[SIZE=medium]NAME: Veliz Fett[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]FACTION: Mandalorian[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]RANK: Initiate [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]SPECIES: human[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]AGE: 21[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]SEX: Male[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]HEIGHT: 5'11 ft[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]WEIGHT: 185 (Is this a good weight for someone projecting to be lean but muscular?) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]EYES: Green[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]HAIR: Blonde, military cut[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]SKIN: Tan[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Items: Beskaram ( when I get enough posts , I will submit a piece of armor)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium] Dx-15 sniper rifle [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium] Beskar knife [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium] + Farming experience: Since day one, as a Fett, Veliz had always learned how to farm. This was a part of his heritage, and one of his main crafts he knows well. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]+ Business man: Due to once running a farm of his own, the hunter knows how to sell most items.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]+ Conditioned, and in prime shape: Due to several years before the farmer owned his own land, the hunter was a farm hand. Through years of hard labor, the Fett has earned extreme endurance and strength in the upper body, and core. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]+ Marksmen: Like most mandalorians, the conditioned being is trained to be able to fire most weapons with extreme, and deadly accuracy. For Veliz, the marksmen is more specialized in any form of a sniper oriented weapon, and any blaster pistol that is available for use. This is due to constantly hunting for game after a successful harvest. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]+ Hunter: Veliz Fett’s main craft, besides running and working at a farm, is hunting. It is a craft taught by his father before passing away. Veliz can track any animal, harvest any animal for useful materials, and survive off of the edible parts of any game caught. But the most important feature that the Fett has, is the fact that he has the ability to think like his prey. This allows him to anticipate, where any of his enemies could possibly hide, and find them quickly.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]+/-Quite: The Sniper always prefers to attack silently, quickly, and always prefers to be hidden. This is an often deadly skill that quickly makes Veliz an ultimate threat always to be weary of. This is the Fetts only preferred way of attacking, if it came to a direct fight it would be harder for the combatant to win.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]+/- Lean: The farmer is obviously in shape, and prefers to be lean. Allowing for the mandalorian to be quicker, and more explosive, while still falling back on his brute strength that he possess. This helps, reinforce his fundamentals of ending a fight swiftly, but with force. A problem that comes with this is, the fact that while tough, after multiple hard hits, and a long fight against a huge opponent. The Vode of the mandode would eventually fall defeated.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]+/- Unyielding: This is a quality that few have, even if things seem ugly, never count on the merchant to ever back down. Veliz is a fighter, with a fiery heart, unfortunately he never backs down when it might be best for him. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]+/- Training: Currently, while Veliz may be a feared marksmen, there is no real close quartered training. If there is ever a close up fight, the athletic ability is all he can rely on, this wins easily against average opponents. But, even the hardened laborer, cannot battle it out long against a seasoned, and trained combatant. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]-Not fleet commander material[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]- Shy: Even for other fellow mandalorians, it is very hard to get close to Veliz. This makes it harder for him to make any friends, but when he does, they are very important. Causing those he cares about to be in greater danger, due to being an obvious target due to his behavior. The only time Veliz is willing to talk to anyone is if he is selling goods and what not. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]- Left eye: Veliz’s left eye only has 25% vision causing this to be a weak spot for many attackers in a close quarters situations. His left eye is only good enough, to help focus on the middle, or act as an over look at close range. Even then, this is limited, and a harsh weakness for any who want him dead.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]This human when seen without his armor, is regarded as a very lean, and an extremely muscular individual. Another characteristic is, even now, no longer owning a farm, Veliz still has a definite farmers tan from years of working without wearing beskaram. Veliz’s face is mainly Caucasian with a rough looking complexion, a wide head, and a longer chin then most of his species. Another notable feature is the fact that on his left cheek he possess a scar right below his left eye expanding just near his nose. This was from a farming accident that nearly took his life, and eyesight of his left eye. His eyes are green, with his left being slightly whiter due to the fact that he only has partial vision in that eye. