The Mother of All Psy-Pires
Intent: To Design Vera's upgraded body due to her near total destruction during the CIS Invasion of Eshan
Image Source:,_Women%27s_World_Awards_2009_b.jpg#mw-jump-to-license
Canon Link: (Thread where Vera's original body is destroyed)
Primary Source:
Manufacturer: Castle Morpheus R&D Labs ( (Where it was made)
Affiliation: Vera Mina
Model: N/A
Production: Unique
Modularity: Yes
Material: Biot Tissue, Specialized electronics
Classification: Fourth Degree
Weight: 103 kilograms
Height: 1.6 meters
Movement: Bipedal
Armaments: None, save its fists, unless equipped with a weapon. Its emotion reading, tactical databases, and stunning good looks could also count.
Misc. Equipment: Thermal Vision, X-Ray Vision, Night Vision, 8x Binocular Vision, Enhanced Hearing, Ooglith Masquer for Skin. Enhanced Targeting.
Illegal Interrogation and Torture Database
Illegal Counter-Forensics Database
Illegal Emotion Read Software
Highly Upgraded Database of Assassination Techniques, Which now includes lightsaber combat.
Extreme accuracy targeting and hand to hand protocols
Custom Hueristic Processors Capable of Enhanced Learning, as well as acquiring new combat related or social engineering skills
Upgraded Shapeshifting Processor, capable of storing more forms than the original.
Biot Body greatly enhanced with more protective features, and capable of being completely modified through either surgery, or genetic treatments, with processors capable of being removed/replaced as technology advances. Also possesses pheremone glands capable of either rendering a Force User unable to sense their presence while in close proximity for a short time, exuding phermones that can possibly fool an individual Force user that the biot is also a Force User of the same alignment, or simply fool a Force User into thinking Vera is a normal human. Now possesses a fully natural, upgraded vampiric health recovery system. Ooglith is improved, allowing it to match the color and texture of surrounding environment, stretching to do so, and capable of randomizing facial characteristics and body type in a specific form. Organs are shaped to resemble a humans, allowing it to fool some medical scanners.
Possesses conditionally enhanced reflexes and speed depending on form
Hmm. Upgrades: Vera's new body is a massive improvement over her previous one. As incapable of feeling pain as her previous body, with denser bones capable of withstanding greater impact (Which allows it to punch and kick harder than normal as it doesn't really have to worry about causing pain to itself while doing so, even if it means breaking or fracturing bones to down a target) such as from small caliber rifle or pistol rounds, in essence armoring the processors. Her heart and lungs have been naturally armored against kinetic impact by modifying the genes to allow them to withstand a single rifle caliber round, and secrets an enzyme that allows it to absorb a single shot from a blaster rifle. The body also possesses a regenerative capacity at fifteen percent of a Gen'Dai, allowing most wounds to heal in under three hours on their own, as well regenerating limbs, , though they can be healed immediately by feeding on blood, be it animal or humanoid, in which case the body will repair in a matter of minutes. The brain releases an enzyme upon detecting damage to internal organs that would be fatal in most organics, keeping the brain biot tissues oxygenated and alive for up to twenty four hours should its body sustain what would otherwise be catastrophic damage that cannot be easily fixed in three hours, and has the ability to regrow the Masquer it uses to operate properly if it suffers catastrophic damage or is torn away, though it takes twenty four hours to do so and must wait three days before it stores up enough cellular reserves in its muscles to be able to grow it again, though this process can be sped up and halved by repeatedly feeding on blood to fix the injuries. Its reflexes and speed now increase depending on the form it is using, and its organs are shaped to resemble a humans, which let it fool certain med-scanners. Lastly, the biot can be upgraded or modified through surgery or genetic treatments, and so can its processors.
