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Vela Alya T'Ser Sipal -- Pantoran Diplomat

Vela Alya T’Ser Sipal
Well, spit it out if it's important.

Basic Information

Full Name: Vela Alya T'Ser Sipal

Faction: Outer Rim Coalition

Rank: Planetary official/Diplomat

Species: Pantoran, with some Arkanian and Human lineage.

Age: 35 standard years

Sex: Female


Physical Information

Height: 5’8”/172 cm

Weight: 139 lbs./63 kg

Eyes: Golden yellow

Hair: White, occasionally with a slight purple or silver tinge, though Vela has a tendency to dye her hair.

Skin: Blue

Vela, who often goes by Alya, is an attractive young Pantoran woman, easily set apart by her blue skin and light-coloured hair. Like most Pantorans, she dresses lightly even in weather that would be cold for humans, tending to wear a simple black jacket and red pants that contrasts her skin. For special occasions, she tends to wear ornate golden jewelry and traditional Pantoran magenta or crimson, as well as dye her hair a darker shade. She only has trace yellow markings under her eyes, which she accents occasionally.



Willpower: Strong and persevering, Vela is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to any sort of social or diplomatic action. When she sets her mind to something, little will make her give up her goal.
Orator: Vela is an excellent liar and public speaker, due to her training and experience under the Pantoran Assembly.
Competent: She’s intelligent when it comes to political maneuvering and most problem solving.
Driver: She’s a surprisingly good hovercar driver.
Manager: Vela is adept at managing the skills of the people around her, and she tends to gather individuals with relevant and useful experience.


Non-Combatant: While she can take care of herself, she’s by no means an expert in combat. When encountering any significant opposition, she either tries to talk her way out or flee.
Too Bold: Her hotheadedness and decisiveness can occasionally land her in bad situations.
What's this "Holonet" thing again?: She has little technical experience, only with the most basic knowledge of computers.
You are the most important: She is self-preservationist, with her lack of experience in the more rough-and-tumble areas of the Coalition leaving her a bit of a coward.



A single HL-27 blaster pistol
Adjudicator slugthrower pistol
None, may wear a Mk. 60 (see Mk. 45) protective vest when needed
Advanced communications unit

Personal Ship:

Alya’s personal shuttle, the Nightswan, was a custom model gifted to her by the Assembly with her stepping up into a more active, off-planet role. Reminiscent of the Theta-class T-2c shuttle, it’s got powerful ion engines capable of reaching very high sublight and atmospheric speeds, roughly 105 MGLT and up to 2,000 km/h with deflector shields up. In addition it sports highly advanced deflector shield generators. To make up for this, it’s only lightly armed, with a light ion cannon turret mounted fore, with the cockpit flanked by a pair of fire-linked laser cannons. The interior is lavishly decorated, with its own mini-bar, three bedrooms and a beautiful main room, and several private communication stations.



Of the moon of Pantora, Alya was born into a middle-class family who worked as low-level government officials, aides to members of the Pantoran Assembly. Her youth was relatively uneventful, but her success in school and planetary debate competitions set her up for a role in government from a young age. She landed herself in law school, and after her years there she managed to get herself elected to the Pantoran Assembly, a position she held for two terms. Now, she’s become a planetary official, and a sort of unofficial political mediator for the Outer Rim Coalition. She hopes to establish (and perhaps become the leader of) a legitimate government for the Coalition, but for now she contents herself with the intricacies of politics and intrigue…
To help her in her endeavors, she’s recently begun hiring from among the Coalition’s underground to form her own personal investigative/enforcement team, in addition to her guard squadron.

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