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium] This story ranges back to an early childhood of a mandalorian, Veliz’s father had begun teaching the child since birth how to live off of the land. Education for the hunter, was learning which animal made a certain track during anytime of the year, in any condition. This was a long process that was gradually learned until the age of eleven, by this point the next step was learning how to harvest each animal for useful supplies, and food. Every month, after a major hunt his father would bring dozens of animals he had killed for sport, and each time true survival would be learned, the child would learn how to harvest in animal in order to survive. Life seemed well, at the age of fourteen the next step was learned for years a long term lesson would be taught, Veliz would go hunting with his father. Learning marksmanship in between their trips. Skills such as setting traps, thinking like ones prey, and purely being quite would be taught on the field, with hands on experience. But one thing in particular was also learned in the long term, after returning home before evening training in marksmanship, the farmer would help his father, and clan prepare for the harvest. Every year from age fourteen they would work with this pattern and routine. His father made it the empathies that in order to gain skill, in order to survive, one had to work hard, and be adaptable like a hunter in order to be a good mandalorian, but also to protect ones family. Finally, at age twenty all the hard work paid off, the sniper was built, skilled, and knew how to run a farm by the time his father passed away, and had given the land to the merchant. For years, profits seemed to come in and the hard worker would help lead his farmhands by working with them, staying immensely in shape as a bi product. But like all youngsters, they are so arrogant and naïve, taking a risk in order to earn double the profits his farm makes within a year. The farm owner, gambled his land due to running out of money, one of the few mistakes he has ever made. The farmer lost his land, and his clan could do nothing to help him but assist him in giving him a ship, in hopes his journey would allow him to gain his land back on Concordia. Because of this, the hunter constantly travels around the galaxy, in hopes of one day coming back from his idiotic mistake. One day, he will have his land, and a family, hopefully the force will give him this chance. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]SHIP: Beskad Class patrol craft[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]KILLS: Multiple game[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]ROLE-PLAYS: soon[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]FACTION: Mandalorian[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]RANK: Initiate [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]SPECIES: human[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]AGE: 21[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]SEX: Male[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]HEIGHT: 5'11 ft[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]WEIGHT: 185 (Is this a good weight for someone projecting to be lean but muscular?) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]EYES: Green[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]HAIR: Blonde, military cut[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]SKIN: Tan[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Items: Beskaram ( when I get enough posts , I will submit a piece of armor)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium] Dx-15 sniper rifle [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium] Beskar knife [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium] + Farming experience: Since day one, as a Fett, Veliz had always learned how to farm. This was a part of his heritage, and one of his main crafts he knows well. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]+ Business man: Due to once running a farm of his own, the hunter knows how to sell most items.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]+ Conditioned, and in prime shape: Due to several years before the farmer owned his own land, the hunter was a farm hand. Through years of hard labor, the Fett has earned extreme endurance and strength in the upper body, and core. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]+ Marksmen: Like most mandalorians, the conditioned being is trained to be able to fire most weapons with extreme, and deadly accuracy. For Veliz, the marksmen is more specialized in any form of a sniper oriented weapon, and any blaster pistol that is available for use. This is due to constantly hunting for game after a successful harvest. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]+ Hunter: Veliz Fett’s main craft, besides running and working at a farm, is hunting. It is a craft taught by his father before passing away. Veliz can track any animal, harvest any animal for useful materials, and survive off of the edible parts of any game caught. But the most important feature that the Fett has, is the fact that he has the ability to think like his prey. This allows him to anticipate, where any of his enemies could possibly hide, and find them quickly.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]+/-Quite: The Sniper always prefers to attack silently, quickly, and always prefers to be hidden. This is an often deadly skill that quickly makes Veliz an ultimate threat always to be weary of. This is the Fetts only preferred way of attacking, if it came to a direct fight it would be harder for the combatant to win.