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Faction Vehicle Shopping | The Diarchy/Lilaste Order

Location: DSD-Dominion (Near the Naboo system)
tags: Voraden Tarkos Voraden Tarkos (Open to any Diarchy/Lilaste player)

Darth Reign looked out of the viewport at the planet of Naboo. The planet was a beautiful blue orb and it was hard to believe that such a serene seeming place could have been the birthplace of so many important people in galactic history. But Reign was not here for sight seeing, he had come to meet with allies in the Lilaste Order and procure armored vehicles and tanks for use in furthering the Grand Plan.

His contact for this meeting was one Voraden Tarkos Voraden Tarkos , from what the Dark Lord understood, this man was a pureblood Sith and a fine warrior.
Reign went through his checklist for the order once again while he waited.

He was to be delivered:
(1) LO-HT900

The Diarchy was in desperate need for ground forces, so this would be a boon to their mission.
As Darth Reign continued to gaze out at the planet Naboo, the serene view was interrupted by the emergence of a warship from hyperspace. Voraden Tarkos arrived aboard a Greh'ova Assault Ship, the Lilaste Order’s signature vessel designed for rapid deployment of ground forces. The massive ship broke into realspace just outside Naboo’s orbit, its hull bristling with armaments and reinforced with the distinct markings of the Lilaste Order.

Inside the ship's hangar, the requested walkers and tanks were prepared—an LO-HT900, an AT-AE MKII, and an AT-AS MKII, all gleaming and ready for deployment. Voraden stood at the command center of the Greh'ova, watching as the ship settled into the designated sector of space. He was a man of focus, his mind already calculating the logistics of transferring the vehicles to Darth Reign's forces.

As the Greh'ova’s communications array crackled to life, Voraden spoke into the channel. His voice, cold and composed, filled the space as it reached Darth Reign’s ship.

“Darth Reign, this is Voraden Tarkos of the Lilaste Order. I have arrived with the requested assets: one LO-HT900, one AT-AE MKII, and one AT-AS MKII. Prepare to receive the delivery.”

With that, Voraden motioned for the hangar crew to begin preparations for the offload. The assault ship hummed as docking procedures were initiated, ready to transfer the walkers and tanks to the Diarchy’s forces. Voraden remained calm, his presence on the bridge a beacon of control and discipline. Soon, he would meet the Dark Lord in person, but for now, his mind was fixed on ensuring that the Lilaste Order’s valuable war machines were transferred without issue. The Grand Plan required precision, and Voraden Tarkos would see that it was executed flaw

Darth Reign Darth Reign
Location: DSD-Dominion (Near the Naboo system)

Nexion was currently bored. His most recent project was at a stand still, so he decided to find something to occupy his mind. That's what led him to the bridge of the Domion with a glass of wine in his hand, looking for Reign.

"Hey, Reign? Ah, good, you are here. Tell me, you were doing something of importance today, right? If that's the case, mind if I tag along? I have nothing else to do today."

He took a sip of his wine as he awaited Reign's answer, looking out the viewport towards Naboo. If he remembered correctly, there was something about ground forces being acquired, but he had paid little attention to it.

if there's one thing that could be said of Nexion, was that he was very informal. He could be professional, but hardly ever formal. That led to situations he'd be in now, where he goes about things in a very nonchalant manner.

Darth Reign Darth Reign
Voraden Tarkos Voraden Tarkos
The Necromancer’s presence on the bridge not an unwelcome one. Unexpected to be sure but not unwelcome. The Dark Lord smiled at the other man. “You would be correct. We are meeting our friends in the Lilaste Order, they are providing arms and ordinance to assist in our mission.. You are more than welcome to join me my friend. But tell me, no wine for me?”

Turning his attention to the hologram of the Sith as it appeared. A commanding presence and a steely sense of calm exuded from the man. Reign was slightly impressed. “Commander, you are well received, please proceed with docking and offload. I will meet you personally in the hanger.
Turning to the Necromancer, the Dark Lord said “shall we?”

Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Voraden Tarkos Voraden Tarkos
"We shall."

Nexion walked alongside Reign as they made their way towards the hanger bay.

