Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Velsharoon - Undying King


| Social Information |
  • | Name | Velsharoon
    | Former Name | Karn Zhakul

[*]| Alias |
  • The Elder One (Deific Moniker)
  • ​The Undying King
  • The Dark Tyrant
  • ​​Dark Lord of Undeath
  • The Arch-Necromancer​
  • ​Dreadlord of Acheron

[*]| Current Titles |
  • TBD​

[*]| Former Titles |
  • Undying King of Tash Taral - Deposed

[*]| Faction |
  • TBD

[*]| Homeworld | ​Acheron
[*]| Living Situation |
  • ​Acheron(Formerly)
  • ​Tash Taral(Formerly)
  • Currently Entombed on Unknown World

[*]| Sexual Orientation | Heterosexual
[*]| Marital Status | Married - [member="Nefrahasias"]
[*]| Languages Known |
  • Galactic Basic: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
    High Basic: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
  • Low Basic: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native

[*]Binary: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
[*]Black Speech: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
[*]Sith: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
  • High Sith: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native

[*]Huttese: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
[*]Mando'a: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
[*]Ryl: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
[*]Cheunh: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native

[*]| Voice Sample | David Sterne (Corypheus)

| Physical Information |
  • | Species | Sith Pureblood
  • | Age | Unknown est. over 6000 GSY
  • | Gender | Male
  • | Height | 2.15m (7 feet 0 inches)
  • | Weight | 140kg (300 pounds)
  • | Eye Color | Piercing Sulfuric Yellow
  • | Hair | None
  • | Skin | Deep​ Crimson
  • | Scars |
    Numerous scars and burns all throughout his body

| Force |
  • | Force Sensitive | Yes
  • | Force Rank | Master
  • | Force Alignment | Dark Side

| Personality |
"There will be no escape, no blessed oblivion. I can end your life as easily as I can extinguish a candle, and before your corpse is cold, I can reach out and grasp your soul. You will be my slave for all eternity, and I shall laugh at the depths of your pain. Such is the power of Velsharoon." ​- Velsharoon

Early in life Karn Zhakul was the most brilliant of his generation he was witty and cunning reveling in puzzling out the most confounding mysteries of the cosmos. Unlike many of his peers who were eager to go off to war Karn didn't share such bloodlust. He was often described as more of a scholar than a warrior and spent much of his life delving into the mysteries of the dark side as opposed to fighting. It quickly became evident that the appearance of a scholar was merely a façade as he grew older he proved to be calculating, manipulative and patient enough to sit behind the scenes and wait for his plans to unfold, a true Machiavellian by all accounts. Karn was widely considered to be a schemer or a deceiver who twisted and corrupted so many, preferring it to outright annihilation if it could be helped.

But when driven to it he was cold, incredibly ruthless, even sadistic in the utter annihilation of those that stood before him. He even went as far as to deny them peace in the afterlife and to torture their very souls. He was always very prideful throughout his life with a modicum of arrogance and ego that only served to grow as his power in the dark side grew. Just as his cruelty deepened a god complex grew around him. He soon carried himself with an aura of supreme confidence that was typically shown as pure arrogance.

| Appearance |
​Velsharoon stands above the average height for his race standing at an intimidating seven feet tall and weighing in at around three hundred pounds of well toned muscle. The man's looks are entirely deceiving he app​ears lanky with a long slender body and limbs culminating in long claw tipped fingers. But truth be told he is an very strong individual with dense, compact muscles. He looks every bit of the King and Conqueror he is known as right down to the bonelike protrusions on his head in the shape of a crown.

