The Introspective Jedi

NAME: Vennic Graves
AGE: 19
SEX: Male
PREFERENCE: Heterosexual
FACTION: Silver Jedi
RANK: Apprentice
HEIGHT: 6'4"
WEIGHT: 208 lbs
EYES: Amber/Golden brown
HAIR: Dirty Blonde
SKIN: Slightly tanned, Caucasian
Father: Unknown
Mother: Lestra Graves


Vennic was born to an abandoned mother on the destroyed planet of Mygeeto in a refugee facility there that allowed the misplaced and homeless to take refuge from the planetary storms it was near constantly being battered by. She had fallen in love with a magician, or so she'd assumed, though she hadn't fully understood the ways of the force and that some individuals were innately blessed to be able to use it to influence the galaxy around them. She had always thought her lover a showman who aimed to impress those who would spectate him while he performed his tricks that he passed off as illusion and slight of hand. What had really been doing was using the force, however, to trick his spectators, through which he made a living while managing to fly under the radar with Jedi and Sith alike.
Despite that, his father lived a troubled life as a part time drunk and a full time risk taker, and one day he disappeared, without a trace. He left a pregnant girl in a hangar on Mygeeta in the middle of their planet hopping trip across the galaxy which he had claimed was so that they could leave their old lives and identities behind. One day, though, as she awoke from her slumber, she found that he had left, taking his belongings and leaving her a single card with thousands of cred stocked in an account he'd created for her and put in her name. On top of that cred card he left his zippo lighter, with which he had performed many of his tricks, and with it he left a note that contained a single line that read, "This is for him."
She refused to think the love of her life a coward, and so she waited for months until Vennic was born to her on that frozen rock. Then, after Vennic had come into the world she chose to stay there, where she had been left, suffering a life of emotional solitude every day as she reared a son she loved very much to hopefully become a man far better than his own father. She raised him to protect his loved ones and to appreciate the value of the moment. He understood that every moment was precious, fully investing in his mother's faith and feeding off of her love and affection for him until he was just a boy of about nine years. And on his ninth year, when his mother slipped away to cancer that she had been battling since he was only three years of age, he finally lost his patience for the first, and to date, the last time.
His hatred for their mortal, human conditions was made obvious by the trembling walls and tumbling shards and blocks of ice that began falling down the mountain that their facility had been etched into, and when he'd been demanded to stop his anger only grew. He couldn't understand why it was that anyone would tell him to stop feeling or to smother his emotions, especially after experiencing the death of his most precious of loved once at the tender age of nine. So, when a team of mercenaries were called in to stop the boy who's mind and heart were breaking, he let forth a rage the likes of which none of them had ever experienced, killing six men and three women, some of them even dawning Mandalorian armaments. And as he stood there, defiant as he'd ever been, bleeding from his jaw and bearing down on them with dark, hateful eyes he was struck by a dart in his shoulder, much to his surprise.
It only too moments for him to pass out, and when he was lying unconscious on the floor he was swept up by a Bounty Hunter known only as 'Gar'Rickon' who took him to the Silver Jedi where he left the boy for a substantial reward.


- Vennic typically prefers jeans, t-shirts, leather jackets and flannel shirts when not sporting his Jedi robes. He lives by his own motto and prefers to "roll out in comfort" and prefers to keep things civil and easy when he can. Either way, he's always prepared for business, no matter how he's dressed. - He sports a tall, lean build with a broad set of shoulders and a sculpted, male physique. He has a few tattoos in various places on his arms and back, though they typically remain hidden. He has a scar along his right wrist that he covered when he was younger with a tattoo, though it doesn't much distract from the raised and damaged skin.
- Most of the time he wears a pensive expression and tends to stare when his mind begins to wander. A pair of lazy amber eyes are often times staring out into space as he loses himself to his thoughts.
- By genetic birthright he was gifted a sharp, angular jawline, a head of messy, dark golden locks of hair that had been his mother's and a similarly colored set of golden brown eyes.
- Vennic does rely rather heavily on the force, as he has ever since he was just a boy fending for himself on a broken planet and no parents to raise him. Despite being found around the age of ten years and taken to the Jedi Temple for inspection to see if he was fit to be trained, he possessed a profound grasp of the unseen energy that was known as the force. Because of this he commonly lost control when attempting to use it, labeling him a threat among the Jedi if not handled carefully. So, despite his adept connection to the Force, he was refused training for years and years until he could learn to control himself, despite never really having too foul of a temper.
- His preference for silence is one of the first things you'll learn about him, for he prefers reading and studying to conversation and interaction with others. Clearly the introvert, you'll often find Vennic studying in the Jedi Archives rather than socializing with the others or venturing out into the city to find something fun to do. Knowledge, apart from his deep connection to the force, is his power. He thirsts for it.
- Vennic is typically level headed and fair minded when it comes to debate and discussion. As he possesses a high level of intellect he shows promise as a diplomatic representative of the Jedi. He is both wise and empathetic, knowing how to appeal to and sway individuals by harnessing a combination of logic, common sense and understanding when dealing with Politicians and Officials he might be sent to negotiate with on behalf of the Council.
- Despite his empathetic tendencies and seasoned intellect, Vennic does appear to have issues expressing his feelings to others, despite being able to understand the complexities of how they feel. His inability to share his feelings and emotions, of which he typically keeps well guarded, makes him socially awkward and difficult to read at times. This weakness keeps him from being able to make friends or revealing things about himself most of the time, and because of this it has kept some Jedi on edge when deciding whether of not he is someone deserve of their trust.
- A powerful grasp of the force means little when you lack control, of which Vennic has struggled developing over the entirety of his life. His typical push and pull poses no more difficult to him than it would to anyone else, though he has had some bad experiences over the years attempting to hone his skills. He has been responsible for destroying the Jedi Archives once, his own room a number of times, and even was responsible for obliterating one of the training facilities entirely when he lost control and allowed his frustrations with himself to get the better of him.
- Vennic typically picks things up quick, though he was most skilled in the ways of the force and possessed a sharp and quickly growing intellect. His downfall, however, always seemed to be combat based training, which for whatever reason seemed to evade his understanding in his younger years. As he grew into a man, however, his coordination got better and he began to learn a little quicker. Still, his proficiency with melee weapons appears to be a bit of an issue for him, though he has put his mind to getting better and practices daily.

PERSONAL EFFECTS: Vennic kept a pendant that his mother left to him when he was a child and an old relic called a zippo lighter that had been his father's before him. His mother had told him that it was an ancient piece of technology that was given birth by a civilization long since passed on a destroyed and forgotten planet.


Telekinesis - Force Push/Pull
- Force Speed
- None
- None
- None

- Little Jazz to Bestine
- The Cost Overruns of the Valley of the Jedi