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Approved Tech Veil Transceiver

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Manufacturer: Tel'alith Labs
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Average
Size: Average
  • Quantum entangled bit: Used to change the main encryption algorithm at the set time
  • Main dedicated encryption unit: thus freeing up the main processor for the rest of the tasks
  • Purposely Built: Its design has been crafted over centuries and refined with data over time
  • Running its own dual level encryption means data is secure end to end.
  • It can only reach where Tel'alith Labs has built relays & where Werr Drive Yards built Munificent's comm antenna can reach.

The Veil Network was conceived near the start of the three families (Werr, Du'thra, & Tel'alith) allied quest to leave the yolk of the mainline Sephi. The Tel'alith came up with their company and a secure comm system to use. The families felt that they needed to be able to hind information from the mainline Sephi government. The Veil Transceiver would be the backbone for the network that others could pay to use. It has seen heavy use over the centuries leading to a constant change to the structure of the unit itself. The current model is far more secure using a singular quantum entangled magnetically charged bit as a security bit. The Quantum bit can send two points of data at once. That bit triggers the changing of the main encryption algorithm at the properly set time interval.

The unit is fairly durable and doesn't take up too much room. It can be installed on smaller freighters, but the main limiter is the antenna that it is hooked up to. If the unit is attacked physically it will be easy to destroy. A light saber will take a few moments before making the Veil Transceiver slag. Ion damage will take the unit offline, too much Ion damage and the unit is unrecoverable. Physically slicing into the unit is possible given time, it would take a while to figure out the guts and be able to eves drop into that network node.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create the transceiver of the Veil Network
Permissions: None
Primary Source(s):

Holonet, encryption, datafeed

Technical Information

Affiliation: Werr Drive Yards, Werr Shipping & Security, Tel'alith Labs, Du'thra Engineering, Paying customers
Model: TL-Veil-2CRV6
Modular: No
Material: Durasteel, transceiver components, Encryption mechanism
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