Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Veino Makes Things

Yeah, I'm not much of a tech person, so this is where I'll be hosting and tinkering with things. Some will be Jensaarai stuff. Some will be personal stuff for people. Probably several NPCs will show up, because I love my NPCs. I will find you, Thyria. I promise.

-Roth's Jensaarai armor: needs cortosis thread and development thread since it's Force imbued
-Kiyron's pre and post Dreadguard armors, possibly more advanced cybernetics/Vong-shaped limbs. Definitely dev threads.
-A profile for Master Yael for Tiland's NPC master.
-Personal ship for Veino at some point, and a personal fighter for Roth
-Probably an NPC to get involved in Kiyron's story post-DG.
-12 to15 page paper on the impacts of male identity crisis on women

These will happen after I finish the Susefvi dominion though. Need to get that wrapped up.

Roth Tillian

Roth's Jensaarai Armor

Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
Intent: (Example: 'A personal weapon for Darth Scabious' or 'an advanced armored personnel carrier for the Republic')
Development Thread: (The main way people work for their toys, though most submissions don't require a development thread. Restricted items require specific development threads. Substantial development threads can help judges approve more powerful submissions. If in doubt, put 'If necessary,' and a judge may or may not ask you for one. Threads cited here must be at least 10 quality posts.)
Manufacturer: (Kuat Drive Yards, BlasTech Industries, [Character Name], etc.)
Model: (Example: E-11 Blaster Rifle. For submissions where a model wouldn't be appropriate, such as a custom walking stick, put 'N/A' for 'Not Applicable'.)
Affiliation: (Example: The E-11 Blaster Rifle was produced for the Galactic Empire and used almost exclusively by Imperial Stormtroopers. Do not put the company unless the product is only for your company's use. Common choices include 'Open market' or the name of a specific faction.)
Modularity: (Can components of this submission be swapped out for other components? Is it especially easy to modify? For most submissions, put 'No'.)
Production: Production: (The scale is Unique (Only One Character), Semi-Unique (Only A Handful of Characters), Limited (Only A Select Group Of NPCs/PCs), Minor (Any Character, Only Select Groups Of NPCs), Mass-Produced. (Anyone.))
Material: (What is it made out of? Certain materials are more resistant, or vulnerable, to certain weapons. Example: 'Durasteel, blaster components.')
Classification: (Anti-Blaster, Anti-Ballistic, Multipurpose, Other)
Weight: (Via Metric System. Appropriate weight varies by quality, material, and character species. For example, standard Mandalorian armor is around 10 kg. Armor made of true Mandalorian iron, or a full set of combat gear for a soldier in the field, can be around 25kg. For special items, try to find the weight of a real-world equivalent.)
Quality: (Armor class is a measure of general stopping power. Most light armors would be classified as 1-4, most medium armors would be classified as 5-7, and most heavy armors would be classified as 8-10. However, rare or primitive materials, among other factors, can also affect armor class. For example, stormtrooper armor would be class 5, Mandalore's armor or beskar'kandar would be class 10, and a specially forged suit of personal armor for a high-ranking Force user could be anywhere from class 6-9 or thereabouts, depending on how much effort went into it. Many people choose lower armor classes for their custom armor in a trade off for more powerful equipment or specialized resistances, or simply for more mobility.)
Special Features: (Is it resistant to certain weapons? Does it include special sensors? Even if you've discussed your features at length in the Description line of the Base Template, this is a good place to list them.)
Description: (Include some strengths and weaknesses here. Describe some of the history behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)
Primary Source: (Please link the source of another writer's submission that you are modifying for your use; only necessary for "Chaos Canon" submissions)
Name: Secondary Jensaarai Enclave

Image Source: N/A


Location: (Where is it located? Be as descriptive as possible.)

Affiliation: (Who owns it currently?)

Description: (Describe your structure in at least one paragraph. Please reference all characters, companies, and factions involved. Also list out significant areas within the structure, if necessary.)

History: (Optional. Describe the history of this structure.)

Intent: (Why are you creating this submission?)

Links: (Optional. You may provide any links to other existing Codex/Factory entries that constitute any significance to this entry.)

Serving as both an embassy and an academy, the Susefvi house acts almost like a foreign exchange for both interested Jedi and local Jensaarai curious about the rest of the galaxy's protectors.

One of the later stages of the Saarai-Kar's reveal plan, the Jensaarai purchased an old abandoned space-port on the coast north of Yumfla through their various cover businesses, wealthy allies, an old friendship with the local Caamasi Remnant, and accumulated wealth with the intention of creating an outpost where Jedi and Jensaarai could meet and mingle without drawing attention to the main Jensaarai enclave via increased traffic.

So, they renovated the port into a usable star-field and flight school. With the disappearance of who knew how many life forms and the disappearance of Omega Protectorate influence on the area, the Jensaarai returned to their roots. Independent, self-sufficient protectors of the Suarbi system.

Several of the hangars were converted to food production and a wall built around the facility. Waste and water processing facilities improved enough to maintain a sizable population.

