
Music | Rise from Decay |
Aliases | Darth Aegrotus Venthis Zambrano Lord of Decay Prince of Thule Son of the Warlord of Rattatak The Governor of Eol Sha |
Birthplace | Panatha |
Age | Forgotten |
Personality Traits | Sadistic Insane Playful |
Education Traits | Flamboyant Trickster |
Lifestyle Traits | Alchemist Scientist Assassin |
Rank(s) | Removed |
Faction(s) | The Kainate The Sith Order |
Species | Anzati-Epicanthix Hybrid |
Languages | Galactic Basic |
Gender | Male |
Force Sensitive | Yes |
Character Alignment | Chaotic Evil |
Height | 6'2 |
Weight | 192lbs |
Venthis Zambrano, a mysterious figure seeming to shift in and out of the galaxy. It was unknown where Venthis had been for these past decades, though it was for certain he would eventually return, as he once did. The now Sith Lord was known to be a man of intrigue and took great pleasure in pushing the limits of known sith magic. Twisting and tormenting living creatures including himself into something else. It was assumed he had gone too far and simply sent himself mad, causing him to flee into recluse within wild space. Though nothing was confirmed, not even by the powerful family heads of the Zambrano family.
However, the son of Braxus Zambrano came into this world by a mortal woman named Falaa Pha, he lived a reasonably normal life until he had realised his true birthright, after finally finding his father. His father, Darth Prazutis, would train him in the ways of the Sith, along with this knowledge, Venthis then sought out to further his ability in alchemy from not only his peers but powerful Sith alchemists at the time. This would lead him down a path of horrors, of his own creations. Though, he did not allow this to be his only skillset, as the Sith acolyte at the time would venture and eventually become a member of the Sith Assassins, receiving tutelage from Darth Lykos.
Venthis' time as a Sith Knight was truly where he seized a powerbase and began to truly expand his knowledge and ability in his specialized field. He began to twist and mold not only the earth and his surroundings, but the inhabitants that lived near his stronghold; Haraak. Which has since been destroyed. However, Venthis managed to bring several of his creations with him before he fled into wild space. Continuing to twist and torment, truly seeking a perfect creation in which he could release into the galaxy. Though upon his first re-emergence into the galaxy, he would have twisted his very being, his appearance and soul had become corrupted and were far from what the once handsome Zambrano once appeared as. He would be somewhat of a ghoul, appearing slender and several parts of his body rotting away. Though during this time, he would assist, at the time, The Sith Empire's war machine as they marched forwards expanding their territory. During this time he would achieve the rank of Sith Lord, and be granted the title Darth Aegrotus.
Though his work was not truly complete. He would again vanish, fleeing again into deep space, a familiar place to him by this point. However, always intending to return.
" I'm a boil on the face of reality. And I fester!"
NameDescriptionDarth Prazutis
Father. Darth Carnifex
NameDescriptionDarth Lykos Mentor, taught Venthis the way of the assassin. Vereshin Close friend, and fellow sith alchemist. Darth Abyss Old rival.