"Also, no, you don't get wine. I may a gracious host, but this is your ship, therefore I am not obligated to gift you anything, my friend."

He took another sip of his wine as they entered the hanger bay.

"Now, might I be so bold as to ask for knowkedge on the content of our... 'gift'? Perhaps a small explanation as to whose delivering the goods right to our doorstep?"

He glanced at Reign, sipping it at his wine while doing so.

"II'll be honest, I tend to zone off when you start... well, when you start anything."

Darth Reign Darth Reign
Voraden Tarkos Voraden Tarkos
Voraden Tarkos would respond with his signature calm, measured tone, as he opened the communication link to Darth Reign.

"Lord Reign, we are proceeding with docking procedures. Along with the requested assets, we bring an additional AT-AS MKII and four crates of weapons as a gift from the Lilaste Order.."

As the LAET shuttles approached the hangar of the Domion, Voraden sat in one shuttle, accompanied by a squad of Lilaste Order soldiers. The first LAET/C shuttle carried the AT-AE MKIII, the second held the LO-900 Tank, and the third brought two AT-AS MKII walkers. Trailing closely behind.

Upon landing in the hangar, the soldiers immediately moved into action. Voraden stepped off the shuttle first, his crimson cape flowing with each step, flanked by his soldiers who moved with disciplined precision. The soldiers wasted no time, unloading crates of weapons while assisting with the offloading of the walkers and tanks from the shuttles. The hangar came alive with activity, as equipment and war machines were methodically placed and prepared for transfer to Darth Reign's forces.

Voraden, his golden eyes calm yet intense, approached Darth Reign with steady confidence. He gave a respectful nod, his voice smooth and unwavering as he spoke.

"The Lilaste Order stands ready, Lord Reign. May these machines and arms provide the strength needed to advance your mission." Darth Reign Darth Reign Darth Nexion Darth Nexion
Reign couldn’t help but laugh as the Necromancer spoke. He was the only one on board this ship who spoke to the Diarch that way.

“You do get a far away look in your eyes when I.. Hey! You’re doing it right now!” he laughed. As they walked he folded his hands behind his back.

“To answer your question, we are receiving tanks and walkers from our new allies in The Lilaste Order. I found our ground forces severely lacking, and, for all our gathered power, we need normal men and women. Artillery and tanks, that sort. This fine gentleman in front of us is their emissary” Reign said motioning towards the pureblood Sith.

As the other man approached, Darth Reign bowed low. As he counted, there was an additional walker being unloaded. The hanger crews were running smoothly and disciplined, as to be expected. He turned to the Sith
“the reinforcement from Lilaste is noted Commander Tarkos, and their commitment to this alliance is seen. Please, allow you and your men to stay for a moment and join us for a meal”

Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Voraden Tarkos Voraden Tarkos
Voraden would maintain his calm, disciplined demeanor as he approached Darth Reign and the Necromancer. His golden eyes, sharp and focused, took in the scene of the hangar running efficiently, the soldiers and crew working in unison to unload the walkers and tanks. As Darth Reign offered a bow, Voraden responded with a slight nod of respect, his own bow subtle but appropriate, reflecting the balance of power and mutual respect between the two leaders.

“Lord Reign, your hospitality is most appreciated,” Voraden began, his voice steady and composed. “The Lilaste Order stands committed to this alliance, and it is our honor to see that your forces are equipped with the tools necessary to achieve victory.”

Voraden paused, briefly glancing at the soldiers of both sides working together, a sense of quiet satisfaction at the smooth collaboration. His gaze returned to Reign.

“We will gladly accept your invitation to join you for a meal. My men are disciplined and will ensure that all equipment is offloaded without delay. It will be a privilege to further discuss the mutual goals of our respective orders.”

Voraden’s tone remained calm and professional, but there was an undertone of respect, acknowledging the importance of this moment in solidifying the alliance between the Lilaste Order and the Diarchy.

