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Approved Ranged Weapon "Velona" Recall Pistol System

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Manufacturer: Sylva Vitae through Sylva Arma
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Average
Size: Small

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species

A 'Velona' pistol. The front of the pistol is at the top left, the triangular barrel just barely visible. The circular 'grip' at the back of the pistol (right) is designed to shift in shape to accommodate just about any hand or gripping system used across the galaxy, and can reform itself at will, as necessary. The magazine is just in front of the grip, fed from the bottom barrel (bottom left).


The 'Sapper' bullet in flight, immediately after leaving the barrel of the 'Velona'. Visible at the bottom is the feed tube, which is widened to allow the round to feed smoothly back into the pistol's frame.


The unique shape of the 'Velona' is predicated on a few factors, including both the organic materials needed and the firing and feed mechanisms.

The front of the 'Velona', showing the difference between the firing barrel (top) and the feed barrel (bottom).

A close-up of the feed barrel; it is possible to make out how the shape of the barrel allows the round to smoothly feed in from an increased range of directions. Do NOT use the lower barrel as a foregrip. Ever.

  • Entirely organic design:
    • The grip adjusts to perfectly fit the user's hand
    • Repairing and recharging is done organically, rather than by a toolkit
    • Near-invisible to standard weapons detecting systems
    • Sighting systems can be 'raised' or 'lowered' from the weapon at the user's command
  • Pulse acceleration biotech for an almost silent firing cycle
  • Recall cycle allows ammunition to be re-used - slotting right back into the pistol to be fired again.
    • Note: the recall cycle is Force-powered, and cannot be operated in a Force void or in other similarly disruptive environments.
  • TTSAPR rounds feature high penetration both during firing and recall cycles.
  • Fully compatible with Sylva Vitae biotech & tracking suites
  • Tracking rounds seek enemies regardless of cover or concealment
  • High penetration power of the TTSAPR round allows for significant armor penetration from the front, and the recall system allows for the same level of penetration when the round is recalled into the weapon.
  • Recall cycle allows reuse of ammunition as well as increased threat presence on the battlefield.
  • Tracking rounds require threat marking first, otherwise they are quasi-ballistic and do not track targets.
  • Organic design is less durable than a durasteel-based design
  • Organic slugs do not have the 'punch' of contemporary armaments, and they are weaker to armor as a result
  • Incompatible ammunition - cannot be reloaded on the field with non-SV ammunition. All ammunition must be sourced from Sylva Vitae.
The 'Velona' weapons system is an overhaul of the 'Acus' rifle system. Using updated ammunition, a more compact package, and a fully organic design that does not require Plant Surge to craft, the Velona pistol is designed for reuse of ammunition in close-range combat. Firing outwards at a target with limited tracking capabilities, and then recalling the round back into the bottom of the magazine well, the Velona is a dual-threat weapon in a single-barrel package. Moving forward, this will become Sylva Arma's standard weapons system, and will most likely see usage in scenarios where covertness and ammunition management is prioritized.

In operation, a Sapper slug is fired out the main barrel. The bullet is self-stabilized, using its own malleable shape to steer in the direction indicated by the threat-tracking biotech suite built into the weapon. Once it lands, embeds, or otherwise penetrates its target, it can then be recalled at will by the pistol user. The round then slices backwards through the air, drawn back and powered by the Force, to land back in the weapon's underside 'barrel'. The round is cleaned, repaired if necessary, and then reloaded back into the internal magazine ready to fire again. This mechanism of 'recall' does not function at all in a Force void or other similarly disruptive environment.

In the future, this firing mechanism combined with adapted ammunition may make its way into space, but as it stands this weapon and this ammunition type is designed to operate in a standard atmosphere. With all the strengths and weaknesses characteristic of Sylva Vitae biotech, the Velona is meant to be an updated but still flagship design for the future of Sylva Arma. Future developments may include shotgun-type, rifle-type, machine-gun-type weapons, or other non-lethal variants depending on design specs and requirements.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To update Sylva Vitae weaponry for current gen development, and to craft a new pistol for Sylva Arma
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):

'Acus' rifle, Plem cells, 'Sapper' rounds

Technical Information

Affiliation: Jack Sandrow, Sylva Vitae
Model: "Velona" Recall Pistol System
Modular: No
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic
Material: Plem cells (energy & potency), L. ferra (framework), Various other plant & fungi as part of the internals
Ammunition Type: TTSAPR 'Sapper' slugs
Ammunition Capacity: Small
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: Very Low
Ranged Class: Pistol
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