Cyern Aarseth
Active Member

Full Name:
"My name is Velathri Kryss, I've went by Vela most of my life."
Home Planet:
"I was born and raised in Vilosoria. Wonderful people, just avoid the summer season."
"Though I still visit Vilosoria regularly I'm mostly stationed at Anaxes. I spend a lot of time traveling to other planets too. Business perks."
"After joining the military's administration corps in the engineering and mechanics division for land and space equipment, I ended up getting inspired and starting a project of my own. That's what i do now."
Spoken Languages:
"Throughout the years I've learnt a couple of languages, mostly because my job required it. I can speak basic, Mando'a and more or less understand binary. I also speak Vilosori, of course."
"I have yet to affiliate to any of the actual factions and would rather stay neutral."
"Again, neutrality is my answer."
"Only regular magic here. You know, card tricks and the like."

"As you might have guessed, I'm Vilosorian. We are obliged carnivores, calm and friendly most of the year and we shape-shift during the warm season into our predator forms, which is when we get a bit cranky."
"I'm female."
"If you must know, I'll be turning 26 this year."
"Roughly 1,74."
"Heavier than I look."
"Well, I've actually got my fair amount of muscle. That's why I'm heavy according to the standards for someone my height and gender."
Eye color:
"I've got central heterochromia. My eyes are greyish blue but turn a light green towards the center, surrounding the pupil."
Hair color & style:
"I've got dark brown hair, maybe a little lighter towards the tips. I like keeping it a bit past my shoulders and most often wear a bun or braid."
Skin color:
"My skin is tan, slightly on the darker side of the scale."