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]+/- Lean: The farmer is obviously in shape, and prefers to be lean. Allowing for the mandalorian to be quicker, and more explosive, while still falling back on his brute strength that he possess. This helps, reinforce his fundamentals of ending a fight swiftly, but with force. A problem that comes with this is, the fact that while tough, after multiple hard hits, and a long fight against a huge opponent. The Vode of the mandode would eventually fall defeated.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]+/- Unyielding: This is a quality that few have, even if things seem ugly, never count on the merchant to ever back down. Veliz is a fighter, with a fiery heart, unfortunately he never backs down when it might be best for him. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]+/- Training: Currently, while Veliz may be a feared marksmen, there is no real close quartered training. If there is ever a close up fight, the athletic ability is all he can rely on, this wins easily against average opponents. But, even the hardened laborer, cannot battle it out long against a seasoned, and trained combatant. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]-Not fleet commander material[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]- Shy: Even for other fellow mandalorians, it is very hard to get close to Veliz. This makes it harder for him to make any friends, but when he does, they are very important. Causing those he cares about to be in greater danger, due to being an obvious target due to his behavior. The only time Veliz is willing to talk to anyone is if he is selling goods and what not. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]- Left eye: Veliz’s left eye only has 25% vision causing this to be a weak spot for many attackers in a close quarters situations. His left eye is only good enough, to help focus on the middle, or act as an over look at close range. Even then, this is limited, and a harsh weakness for any who want him dead.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]This human when seen without his armor, is regarded as a very lean, and an extremely muscular individual. Another characteristic is, even now, no longer owning a farm, Veliz still has a definite farmers tan from years of working without wearing beskaram. Veliz’s face is mainly Caucasian with a rough looking complexion, a wide head, and a longer chin then most of his species. Another notable feature is the fact that on his left cheek he possess a scar right below his left eye expanding just near his nose. This was from a farming accident that nearly took his life, and eyesight of his left eye. His eyes are green, with his left being slightly whiter due to the fact that he only has partial vision in that eye. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium] This story ranges back to an early childhood of a mandalorian, Veliz’s father had begun teaching the child since birth how to live off of the land. Education for the hunter, was learning which animal made a certain track during anytime of the year, in any condition. This was a long process that was gradually learned until the age of eleven, by this point the next step was learning how to harvest each animal for useful supplies, and food. Every month, after a major hunt his father would bring dozens of animals he had killed for sport, and each time true survival would be learned, the child would learn how to harvest in animal in order to survive. Life seemed well, at the age of fourteen the next step was learned for years a long term lesson would be taught, Veliz would go hunting with his father. Learning marksmanship in between their trips. Skills such as setting traps, thinking like ones prey, and purely being quite would be taught on the field, with hands on experience. But one thing in particular was also learned in the long term, after returning home before evening training in marksmanship, the farmer would help his father, and clan prepare for the harvest. Every year from age fourteen they would work with this pattern and routine. His father made it the empathies that in order to gain skill, in order to survive, one had to work hard, and be adaptable like a hunter in order to be a good mandalorian, but also to protect ones family. Finally, at age twenty all the hard work paid off, the sniper was built, skilled, and knew how to run a farm by the time his father passed away, and had given the land to the merchant. For years, profits seemed to come in and the hard worker would help lead his farmhands by working with them, staying immensely in shape as a bi product. But like all youngsters, they are so arrogant and naïve, taking a risk in order to earn double the profits his farm makes within a year. The farm owner, gambled his land due to running out of money, one of the few mistakes he has ever made. The farmer lost his land, and his clan could do nothing to help him but assist him in giving him a ship, in hopes his journey would allow him to gain his land back on Concordia. Because of this, the hunter constantly travels around the galaxy, in hopes of one day coming back from his idiotic mistake. One day, he will have his land, and a family, hopefully the force will give him this chance. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]SHIP: Beskad Class patrol craft[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]KILLS: Multiple game[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]ROLE-PLAYS: soon[/SIZE]