The Ring Defenders were given a portion of the port as their primary logistical headquarters and the center of the port was walled off. This left hangars, landing fields, and sensors outside the walled off portion. Several hangars had the roofs altered to be turned into greenhouses while one of the landing fields was turned into open fields for crops. Moisture vaporators were added, as well as distillation and recycling facilities for both ground and seawater. Undercover Jensaarai and in-the-know locals (often family members of Jensaarai) maintained and worked these grounds. They sold surplus food, repaired equipment, and ran a small flight academy to keep the academy up and running.

At the center of the compound is what is referred to as the Commune, described as a reactionary attempt to survive the apocalypse. It's the walled off portion. Rumour has it that's it full of crazed survivalists.

In reality, this is the visible portion of the academy and embassy between the Jensaarai and Jedi. The rest was excavated in the bedrock below after the wall went up.

It has four levels, with residential areas in the lower two and training in the top two. There's a small speeder hangar and tunnel that leads out over the ocean for discreet entrance and exits.

Sovereignty: The Suarbi system is independent (as of now) from all major galactic governments, with the Jensaarai as the primary Force using defenders of the system. Unless specifically asked or invited, Jedi have neither sovereignty nor authority. They are guests and ambassadors to a different state.

-Flight Training (Civilian, Commercial, Combat)
-Mechanic Certification & Training
-Data Analysis
-Law Enforcement methods
-Cross-cultural education
-Network Security (White Hat hacking)
-Establishing long-term, deep cover identities
Force Specialties:
-Force stealth
-Knight and above Djem So & Shien
-Force-enhanced flying
-Mind Tricks

Character: If Cato Neimodia is a place of refuge, the Susefvi chapter is a frontier outpost. Bustling, practical, independent, egalitarian, and survival focused. Jedi may find this rather disconcerting at first, as the Jensaarai are far less formal than the Jedi, and even less so than normal here, as advanced apprentices and new Defenders are the only ones sent here.

For the Jensaarai, this is an optional two year advanced training program, not unlike a two year degree program. It caters specifically to Ring Defenders for their early training and Wardens, those who live long-term in a community serving as undercover guardians influencing and protecting their area without ever being visible about their actions.

Jedi students who wish to learn more about this way of acting can either enroll in the full program or contact specific instructors for specific classes they wish to learn. It's all up to them, depending on how long they wish to stay.

-A half-dozen greenhouses
-A dozen moisture vaporators
-Fully certified starship mechanic program
-Fully certified pilot's training program (Civilian to basic combat piloting)
-Agricultural certification program
-Hangar space for up to large freighters and a squadron of starfighters (Assuming there's space depending on how much is rented out to local defense forces)
-Experienced law enforcement instructors
-Shooting range

-Training hall for telekinesis and advanced lightsaber work (No normal stuff)
-Exercise facility
-Lightsaber training droids


Kiyron's armor

Image Source:

Intent: Create a new custom suit of armor for Kiyron

'Development Thread:
Cortosis: A Good Day to Die Hard- Republic Invasion of Balmorra (Suffered a devastating defeat at the hands of Darth Pyrrhus
Manufacturer: Kiyron

Model: N/A

Affiliation: Kiyron

Modularity: No

Production: Unique

Material: Armorplast, cortosis, glasteel visor, armorweave

Classification: Multipurpose

Weight: 12 kg

Quality: 7

Special Features:
-Cortosis underweave is lightsaber resistant
-Integrated HUD system to display and track targets, ranges, and other tactical information as well as damage reports on his cybernetics
-Hardened communications and electronics

Description: (Include some strengths and weaknesses here. Describe some of the history behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are.This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused.For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)

Primary Source:
Name: Master Yael
Loyalties: [Faction affiliation? Is he an NPC companion for a certain character? Is she part of a specific military unit?]
Role: [Is she your character's daughter? Is he your squad's sniper, the man you trust on overwatch? Is she your longtime pilot and occasional lover? Is he the Force ghost who appears to give you cryptic guidance? Is he your mortal enemy? Did she put a bounty on your head?]
Development Threads: [Please link to threads where this character has played a role. Not mandatory, but helpful, especially when powerful or skilled NPCs are involved. Master level NPCs will require at least one development thread, the length dependent on their powers and skills.]
Age: [Please keep it sensible.]
Species: [Remember to consult the Banned Species List, and be very careful about how you use banned species which may be NPC'ed.]
Force Sensitivity: [Is the character Force sensitive? If so please Include equivalent Force Rank.]
Appearance: [Any distinguishing marks? Do they show their age? What do they usually wear? For droid characters, link to their production model, either on Wookieepedia or as an approved tech submission.]
Personality: [Acerbic? Friendly? Ditzy? Annoyingly calm and superior? What about mannerisms?]
Weapon of Choice: [Military blaster rifle? Toy lightsabre? Bioweapons? Wits? The Force?]
Wealth: [Please keep this reasonable, or be prepared to have a very good reason for exceptions. How wealthy are they? Where does that wealth come from? Are they stakeholders in existing corporations? If so, link to them.]
Combat Function: [Combat is difficult to avoid -- after all, this is Chaos. Should your NPC wind up in combat, what would they be good at? How would they work alongside you, or would they be a liability? Please include relevant strengths and weaknesses. The Combat Function line also helps assure us that you won't be abusing this NPC. For very powerful NPCs, please keep it reasonable, and remember that an NPC Force Master or elite soldier cannot be assumed to be equal to a PC Force Master or elite soldier in power, skill, or functional immortality.]
Skills: [For Force users if they have any special abilities that are rare list them here. If they are skilled with a blade, for Non Force users have they been trained by special groups?]
Notable Possessions: [Again, please be reasonable. No holocrons of Force Storm, no private Super Star Destroyers, no canon items unless you've worked for them.]
Other Notes: [Include anything relevant here if it doesn't fit in the categories above. Notes on personal history would be appropriate here.]
Intent: [State why you are making this submission. Is the character there to assist with faction roleplays, to help train your character, or provide an antagonist for dominions or something else entirely?]
The Wayfarers

