Vent Ordis
Vent Ordis

"I associate myself with those bounty hunters!"
"Eh- A rank? None really"
"I'm the grade A human!"
"Ha-I'm a guy!"
Vent is 220lbs and built like a Quarterback
Dark Brown
Darkish Complexion
▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ ▌ (10/10)
▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ (7/10)
▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ (8/10)
▌▌▌▌▌▌ (6/10)
▌▌▌▌▌ (5/10)
He is very athletic
Vent can be very helpful when fighting on the battlefield
Vent’s pride and ego can weaken his ability to see “the bigger picture”
He can be extremely rude
Vent is very egotistic
He is a heavy smoker
Impressive precision with mid to long range blasters
Impressive weapon tech knowledge
Impressive explosives knowledge
Impressive Knowledge of Hand-to-Hand combat
Impressive survivability, he could be anywhere and thrive. He knows multiple types of flora and fauna from multiple worlds, making him ideal in surviving on most planets.
Impressive athletic ability
Above average propulsion and comupter knowledge
Above average piloting skill’s
Vent is a outlaw. He doesn’t really care too much for people. He is very private and introverted person, always thinking about himself and his own. He is a gun for hire, always going where the credits flow the most. He is hardened cowboy. He can be a cold as steel mercenary, only looking for credits. On the other side of the coin, he can be compassionate about the ones he loves. His pride and courage is what keeps him from spiraling off into a world unknown. His instincts usually drive him on and off the battlefield. His street smarts are what keep him a float sometimes. Deep down, he has the potential to become a great influence to people. As well as a great friend.
The man shot up in his bed gasping, searching wildly into the darkness. Light cut through the blinds and bled light across his face. His rough fingers pinched the bridge of his nose after a few moments. He took in a slight breath of air and sighed, trying to relax. Another dream about his family. He was having nightmares again. He didn’t want to think about it. He didn’t want to go back down that road. He set his blankets aside and got up. He looked about the dark room and slid on some pants that were on the floor. He left his shirt off, walking into the front room. The dimness coming from the lights cast a faint shadow behind him. He picked up his half smoked cigar from an ashtray on the table and headed towards the balcony. He punched the button next to the transparent sliding doors and it hissed open. The tobacco made his lips tingle a little when he lit the crumpled end. He took in a couple of puffs and let the smoke out slowly, leaning on the guard rail. This was the third time this week he had that dream. The faces of his family... He puffed at his cheap cigar some more. The night air on this planet was something completely different from other planets. The big cities of Naboo definitely had a certain buzz. He looked up at the big buildings around him. Watching the vehicles fly by overhead. Watching the people below from some odd stories in the air. The city buzzed with different sounds, different dialects. He looked back down at his cigar and took a couple puffs. He was done with this business, he thought. He let the smoke travel across his face. A gun for hire only fulfilled so much. He was thinking about his family again. Thinking about the way everything turned on him.
He has traveled across the galaxy. Done a little smuggling, moved a little spice. He has been contracted to take out government officials. He’s been contracted to escort certain celebrities. He has even been on the wrong end of a lightsaber in his time. He has been to the moon and back. He has been injured on several occasions. He still has some blaster scars on his body. Nothing hurt him as much as losing his family. He was reckless. He lived in a bubble, thinking everything would be fine. Knowing deep down it could all end in a matter of moments. He only thought about the money. He didn’t think about his family.
He puffed his cigar some more. He remembered everything that happened to them. He remembered seeing his wife’s face on that holopad. He remembered their screaming voices. What was it all for? The credits… Or for what he called his own?
The night his contract was up with the cartel is when life turned the tables on him. He was geared up, coming home in his bird. He hadn’t seen his family in months. He was tired. Punching in the coordinates in his old ship didn’t feel as good as the wad of credits in his pocket. The outer rim worlds hid his wife and two children perfectly. Nothing could touch them. He smiled when he came out of hyperspace, seeing the planet he would retire on. He was done with that life. He piled up enough credits to sit back and do nothing for years. He was ready to just sit back and enjoy a peaceful life.