Darth Reign Darth Reign Darth Nexion Darth Nexion
Nexion took another sip of his wine as he looked around the hanger, watching the soldiers from both groups moving the supplies and new weaponry. He listened in on the conversation between Reign and the, now introduced, "Tarkos", but he didn't contribute anything, mostly because Reign seemed to be handling that aspect of things rather well. However, he did perk up once Tarkos mentioned he and his crew would be staying for a meal. He decided now he would join the conversation.

"Oh, wonderful. It is always a delight when we have a new face around for food. Apologies, I doubt I introduced myself, Darth Nexion, a pleasure."

Nexion didn't bow during his introduction, but simply continued to look at the new face. Taking another sip of wine before continuing the conversation.

"I'm sure there will be plenty to discuss over a meal. Tell me, do you have a preference of wine? I do think a new alliance between our two groups should be celebrated over a good bottle."

Darth Reign Darth Reign
Voraden Tarkos Voraden Tarkos
Lord Reign smiled inwardly at the Commander's obvious discipline, it was something that Lilaste and the Diarchy seemed to have in common. Responding to the other man, Reign said "We will ensure that the equipment is put to good use"

The Dark Lord paused to take in the comingling of the forces, both groups disciplined and their movements melding seamlessly, he could only hope that they operated as smoothly together on the field of battle.

"I am so glad to hear you will be joining us. Tell me Commander, what is your meal of choice? We are near the planet Naboo so procuring delicacies for a fine dinner should not be too difficult" Darth Reign felt that he would be seeing more of the commander in the near future, so he would do his best to foster a sense of comradery and brotherhood with the other man. Starting with going out of his way to have a great meal prepared.

Darth Reign had to smile at Darth Nexion Darth Nexion 's sudden enthusiasm, nothing like dinner and drinks to catch his eye. While the Necromancer's lack of formal decorum could great on the Diarch, it was at times very refreshing, especially after long stretches of diplomatic meetings, and logistics conferences to get their movement off the ground. Adding to the Necromancer's questions, Reign said
"We do have a variety of spirits on board as well, if wine is not to your liking. I happen to have a stock of Whyren's Reserve that I keep solely for occasions such as this"

Voraden Tarkos Voraden Tarkos Darth Nexion Darth Nexion
"Lord Reign, your hospitality is appreciated," Voraden said, his tone calm yet respectful. "I am not one for extravagant meals, but I will gladly partake in what Naboo has to offer. A well-prepared meal, simple yet refined, will more than suffice."

His golden eyes shifted to Darth Nexion, acknowledging the informal but inviting demeanor. "As for wine, while I do not consider myself an expert, I do appreciate a fine vintage. I trust your selection will be fitting. A good bottle to celebrate the strengthening of our alliance seems most appropriate."

Voraden paused, allowing his gaze to take in the organized movements of the soldiers in the hangar, a subtle nod of approval at the efficient work. Turning back to Reign, he continued, "It will be an honor to share a meal and further discuss the path ahead for our Orders. I look forward to forging a stronger bond between our forces."

Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Darth Reign Darth Reign
In preparation for their guest's arrival, Lord Reign had already had his men go down to the surface of Naboo to procure the ingredients necessary for a multiple course meal. Reign had noted the commander's rather no nonsense personality, but he was determined to get to know the man better. "Please, follow me my friend, you can trust Darth Nexion Darth Nexion to pick a suitable vintage, if he were not so involved in his work, I much think he would be a sommelier in another life."

Folding his hands behind his back as he walked, he put on an amiable smile as he passed through the doors from the hanger to the long central hall of the Dominion. There would be some time for conversation while they traversed the large ship. He hoped his guest would enjoy the meal they had prepared, it was much of the best that Naboo had to offer.

Looking to Tarkos as he walked he said
"In anticipation of your arrival, we have sent our people down to the surface of the planet. We have been able to procure many fine delicacies from the friendly Naboo. If there is no preference, I will have our team prepare a fine meal to celebrate our alliance"
The Dark Lord paused for a moment.. before continuing "Tell me more about yourself commander, if we are to be allies and friends, I should like to know who I am sharing a meal with. What makes Voraden Tarkos, Voraden Tarkos?"

Voraden Tarkos Voraden Tarkos Darth Nexion Darth Nexion

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