​But the dark side has taken its toll even on the Undying King along with nearly six thousand years of forced imprisonment. He has thinned out his body marred with scars from battle and the war that he fought leading to his confinement. The dark side has eaten away at him with the very flesh around his face appearing to be taut, pulled tightly around his very bones while his eyes burn with a molten yellow fire of hate that never seems to fade. One odd trait however his flesh has grown to a deeper shade of crimson.

| Possessions |
  • | Armor |

[*]| Weaponry |

[*]| Transport |

[*]| Miscellaneous |

| Confirmed Kills |

| Bounty |
| Biography |
​Before the Sith-Rakata War waged by King Adas no one had even heard or had knew of, the name Zhakul. Just one family of many that served in the war against the Infinite Empire. When Korriban was devastated following this bloody war and large amounts of Sith people were forced to relocate it was Abholos Zhakul who rose to prominence during one such expedition. After they had gotten knocked far off course Abholos took charge successfully winning a challenge from the disgraced leader that led them astray. After much time and exploration they finally made it to an unknown world far from Sith Space. This was the world that came to be known as Acheron.

Acheron was beautiful world with a mostly semi-arid climate with windy open grasslands dotted with dense jungles, large swamps, and vast mountain chains. The Sith Expedition made landfall in the vast Ash Mountain chain in the north. The beauty of Acheron was the differences in its sun but in its moons that bathed the world in an eternal twilight. The Sith under Abholos Zhakul were quick to set up an encampment in these mountains normally that were harsh and unforgiving to all but their species, they adapted quickly to the cooler climate and built a colony setting up fortifications that was named after their fallen monarch New Adas.

​But the Sith were not alone on Acheron.

​There was an indigenous species that lived on the planet in the large swamps a warlike brutish people called Crokodons. The Crokodon's made their homes in cities in the swamps and made use of the grasslands and jungles to the south as fertile resources.

| Powers and Abilities |

Even when he was a child Karn possessed immense strength in the force, his abilities manifested very early when he was around seven years old. He was able to break the neck of a crokodon slave with a thought. He continued to experiment on slaves in secret gorging on their fear and pain. When he was barely a teenager Karn confronted his father, the family patriarch and stripped him of his sanity, his power in the force and even burned the man alive right on his throne. Karn's power had grown by this time to such a degree that the ruler of Acheron had officially anointed him as Lord Maleficus.

However he soon garnered a reputation as more of a scholar than a warrior, choosing to stay back and spend most of the next century studying the secrets and unraveling the mysteries of the dark side. It was through these exploits that he gained an immense knowledge in the arts of Sith sorcery, going as far as to master it and becoming one of the most powerful practicioners of both Sith magic and alchemy of his time. Karn's mastery had grown until he was able to devised complex rituals to even warp reality and life itself. Another one of his specialties was in the mind and the domination of others wills. In one of the most famous battles of Acheron's history he dominated the minds of both many rival Sith betrayers from Korriban as well as a vast army of marauding Crokodon absorbing the combined life force of every living thing on the field and within the nearby city. He not only absorbed their lives but he also fed off of their very spirits denying them peace in the Netherworld, turning them into fuel to sustain him.

As King of Acheron and Tash Taral he began experimenting even further with the dark side, discovering many lost techniques and increasing his substantial power even more. He unlocked the means to raise the fallen into undeath and quickly developed powers as a necromancer, renowned for augmenting massassi legions with ravenous undead hordes in battle. While his body felt the ravenous hunger of the dark side, he mastered the technique of transfer essence as well as the ability to sustain his life. He learned the ability to imbue small portions of his own consciousness into infants and was able to transform those children into extensions of his very will, he could suppress their personas and their force sensitivity allowing them when older to be extensions of his will, the ultimate operatives and puppets. He could also enhance the force sensitivity in others, even possessing some knowledge of manipulating midichlorians.

​In addition he was an absolute master of sith lightning and could even sustain entire destructive storms and learned to master manipulating reality through environment and even objects. If forced into combat he was a deadly melee combatant who could adapt on the fly due to being ambidextrous, often switching hands and techniques to catch his opponents off guard while making full use of his strength in the force to augment his fighting.

​In the end it was his wanton abuse of reality that drew attention with a dark ritual that was considered an abomination in the force, and reality itself by even his own peers among the Lords of the Sith. This caused a violent coup that ended with his death and the imprisonment of his consciousness within his dessicated body for over six thousand years.

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