Hmmm...More Upgrades: Her processors regarding combat have been greatly updated to include new weapons and methods while retaining its old ones such as dedicated stealth and infiltration methods, including lightsabers. The processors are now also able to learn new combat or social engineering skills, and includes better Ionic and Microwave Shielding, as well as better resistance to temperature extremes. Its shapeshifter circuit has also been updated, allowing it to hold more forms. The speed at which it can shapeshift is slightly improved in some ways as well for certain forms, with forms that require less databases shifting quicker, while more databases require longer to transition, though from these forms, she can easily transition back to her primary form in the span of a minute, even if she has been reconfiguring her body for quite a while, she can "cancel bootup". Additionally, if pressed for time, she can "hard boot" to a form more appropriate to her situation, though this will exhaust her and the hard boot will only last twenty minutes before automatically booting back to her civilian guise, rendering her unable to shapeshift for the next twelve hours while her processors cool down and check for errors. Lastly, while she is nearly helpless shapeshifting and cannot fight back, she can now move around or even run for a short while before becoming too exhausted to move, due to the stress of both transforming and physical activity. It is still best for her to remain absolutely still while transforming.
Pheremone Stealth: By Concentrating, Vera can exude pheremones over a wide area that can potentially deaden a powerful Force Users senses for a short time. She can also now exude pheremones that can potentially fool another Force User that the biot is also a Force User of the same alignment. Lastly, it can exude pheremones in its Lawyer form capable of fooling Force Users into believing she is human.
To fool Grissom: It retains its Counter-Forensics database, allowing it to potentially cover up all its misdeeds, or direct authorities to the wrong area of search.
Insufferable Know It All: Retains its vast legal database of nearly all Confederate Worlds as well as those of its chief rivals, allowing it to potentially dominate in nearly any kind of case in court. It has also acquired additional databases on medical practice, enabling it to be a fully functional doctor for most types of humanoid. It now has Starfighter Piloting in its databases, as well as singing and dancing programs. Lastly, it retains its previous, emotion reading capability, making it able to potentially manipulate all but the savviest and strong minded individuals. Is a master at faking kindness and sympathy in the right guises.
Consigliere: Programmed for complete loyalty to its creator Nine Lives and her Psy-Pires and utter lack of humanity. As it has started to represent more people than just its primary client, any who hire it will have in their company one of the most ruthles allies money can buy. It will never betray the secrets of even former clients (though it should be noted the same cannot be said of their current active interests) and if hired as a body guard, will defend them fanatically unless specifically ordered otherwise by its creator. Interestingly, having been a former client makes the biot only slightly less willing to betray and kill you.
Emphasis on slightly.
Turing Approved: Capable of passing a sentience test, and well, but psychological screening will reveal it as an almost pure Sociopath. It is best at creating short, ultimately lie filled dialogue to create trust, though as time wears on in close proximity its charm may start to fail.
Targeting: Give it a pistol and watch the magic work. Or a rifle. Or a shotgun. Or anything, really. It has a very high chance of hitting what it aims at, and this targeting aids in hand to hand and melee weapons combat as well, making its close range attacks more precise and deadlier than normal
Limited Disguise Capability: While it retains some of its old forms, primarily its Lawyer and Chiss forms, identities with redundant skills were gettisoned and replaced with a few new ones to exploit its new knowledge base, each form having specific advantages and disadvantages, as well as transition times to and back. The Ooglith has been slightly improved as well, being more resistant to breakdown from exposure to Unmasquers, and can now match the texture and color of the surrounding environment, though this feature is only available in her infiltration mode. Also, if the masquer is torn away the biot will not be incapacitated completely, but will be unable to fight and its only option will be to run or die at that point...if it doesn't bleed out from the heavy damage first...
