Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor

The tapping of the rain against the remaining windows of the abandoned warehouse seemed to be the only sound on this dark Naboo night. Crouched down behind a large, durasteel door was 'La Sangre'. The Anzat's eyes shot open at the sound of foot steps below. A sadistic grin slowly spread across his face as he rose to his feet, and slowly approached the metallic steps leading down to the first floor. Stopping in the middle of the stairwell, he leaned over the railing, his gaze falling upon a juvenile vandal, using a spray can to decorate the walls of the filthy warehouse with a bright green.

Slowly heading back up the stairwell, he shuffled back into the room once more, closing the large door behind him. He then closed his eyes and went silent in an attempt to communicate with the boy through telepathy. "Up...Upstairs. the the door." He began to communicate with the boy telepathically, which brought yet another grin as he slowly heard footsteps moving up the stairwell. He slowly uncoiled his proboscises from his jaw, waiting patiently for the boy to arrive. Slowly, he glanced down watching as the brass doorknob slowly turned and the boy took a single step into the room. In an instant, 'La Sangre' pounched on the boy, forcing him up against the wall. The boy began wailing and weeping but was quickly silenced once 'La Sangre's proboscises found their way up his nostrils, putting him in an almost paraylized state. The boy wathed in fear as La Sangre continued to feed, planning to tourture and torment the boy like this for days, slowly feeding from his brain.

A young girl walked inside at the same time that screaming could be heard in the old warehouse. The girl quickly, hearing the noise, darted her head around to find who was screaming. The wails could continue to be heard as she walked around the building in complete silence. After a moment of searching she found that the shreieks were coming from the room above. She quickly darted up some old metal stairs with ease before she would quiet herself down. She ever so slowly opened the large door that seperated her and the boy who was now silenced. Seeing 'La Sangre' the girl quickly drew either of her small blasters in each hand. "What are you doing?!" The girl asked in a strong voice as either of her fingers stood still, ready to kill the man in an instant.
Hearing the woman's voice, he paused for a moment...before suddenly ripping his proboscises from the boy's jaw, causing his corpse to fall to the ground with a thud. Staring at the wall for a moment, he slowly turned to face the woman and opened his mouth to reveal a grin. " are?" The man asked, however, the man was communicating telepathically with the woman, rather than actually speaking. He burst into a sudden laugh, slowly taking a single step closer to the woman, his grin remaining.

The girl took a step back, her arms tightening as her muscles flexed in stress of the man's steps. "That's no concern to you." She started "You seem like you're already done here, so I won't stick around." She said as a slight smile came to her face. She would then quickly dash away from the man, dropping a small bomb behing as she dashed out of the room.
Evyryth said:
The girl took a step back, her arms tightening as her muscles flexed in stress of the man's steps. "That's no concern to you." She started "You seem like you're already done here, so I won't stick around." She said as a slight smile came to her face. She would then quickly dash away from the man, dropping a small bomb behind as she dashed out of the room.

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