For years, war has torn through the galaxy, leaving gaping wounds in hearts, minds, and the Force itself as the Dark Side has grown stronger. Attention of all powers has been drawn to the core where the Republic and One Sith have been at each others throats while the Silver Sanctum Coalition and Mandalorians strove against the Primeval. Jedi have become warriors out of need, their attention focused on holding the core.

The people of the Outer Rim have been forgotten in this struggle or exploited by the Galactic powers. They suffer crime, illness, and hopelessness.

There are those of the Light, however, who remember their plight and spend their lives not on traveling the far edges of the known universe to protect and heal those who dwell there. Wardens. Zeison Sha. Gray Paladins. Jedi. They travel from world to world, following the will of the Force and to guide those whom it binds together.

Over time, a network has formed, as the threads of the galactic tapestry intertwine to weave their tales. They are the Wayfarers, a family connected by the Light and spread across the backwater of the galaxy.
Intent: To try and win the Tournament of Inventors

Development Thread:

Manufacturer: Veino Garn

Model: Armored Meditation Hammock

Affiliation: For first model, Veino Garn

Modularity: Absolutely not

Production: Unique

-Durasteel, wiring
-Disassembled droid parts
-Nihil Smokestone
-Kasha Crystal
-shell spider silk
-Miniaturized Kerts-Bhrg Field Generator
-Generic lightsaber crystals
-Force imbued

Description: Inspired to test himself with something new, Veino entered the Tournament of Inventors, despite having no skill or experience with such things, and no training in electronics outside of lightsaber construction. Given the ingredients available, he was forced to abandon most of the components and use the more mystical components with his knowledge of imbuing objects with the Force, utilizing them as complementary amplifiers for his Force connection and meditation, akin in a way to things such as Sith meditation sphere chambers.

However, this is nothing like those in their professional appearance or effects. If anything, this looks a spiritualist's con-chair. It's a pyramid made from a durasteel pieces of steel as the frame, with multiple layers on to bottom form the base. At the intersection here, he installed the Kerts-Bherg generator, while he connected the Kasha crystal to the apex. From the other bars, he hung the lightsaber crystals after attuning them to himself. In the center, he hung the shell spider silk to serve as a form of hammock to rest in.

His intention was to create something to magnify the effects and power of his meditation, along the lines of battle meditation, except for the fact he doesn't know how to use battle meditation. It was primarily created because it was the only thing he could think of with the ingredients given, but also as a way to protect the person inside, originally by utilizing the stasis field, but his droid told him such a thing would not be feasible. The hammock was added to give himself a comfortable location as a base and a natural way to keep the Kasha in view, by placing it above him. That would remove all distractions in any situation while the lightsaber crystals made him more sensitive to the Force and focused his attention.

The KB field generator was meant to protect the individual from attacks, specifically explosions, blasters, and potentially lightsabers, although he has not tested lightsabers against the field.

-Excellent boost to meditation
-Protected to make someone less vulnerable in battle
-Amplifies attentiveness to the Force

-Veino doesn't use battle meditation, so it's not helpful in that situation
-Uncomfortable: The frame is a little small for humanoids, so movement makes it easy to hit a limb against the metal frame or dangling crystals
-Rickety: It's a very makeshift contraption and is not as durable as one might hope.
-Only works for Veino

Primary Source: N/A


Name: Sixty First Infantry Company- Twilight Company

Intent:To create an infantry company for those wishing to write as normal Army characters.

Membership Requirement:
-Legally allowed to enlist in the GADF, infantry training

Size: (How large is the unit? E.g. an 8 man squad, or a platoon of GADF armoured vehicles, or
Equipment: (Reference any typical equipment used by the unit)
Codex Links: (If the unit is linked to any NPC unit codex submissions link them here)
Roster: (List the total members in the unit (PCs only. Must be 2 or more)
Signature Tag: (Signature tag for the unit, should be in line with the GA size 350x31 px)
Description: (Give a description of the unit, its activities and its purpose)

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