Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Veli'ae Ashai

Veli'ae Ashai

Class(es)Jedi Guardian
Personality Traits
Education Traits
Lifestyle Traits
Rank(s)Padawan Learner
Faction(s)Galactic Alliance
SpeciesYuuzhan Vong
LanguagesVong & Galactic Basic
Force SensitiveYes
Character AlignmentNeutral Good
Height1.7 meters
Template Credit Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk

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    Veli'ae Ashai was born into the shadows, in the bowels of Coruscant's lower levels, where light barely penetrated and danger lurked around every corner. Her people, the Yuuzhan Vong, exiled and fractured after their failed invasion of the galaxy, had found refuge in the underbelly of the city-world. Among them were those who had suffered from the Vongspawn virus, a genetic mutation caused by exposure to biological agents left over from their wars long ago. This harsh community of survivors, outcasts, and the mutated was all Veli'ae ever knew.

    From a young age, Veli'ae was unlike others in her enclave. While the Yuuzhan Vong had always been known for their absence from the Force, Veli'ae somehow felt the invisible energy that connected all living things. Her ability was subtle at first, manifesting as a strange instinct or heightened awareness. She could sense danger before it struck and had a knack for understanding the moods of others without words. In the violent, oppressive environment of the lower levels, this talent kept her alive. Rumors spread through her community, whispers of her strange connection to the Force. Most dismissed it as impossible, while others saw her as an abomination. The Vong held deep-rooted beliefs about pain, sacrifice, and strength, and Veli'ae's abilities were seen as heretical. But she could not deny what she felt. As she grew older, her abilities deepened. In moments of great need, she could call upon the Force to guide her hand, moving faster, striking harder, and sensing the unseen. She had no formal training, only instinct, but it set her apart and made her the subject of both fear and awe.

    While living in the terraformed slums of Coruscant, Veli'ae found solace among those similarly ostracized—particularly Vongspawn infected. This mutated group, twisted by the remnants of the Yuuzhan Vong's biological weapons, was more accepting of her peculiarities. Together, they eked out a survivalist existence, scavenging, fighting off gang activity, and avoiding the attention of bounty hunters and slavers who prowled the depths.

    It was during a violent skirmish in the lower levels that her destiny changed. A Jedi Knight named Kaleth Viran, on a mission deep within the underworld, was drawn to the presence of something unusual—something in the Force that was completely out of place. The sensation led him to Veli'ae. He found her fighting for her life against a gang of mercenaries. Through sheer survival instinct and her innate guidance with the Force, she managed to defeat her attackers with a grace and ferocity that shocked the Jedi. Kaleth, though astounded by the sight of a Force-sensitive Yuuzhan Vong—a near-impossibility—did not hesitate. He approached Veli'ae with caution but also curiosity. After a tense introduction, he offered her something she had never imagined—a chance to leave the lower levels and train as a Jedi. Though hesitant, Veli'ae accepted the path set before her. The one she had been searching for, the way out of the life she had always known. She agreed, and with Kaleth's help, she left her community behind....
    Ideas to fill out the Personality Traits, Education Traits, and Lifestyle Traits fields in the right-side table, if you need ideas, can be found HERE.

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    Ability Icons can be found HERE.

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