A massive Imperial fleet dropped out of Hyperspace. The many starships of the Sith Empire hovered in Velmor's orbit. This typical, terrestrial planet had been targeted by the Empire.
The planet's value was in its manpower and supply of velmstone - a compound unique to Velmor that easily rivaled permacrete. The planet was also a cultural icon in the galactic region. It also had a surplus of food due to a population of less than one million yet vast.
An elderly king ruled Velmor - dubbed Lorac Tol, Second of His Name. The humans of the planet followed Lorac Tol without complaint. Also, many of the residents of this planet descended from the survivors of the original Alderaan that was destroyed by Palpatine's Galactic Empire. Their regal culture melded with that of Velmor's over the course of century.
However, a small group of non-humans known as Velmoc resided in the planet's wilderness. Their numbers were less than one percent of the planet's population, though.
Grand Moff Kirk was one of the leaders of this operation. The plan was simple: the Empire would bully Velmor to submission. Should the king not waver after the "peaceful" display of the Empire's power, then orders to forcefully remove Lorac Tol would be issued and the Empire's unrestrained strength would befall the planet.
The planet's value was in its manpower and supply of velmstone - a compound unique to Velmor that easily rivaled permacrete. The planet was also a cultural icon in the galactic region. It also had a surplus of food due to a population of less than one million yet vast.
An elderly king ruled Velmor - dubbed Lorac Tol, Second of His Name. The humans of the planet followed Lorac Tol without complaint. Also, many of the residents of this planet descended from the survivors of the original Alderaan that was destroyed by Palpatine's Galactic Empire. Their regal culture melded with that of Velmor's over the course of century.
However, a small group of non-humans known as Velmoc resided in the planet's wilderness. Their numbers were less than one percent of the planet's population, though.
Grand Moff Kirk was one of the leaders of this operation. The plan was simple: the Empire would bully Velmor to submission. Should the king not waver after the "peaceful" display of the Empire's power, then orders to forcefully remove Lorac Tol would be issued and the Empire's unrestrained strength would befall the planet.