
Species: Moogan
Biological Age: 60 Standard Years
Physical Age: 300 Years Old
Sex: Male
Height: 1.96 meters
Weight: 80 Kilograms
Eye Color: Black
Hair: None
Skin Color: Green
Force Sensitive: No
Biography:Vee Toa was Born on the Planet Mooga, in 900 BBY. Toa lived on Tatooine in 981 BBY, he became good friends with The Hutts. He even Represented The Hutts in The House from 1000 BBY, He served for 30 years in The House until he got accused of Working for the Emperor, Toa then Resigned and lost connection with the Republic and stopped being an ally to the Republic. Toa then went on to smuggling, he smuggled Day and Night, smuggling at least 50 times a week. He then got caught. He then got sentenced for 20 years in Prison. He escaped Prison by killing a guard and stealing his gear. In 1050 BBY, he bought an oil business. He raked in a lot of money per week. He became a well known figure, even being known by the Emperor himself. Toa then started Toa's Mining Corp, in 1080 BBY. In 1090 BBY he started becoming a Crime Lord, he got influence from the Hutts on being a Crime Lord. He had moved back to Mooga briefly in 1095 BBY. He then got accused of being an Agent of The Republic. He got so upset with the accusation that he moved! In 1100 Toa started becoming more Wealthy as the days go by. He got so wealthy he earned 5000 credits per day, earning 35000 per week! Soon enough he became the wealthiest person from Mooga. He settled in Jakku in 1190 BBY. He was the wealthiest person to step foot on Jakku in over 1,000 years. He is the 150th wealthiest person in the Galaxy. In 1200 BBY, he constructed his very own Palace in Jakku, He is still living in the palace into 1250 BBY as of now.
Appearance: Toa has a Pharaoh Hat on his Head, covering his bald head. He is wearing sandals on his feet. He has a Yellow Shirt on with a Blue Coat. He has bandages covering his legs from the Wars he has been in.
Ship: Star Destroyer
Number of Kills: Over
Rank: Crime Lord
Faction: None
Species: Moogan
Biological Age: 60 Standard Years
Physical Age: 300 Years Old
Sex: Male
Height: 1.96 meters
Weight: 80 Kilograms
Eye Color: Black
Hair: None
Skin Color: Green
Force Sensitive: No
Biography:Vee Toa was Born on the Planet Mooga, in 900 BBY. Toa lived on Tatooine in 981 BBY, he became good friends with The Hutts. He even Represented The Hutts in The House from 1000 BBY, He served for 30 years in The House until he got accused of Working for the Emperor, Toa then Resigned and lost connection with the Republic and stopped being an ally to the Republic. Toa then went on to smuggling, he smuggled Day and Night, smuggling at least 50 times a week. He then got caught. He then got sentenced for 20 years in Prison. He escaped Prison by killing a guard and stealing his gear. In 1050 BBY, he bought an oil business. He raked in a lot of money per week. He became a well known figure, even being known by the Emperor himself. Toa then started Toa's Mining Corp, in 1080 BBY. In 1090 BBY he started becoming a Crime Lord, he got influence from the Hutts on being a Crime Lord. He had moved back to Mooga briefly in 1095 BBY. He then got accused of being an Agent of The Republic. He got so upset with the accusation that he moved! In 1100 Toa started becoming more Wealthy as the days go by. He got so wealthy he earned 5000 credits per day, earning 35000 per week! Soon enough he became the wealthiest person from Mooga. He settled in Jakku in 1190 BBY. He was the wealthiest person to step foot on Jakku in over 1,000 years. He is the 150th wealthiest person in the Galaxy. In 1200 BBY, he constructed his very own Palace in Jakku, He is still living in the palace into 1250 BBY as of now.
Appearance: Toa has a Pharaoh Hat on his Head, covering his bald head. He is wearing sandals on his feet. He has a Yellow Shirt on with a Blue Coat. He has bandages covering his legs from the Wars he has been in.
Ship: Star Destroyer
Number of Kills: Over