Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Ventus Divinus


piscopus" Ventus Divinus


Ventus Divinus


"Episcopus" or "Et Exaltabitur". He is the Exalted and bishop of the Cult of the Wills, and he commands the followers in their spiritual journey.


2000 Standard Years


2.13 Meters

90.7 kg

Crystal White


Charcoal Black with White Markings


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Cult Following: He is the head of a growing cult and the spiritiual leader of the group. He will be protected at all costs.

Cunning: Ventus is quick and can easily assess a situation and make decisions.

Persuasive Speaker: In the way he speaks, Et Exaltatum can move a crowd and convince even the strongest minds of his good intentions and heritage. He will make any crowd speechless.

Tall: To his followers, his height is a symbol of his divinity, he stands out amongst most, but in all reality it is a detriment to stealth missions and makes him easily recognizable.

Half-blood: Due to the fact that he is neither Human nor Zabrak fully, he is outcasted from both groups, and he basically lives within his robes due to shame. Him being a hybrid also makes him sterile.

Age: Keeping himself alive for long past his expiration date, Ventus struggles at his age. He uses Dark Side magic to sustain himself, but it physically drains him and the power has eroded his body. He is physically strong and agile due to the force, but his body still continues to deteriorate.


Ventus is tall and built, physically strong and lean. His skin is a charcoal black and has darkened over the centuries from the burning power of the dark side. Ventus has grey markings beneath his eyes and white dot tatoos above and below both eyes. His teeth are also yellowed and rotted. His eyes are a crystal white, contrasting dramatically from his skin tone. His eyes are narrow and almond shaped, and the corners are bloodshot from lack of sleep.


Ventus Divinus, or "Devine Wind" is a Regal name of sorts. Though not nobility, he has lived as such for centuries, disguising himself and then hiding in plain site for generations. Ventus has seen the Old Republic, The Clone Wars, The Empire, The Galactic Civil War, and every single warlord and faction that has risen since, sustaining himself via dark side magic. He has grown his powers dramatically over the two Millennium and increased his knowledge of all aspects of the force, being sure to study it in all of its aspects. Not only has he mastered dark side magic, but also light side rituals of the ancients and powers from all sides. He has spent centuries collecting artifacts from around the galaxy and at one point made a great pilgrimage to the wills of the force, coming in contact with the high priestess. On this great journey he fought his fears and overcame the obstacles, but following his meeting with the wills, he perverted and misinterpreted their messages, turning them into rhetoric to use in his cult. Though the force and the wills specifically are symbols of the faith, the true message has long been twisted beyond recognition, and their actions have been deemed cruel and extreme. Ventus has, over the course of many lifetimes, fanaticized the group into worshipping him as the sole speaker of the living force, and now he plans to steps from the shadows with a bang.


His ship is an ancient dreadnought, long and narrow, and covered in centuries of rust and grime. The ship is controlled by the force, and rather than being piloted via computers, it is manually controlled by a living superstructure that warps spacetime around it to move effortless. The ship isn't affected by gravity and is capable of ridiculously fast FTL travel. The ship has multiple spires and organic structure protruding from it, and is capable of cloaking itself via ritual. It is a living ship.







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