Lawyer Form:
The One the biot will be in the most often, making deals, engaging in minor philanthropy that does not hurt it or Nine's bottom line, as well as public relations and image defense and rehabilitation of public image. Primary Alias is Vera Mina. Unlike the old version of her Lawyer Form, Vera's limited combat ability in this form has been enhanced by being now able to box, and her ability to manipulate in this form is unparalleled. In addition, while she may be nearly helpless in this form save her fists and a pistol, any form she transitioned to from this one will quickly transition back to this one in under a minute. It is also now capable of conducting interrogation and torture sessions in this form, but in a limited capacity. Emotion Reading set to maximum capacity. Counter-Forensics Database accessable. Legal Database set to Maximum. Exudes pheremones that can possibly fool a powerful Force User into thinking she is human. Reflexes and speed that of a normal, physically fit human.
Command Form:
For when it must operate purely in a Mercenary Capacity for large militaries or as a bodyguard, operating as a particularly vicious and cruel Chiss mercenary known as Rom-Jin. All hand to hand and weapon databases are set to maximum. As an improvement over the previous version of its command form, it now possesses an emotion reading capacity, though reduced to seventy five percent in strength. Requires a full three hours to Transition to from her Lawyer Form. Counter Forensics database disabled and interrogation/torture database set to maximum. No other databases active. The most physically dangerous of all its forms, as nearly all combat databases save lightsabers are enabled. Also the form where Vera is most uninhibited in her bloodthirst, which can be exploited. Stealth Infiltration databases disabled in this setting, unlike the old version of this form. This is the form for pure combat, and the one Vera enjoys the most. Reflexes and speed increased to twice that of a normal human without aid by underlays.
Detective Form:
Having obtained air tight credentials, Vera can use this form to practice actual work as a seemingly legitimate private detective, allowing her access to crime scenes, making it easier to frame others for her own crimes. Combat ability and other stats same as her Lawyer Form, save for also having the ability to use knives and rifles, and thus requiring only two hours to transition to. Alias in this guise is Claire. No other databases are active. Reflexes and speed point five times higher that of a normal human.
Entertainer Form:
Having gettisoned its previous entertainment guise in favor of a new one, a voluptuous singer named Rikka, this allows the murderous Biot access to the upper echelons of society through a different method, but leaves her without any weapons databases active, or even the ability to fight back hand to hand. Counter Forensics database disabled. Interrogation/Torture database set to twenty-five percent strength. Emotion Reading database set to maximum. Singing/Dancing databases enabled. Requires thirty minutes to transition to fully. Reflexes only that of a normal human
Piloting Form:
Now comes with interceptor piloting protocols, as well as basic piloting of frieghter type star ships, though it is best at interceptors. All other databases except some hand to hand programs and pistols are disabled. Requires only three minutes to transition to. Alias in this guise is a Mercenary pilot known as The Spider. Reflexes and speed increase to three times that of a normal human.
Jedi Form:
An updated version of Vera's previous Jedi form, now with actual Lightsaber Combat Protocols. Stealth Pheremone system enabled, potentially causing powerful lightsiders to believe she is a Force User of the Same Alignment. Lightsaber Form is Soresu. Alias in this guise is Seku. All other combat databases except boxing disabled, leaving her in trouble should an enemy prove particularly skilled. Emotion Reading set to maximum. Counter Forensics database disabled. Interrogation/Torture database reduced to half capacity. Requires full three hours to Transition to. Reflexes and speed two times that of a normal human.
Sith Form
Takes the Form of a Sith Warrior, alias in this guise being Lekktraa. Settings exactly the same as Jedi Form, save for The Lightsaber form, which is Shien in this setting. Requires full three hours to Transition to.
