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Approved Starship Venturian Class Battlecruiser "Hope's Last Vestige"

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Levanthal Eastwind



Deflector Shields (
Ion shields ([*]Hangar Space:
  • 2000 Meters: Average: 12
[*]Hangar Allocations:
  • Starfighters: 8 squadrons
  • Support Craft: 2 squadrons (Minimum squadrons lists should match the squadrons listed for the "Base" rating for ship its size)
  • Dropships: 1
[*]Maneuverability Rating: Average
[*]Speed Rating: Low
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Very Slow: 8

Ion Engines

80 Turbo Lasers

2 Orbital auto cannons
1 Incinerator Class Plasma Railgun


  • The ship is very powerful and a ship that can defend itself in tight situations, with very good shielding
  • The ship is still very powerful without the shielding and still can take massive hits

  • The Ship is very slow and is not the best at maneuvering.
  • A shot into the Plasma Railgun while it is fully charged, can blow up the entire ship.
  • The ship has to drop its shields to fire its orbital auto cannon and Plasma Railgun.

Description: The ship is meant for large scale warfare. Its job is to sit above a planet and destroy bases with its Orbital Cannons. It is suppose to be very strong against heavy weaponry and can take many hits. Its bridge is designed to be a trap and hard to get to with many Turbo Lasers defending it, its shielding is very powerful up there and will not be the easiest thing to take out even with its shields down it can take a hit.
Hi there, [member="Levanthal Eastwind"] and welcome to the factory! So glad you decided to take a shot at creating your own Star Wars experience here on Chaos. Let me give you a hand and show you a little of how we do things.

First of all, you can remove the first bit of text from the submission. For reference, you are allowed a unique, personal ship at 2000m per the Factory Standard rules. Also, please link any materials you use from either a submission here on Chaos or from Wookiepedia. (For instance, Durasteel. )

If you're using canon tech, please link to the relevant articles as well. That allows people who look at your subs to get a good feel for what they're working with.

As for the Xythan Force Shields, there isn't much here to work with. You could probably say that it is highly effective against laser/turbolaser fire/energy based weaponry, but it struggles or isn't much to speak of when dealing with mass drivers or other ballistics.

Also, if you're firing your ion cannons, you would probably have to drop the shielding as well or risk deadening your defenses for a brief amount of time, since it is energy based.

Since you have maneuverability listed as a weakness, I would take the rating down to low or very low to reflect that.

Because you have such low ratings for your speed/hyperdrive/Manueverability, and this is a unique submission, you could also raise your armament to Extreme to reflect the devastating power of the main cannon/autocannons

I would personally keep the Defenses about where they are, especially if you adapt the ballistic weakness for the Force Shields, so those are fine at High.

You could bring the Hangar up a few notches, possibly even to High and give it an ordinate number of ships to help with defense/harrying enemy fighters while the ship works to destroy structures on the planetary surface.

You could flesh out the Description a bit more, possibly some fluff about its creation and service to give it more story and personalize it. Not absolutely necessary, of course.

Thanks for your patience!

Levanthal Eastwind

I’m sorry it slipped my mind, I should have it edited by tonight.[member="Brukhalian"]

Levanthal Eastwind

[member="Brukhalian"] I have updated it to your suggestions, I have replaced the flack cannons and point defense with Turbo lasers, and uped the amount, if you'd like i can still change and lower it
[member="Levanthal Eastwind"]

I see you've updated the links, that's good; however, you still need to remove the red text at the top of the submission as it's unnecessary clutter.

You're also going to have to either have proof from Visanj that you have permission to use her shield generator, or you're going to need to change that to something that's open market or already canon.

You still need to link Durasteel to the wookie sub under your materials.

And I would boost the armament rating to Extreme, here, but you're welcome to leave it as is.

Levanthal Eastwind

[member="Alkor Centaris"] I have made the edits you have asked for and changed the shield to deflector and iont
[member="Levanthal Eastwind"]

If you could just remove the mention of the Invictus Shield generator from the submission for me I think we're good to go.
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