When he entered the system, something chimed in on the comm. He pushed a button and a male Trandoshan popped up from the holopad. Vent was surprised. It was an old friend of his. The man’s name was Jerrod.
“…Jerrod, long time.”
“Yesss, Vent Ordis. It has been a while… How have you been…?” The Trandoshan wanted something. He probably had a job offer or he wouldn’t have contacted him.
“Doing well, friend… How’s things with you?”
“…I’m doing well. So well in fact, that I decided I was going to come pay you a visit…” His smirk alarmed Vent.
“A visit? You know you’re welcomed at my home, Jerrod. We’re practically brothers.” Him and Jerrod had been through a lot together but something was off. His tone didn’t strike Vent as friendly. There was a short pause between the two. Something was wrong.
“…Vent… Your wife is a lovely specimen… She practically beat me and my men half to death… No wonder why you’re so fond of her…” His words rolled through Vent’s mind like a freighter. No…
“Jerrod… What are…?” The Trandoshan cut him off.
“Vent, the last time we met it was in the big city of Coruscant, correct? We ran around the city, blasting our way through a bad spice exchange, barely escaping with the skin on our backs… Our employer got his shipment and we were paid handsomely. Everybody got what they wanted… It was business…”
Vent clenched his teeth in confusion. Where was he going with this?
“…Now, you know better than anyone that business is business. You can only assassinate and smuggle so many times before someone peaks into your life, Vent. Someone has put a pricey bounty on your head. I don’t know what you did, old friend, but someone wants you out of the picture… Why not start with you lovely wife, eh?”
Vent threw the throttle to one hundred percent power and his ship flew the skies. That son of a… He sped through the atmosphere, not caring what happened to the ship.
“Jerrod, I swear…” Vent gripped his controls with all of his strength. “Don’t hurt her Jerrod… Don’t hurt her…” He sounded helpless, which made Vent even angrier.
“Oh, don’t worry, Vent my friend. You just hand over a couple hundred thousand credits and you can pay off my contract…” Jerrod snickered to himself. Vent could hear laughing in the backround. It was probably his goons that hung on his every word. Jerrod was paid to kill him… but why make it that personal? He wasn’t going to make it in time. The credits meant nothing to Jerrod. They had no meaning. Vent just wanted to see his baby girl again.
Vent soared through the beautiful dusk skies and sped towards his home. Damnit! For god sakes, don’t touch them!” He raced towards his small house on the ocean side. It was coming in closer, he could see the landing pad that he built in the back of the small house. He was almost there…
“Oh, Vent. You seem so angry right now… Did you want to talk to your wife, before she dies?” Vent practically destroyed the holopad when he smashed his fist into it. The armor he was wearing protected his hand but the console was completely smashed in. But somehow the holopad still projected an image, the image of his wife.
“Honey…” She was beaten black and blue. Vent screamed and cursed at the comm. Tears streamed down her face. Vent had enough of this. He wasn’t going to let them die! He practically crashed the ship into the landing pad as he pushed open the canopy of his vessel. He didn’t bother to grab his helmet as he hopped out of the cockpit. He ran towards the house, hoping everything was ok.
A rush of air and heat smacked Vent in the face as he approached his home. His body picked up off of the ground and he flew meters in the opposite direction. He smacked into the ship behind him. He opened his eyes and realized that he was on the ground, looking up into the dark sky. The explosion knocked him around pretty badly but that didn’t matter now. He tried to regain his composure, slowly getting to his feet. The sound of muffled laughs and talking chattered away through his comm on his ship. He leaned against the side of the ship and overheard Jerrod talking to his men talking. He was fixated on his house, his future burning right in front of him. Tears streaming down his face.
“We got’em! I know we did!” Some random goon yelled through the comm. The idiots forgot to turn off the comm. channel. Jerrod never was a bright.
“No, Vent is a smart man. He’ss not going to go down without a fight.” Jerrod sneered through the comm.
“But boss, his wife and kids are dead. What if he went in to save them?”
“…We’ll search the area. We’ll bring back the body and collect our bounty. Move!” Jerrods commanding voice spoke volumes.