Physician Form:
Obtaining airtight credentials as a traveling physician, Vera is able to use this guise as a doctor...particularly to criminal elements, allowing her to build influence in the criminal underworld. Physician database enabled, allowing her to treat and diagnose most humanoids. Interrogation/Torture database, and Counter-Forensics database enabled at half capacity. The most vulnerable of all her forms, as all combat databases are disabled. Requires two hours to transition to. No reflex or speed enhancements
Infiltration Form:
Used primarily for stealth and Infiltration, as well as information gathering. Vera uses this guise primarily as a freelance underworld spy and sabotuer that goes by the alias of Alice. Also the guise that operates most openly as a vampire. Requires four hours to transition fully, but once having done so, can transition to combat form near instantaneously and back. All melee weapon protocols except knives are disabled and Hand to hand combat is focused on strangulation and joint targeting. Interrogation/Torture programs are disabled in favor of reducing blood shed unless left with no other choice. Can get the most use out of her ooglith's camouflage feature in this form, as it can stretch over the sparse clothing necessary to achieve camouflage. Thermal signature reduced to nothing while camouflaged in this manner. Can alter facial structure, and body type repeatedly in order to confuse witnesses as to how many people are using the Alice alias. Reflexes and speed five times that of a normal human
It burns: While this version of Vera's body is capable of repairing flame damage easily, it is still not capable of resisting burns, because her tissues are easily flammable. Vera must find a way to put out the fire quickly if set ablaze, or she could burn alive in minutes, and cannot fight if on fire.
Too Cold!: Very cold temperatures of thirty below cause intense, severe malfunctions in the biot, and must find a way to warm up or block the cold, because any exposure to severe cold temperatures in the environment or a few shots from a cryoban rifle could cause her to temporarily be rendered inoperable (though temporarily alive for about eighteen hours after due to emergency enzyme releases in the brain) for as long as she is in extremely cold whether. While her body can now easily recover from the damage, she has to be actually physically retrieved from super cold conditions to do so. This renders her easily destroyed if found by an enemy.
Too Loud!: The changes to her design have rendered her vulnerable to sonic weaponry, which upon impact heavily damages the masquer, discoloring it and rendering her unable to fight properly for about twelve seconds, throwing off her targeting both in aiming with weapons and hand to hand combat. This can render her potentially easily defeated and destroyed.
Impalement: If impaled, then as long as the object remains in the body the tissue around the damaged area can't be repaired...and neither can any other spot on the body as long as a large object remains lodged in the body. If impaled in a normally fatal area for humans such as the heart, enzymes release from surrounding muscle tissue that break down the object in question and use the broken down materials to kick start the repair process, but for the two to three minutes in which the biot is 'dead' it is easily destroyed potentially.
Acid: Corrosive acids prevent limb regeneration for up to two days, and eat through her bodily tissues rapidly unless nuetralized by another chemical or use of healing underlays or immediately feeding, though it will take longer to eat through the bone. This is very deadly because if the head is exposed to acid and not immediately treated, it could eat all the way to the processors, killing her for real.
Anti-Vong: Baffer Pollen can cause rapid necrosis in the masquer, heavily damaging the biot as it simply cannot fight without it. Alpha red will kill it in an hour and a half without the proper treatment or underlays. While the Masquer is more resistant to unmasquer's, the fact remains that the ooglith will still eventually tear itself completely off the biot, heavily damaging though not killing it
Burnout: The Biot may need blood to speed up tissue repair but it now also needs blood for general sustainance (Though it can still use typical biot nutrient for sustainance in an emergency, though it now only provides a quarter of the nourishment other biots get), as much as twelve pints every three days, and breaks down after four if it does not get it, eventually mutating and turning feral to get blood regardless of the situation or source to obtain it until it turns back to normal. Once mutated, it is completely unreasonable and bloodthirsty, though its speed and reflexes are twice that of a normal human...
Effects of turning feral and mutating from lack of sustainance:
Once mutated it 'must' consume flesh and blood, otherwise it will break down further and be rendered inoperable until repairs could be made. If not, death would occur. Whatever combat databases it has active in this state are dependant on the form it was in when it broke down, so it might have no combat protocols active at all in certain scenarios, which makes this state of being less dangerous to others depending on whether they keep their wits about them when encountering it. All forms of strategy go out the window for the sake of obtaining food at any cost, potentially rendering it easily defeated and destroyed. Curiously, the one exception to who it attacks in this state is Nine...
