Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
NAME: Ver Saori
FACTION: Unknown
RANK: Rogue Padawan
SPECIES: Life-bearer
AGE: 590
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 120 Pounds
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Lightly Tanned
Long Life Span
Can bond with the ill or old and give them vitality
Requires a Bondmate
As Pictured
Saori was born on Leria Kerlsil to her family several decades ago as she was discovered. The position she had been in different while she was getting older and became sickly, they didn't know what was wrong until on of the elders mentioned an ancient legend and preformed the ceremony with one of the older men in the village. He survived and Saori recovered feeling better as she supported the man and kept him alive longer then he might have generally lived. Knowing and learning what she was it gave some hope to her and the others as she moved into the mountains to do as those before her did. Bond and survive with ones who were brought or came to her.
Her life on her own homeworld was something of a major marvel with a look of lavish decadence. She could care for her bondmates and she could ensure they had a life with her for the few years they got or so. Not having to worry about some things and meeting one who came to the planet seeking a way to cheat death. That brought her in contact with the jedi who came after them, the being had been in danger of being arrested and he was an old man. Hearing the legends of the Life bearers who could extend his life and grant him vitality as he ha in his youth. With everything that had been going on and the jedi wantign to arrest him he managed to take the ceremony.
It was a different thing compared to some of the others she had bonded with. The jedi insisted on watching both of them. her less so given that she dind't really leave the planet and him because they wanted to make sure he never left the planet. As a means of combat and danger Saori spent the four years with this husband ensuring he followed the rules and that everything was handled properly. learning about the force itself and how one could use it if need be. She remained there with him learning a small amount of how she could use the force and bring it to bear against others who might be a danger to her or others but for the most part the lavish nature of the world won out.
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