Vent quickly hit a button on the side of his ship in anger. A small compartment flung open next to him and he pulled out his rifle and gear. He holstered his semi-automatic blaster pistol and his grenades to his belt. His 558 clung to his back snuggly. He checked his armor and his person one last time. Once his checks were done, he pulled his helmet out of the cockpit and slid it on. He looked over his shoulder to look at his house one last time. The roaring fire engulfed his hopes and dreams. His dream to live unbothered, his dream to live alone with loving people around him. Everything he has ever worked for was in this place. His eyes flickered with thought inside of his helmet and he decided it was time to go. He wasn’t going to buckle and cry. Not now at least. He had to live to see another day, even if it meant that he would only have himself. He wasn’t going to leave the system. He was going to find Jerrod. He was going to make him pay.
The jungle that surrounded the now burning house was dense and unpopulated. The dangers out there bordered on bad and worse. He decided not to go deep into the jungles. His package was arriving here, after all. He knew Jerrod was on the planet. He was bringing himself right to Vent’s burning doorstep. He ran around his ship and jumped into the jungle brush. The 3 meter fall was nothing. He rolled on impact and circled back under the landing pad. He quickly set the timed thermal detonators under the pad. He held a small detonator switch in his hand and gripped it tightly. This was for his family. These circumstances were the worst he has ever been in. His ambush had to work.
His HUD told him information as he hid in the brush. The motion detector indicated something large coming towards his burning home. He leaned against the back of a tree, peaking around to see the landing pad directly behind him.
A small transport showed up. It lowered slowly and landed softly with the little space that was left on the landing pad. Vent knew the sand out front was too unstable to land a craft that size. He knew they would have to land on the pad. Vent held the detonator firmly. They were going to pay for this.
4 men poured out of the ship and as they secured the landing pad. The darkness fell quickly over the area. It was too dark to even see Vent at this point. The goon quickly hit a light on his blaster and scanned the area where Vent was. He quickly spun and put his back against the tree. The goon turned and yelled “Don’t see him over here!” And he turned around and left towards his group.
“Hmm… Looks like he grabbed his gear and ditched the place.” A shorter goon said, examining Vents ship.
“This thing ain’t so bad, this could fetch some good credits.” A tall skinny goon said, looking the ship over as well.
“We’re here to find Vent Ordis's body. Not to sit around and talk credits. Fan out, he can’t be far from here.” Jerrod said with bluntness.
The time couldn’t have been better.
Vent pushed the button on top of the detonator. The explosion was magnificent. Besides his own ship being collateral damage, the men were engulfed in a fiery death. He could hear them screaming for a moment, than nothing. He circled back around to the pad and jumped up on what was left of it. He held his gun at the ready, quickly scanning and observing the damage. There was a hole the size of a medium sized swimming pool right in the middle of the pad. His ship sunk into the hole, crippled. The ship the intruders were on also sank into the hole but was still upright enough to be ok. Vent quietly approached the vessel, looking down the sights of his 558. He heard someone cursing to themselves, yelling every now and then in pain. He circled the bounty hunters ship.
(Gack!) The Trandoshan coughed up purple gunk, gargling. “…Vent… Vent… Ordis! You don’t have to do this…! I swear, I’ll give you every credit in my name to you! Don’t… Don’t kill me!” He continued to try to bargain his way out of the inevitable. His leg was blown to bits. There was a large piece of shrapnel sticking from his lower abdomen. He wasn’t going to last long anyway.
“…You haven’t lost everything like I have today…” Vent’s voice sounded like ice coming from his helmets comm. “…I have nothing to say to you… Old friend…” Vent studied the man through his HUD. After the Trandoshan begged and plead for his life some more, Vent quickly shouldered his weapon and fired a single rail in between his eyes. The shot rang throughout his property. He looked at Jerrod one last time. Hating him, despising him. He didn’t want to be here anymore.
Vent circled around to the bounty hunters vessel and walked in. He fired it up and launched off into space, not knowing what to do…
"Its uh a-called a D-5 Mantis"
(Friend of mine gave me this character to use- Originally the Bio stopped halfway but he added another 2-3 paragraphs)