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Unreviewed VeilSight

Manufacturer: Lazerian BioTech
Type: Cybernetic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average

Lazerian BioTech

Tomorrows BioTech Today

  • Adaptive Multi-Spectrum Vision
    • Thermal Imaging: Allows the user to detect heat signatures, useful for tracking individuals in darkness or through obstructions.
    • Ultraviolet Detection: Enables the identification of invisible markings, biological traces, and chemical residues, critical for forensic work.
    • Infrared Night Vision: Enhances vision in extreme darkness, removing the need for night vision goggles.
    • Electromagnetic Pulse Recognition: Detects power sources, hidden electronics, or cloaked machinery, aiding in infiltration and security operations.
  • Echo-Sensory Augmentation
    • Inspired by the natural sonar abilities of nocturnal hunters, VeilSight can be fine-tuned to create a waveform visual representation of a space, mapping an environment using sound-based echolocation.
    • Ideal for navigating pitch-dark areas or detecting movement in smoke-filled areas.
  • Auto-Adjusting Optical Enhancement
    • Zoom Capabilities: Allows up to 50x magnification, perfect for scouting, marksmanship, or analyzing distant objects.
    • Micro-Focus: Enables microscopic-level vision, useful for medical procedures, precision engineering, or forensic analysis.
    • Real-Time Target Tracking: Highlights and follows moving targets, helping in combat or surveillance situations.
  • Customization & Aesthetic Options
    • Available in a fully organic appearance or with sleek cybernetic designs, depending on the user's preference.
    • Adjustable pupil dilation and iris color shifting, allowing users to blend seamlessly into different environments.
  • Auto Zoom and Target Tracking
  • Built in echolocation
  • Thermal, Ultraviolet and Infrared vision and EMP detection
  • EMP's cause the system to reboot, resulting in temporary blindness
  • Heavier than a normal eye
  • May cause sensory overload if too many vision systems are used at the same time
The VeilSight, developed by Lazerian BioTech, was designed as the pinnacle of cybernetic vision technology, originally created to assist individuals who had suffered traumatic ocular damage. Over time, it became a favored enhancement for soldiers, law enforcement, and Jedi who sought an advantage in battle or reconnaissance. Unlike many cybernetic eyes that merely restore lost vision, the EchoSight surpasses organic capabilities by incorporating auto-zoom and target tracking, allowing users to lock onto distant objects with precision. The inclusion of built-in echolocation enables navigation in total darkness, while thermal, ultraviolet, and infrared vision provide unparalleled adaptability to different environments. Additionally, its EMP detection alerts the user to electronic threats, making it an invaluable tool for tactical engagements and high-risk missions.

Despite its technological advantages, the VeilSight is not without its drawbacks. Its advanced systems make it heavier than a natural eye, which can lead to strain over prolonged use, particularly for users unaccustomed to cybernetics. Moreover, while it boasts EMP detection, the system remains vulnerable to electromagnetic pulses, which can trigger a temporary reboot, leaving the user blind for crucial moments. Another significant limitation is its sensory overload risk—activating too many vision modes simultaneously can overwhelm the user's perception, causing disorientation and cognitive fatigue. Despite these challenges, the EchoSight remains one of the most sought-after cybernetic ocular implants in the galaxy, offering those who wield it an edge in combat, espionage, and exploration.

(Image sourced from

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a cybernetic eye replacement.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Lazerian BioTech Approved Individuals
Model: VeilSight
Modular: No
Material: Duralumin, Synthrubber, Optical Sensors, Neural Interface Components

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