Also, the higher its speed and reflexes are set, the faster its muscles break down due to fatigue, requiring more and more frequent feeding to maintain them the higher they are set, and quadrupling her nourishment requirements at their highest possible setting. Also, at max settings, she cannot use healing underlays, leaving feeding the sole means of repairing damage or keeping fed.
Ion: Its weakness to Ion is only slightly less incapacitating than it was in its old body, either disabling, enabling or randomizing its active databases no matter the form, which can be deadly in a fight if she is hit with one without the proper protection. Requires three minutes to reboot, and could presumably be easily destroyed by another if under heavy attack. Also causes stiffness in joints and vomiting of white blood, giving away her inhuman nature.
Advanced Microwave weakness: While not as lethal to her as it was to her previous body, Microwaves can still do heavy damage, rupturing biot tissue and requiring her to feed immediately to repair the damage to avoid blacking out. Also, half her databases and shapeshifting functions are randomly disabled as well as slowing her speed and reflexes by half depending on her form...meaning she could be as slow as a snail if it happens in a civilian guise, rendering her extremely vulnerable and easily destroyed potentially. Even minor exposure from poorly shielded machines emitting undirected microwaves can cause temporary glitches in the masquer that last about five seconds, giving away her non-humanity to everyone around her.
Mode locked: Once in a particular form, it is at varying levels of disadvantages. Its near or totally helpless in its civilian guise and can neither attack or defend while altering its form, rendering it easily destroyed if discovered. Its Lawyer form has the most strategic processing power, and every other form is acting on plans formulated during its lawyer guise, leaving it unable to easily come up with back up plans if things go wrong. Also, depending on the form its using, its blood thirsty nature may lead to it screwing up its plans due to not having the guiding logic of its lawyer guise, though even in its lawyer guise it is still exceptionally murderous, which may cause problems regardless.
You don't belong in this world!: The very nature of this Biot is repulsive to any ordinary person given its lethality and bloodthirsty much so they might be tempted to destroy it given its peculiarities, and any authorities not directly aligned with it and reliant on its services would condemn it as particularly dangerous and insidious assassin droid and immediately order its destruction.
Personality flaw: The processor that controls her shapeshifting ability is mounted directly over the brain that would allow this biot to feel and express empathy in more than the tinest amounts she naturally does when its fully working. If the processor were disabled, Vera would suddenly feel guilt and shame for her brutal nature, emotions that might be near totally incapacitating to the biot, which does not know how to deal with and process such things. This could render her easily destroyed and compounds the other issues that result from compromised processors in other situations previously listed...she could be destroyed because she lost the will to fight her enemy out of shame. Nine can wirelessly disable the processor as a form of punishment but if anyone else learned the encrypted frequency...they could presumably use it to either torture or destroy it easily.
Restraining bolt: Built into its very programming, Nine can revoke her biot's ability to kill at any time, and restore it as she pleases.
Also, due to cramming its head with information despite its upgraded learning capacity for new weapons and social engineering, due to its programming limits being currently maxed out, it literally cannot be more than a sociopathic, parasitic lawyer/assassin/bodyguard/doctor/spy and faux philanthropist. This causes it the faintest amount of distress that it can be no more than a variation of these positions and nothing more.
Squishy: Despite protective enhancements to vital organs and the skeletal structure, most of its tissues are as easily damaged as they were on the old body. Blasters tear through it even easier than on normal tissues in other organics in most parts of its body, and though the skull is dense enough to survive a single blaster rifle bolt, if the enemy thinks to use more than one Vera is going to die, though it will tear through the skeleton easily elsewhere, potentially causing loss of limbs. Also, Vera can be as affected by blood loss as anyone else, especially if sustaining heavy amounts of damage.
Electricity: Electricity has a curious effect on this new model. While it will not kill the biot it will cause it to rapidly shift between forms, databases going on and off between them for thirty seconds, disorienting it until the shielded processors reboot. This could presumably give an attacker a small window of oppertunity to attack and possibly destroy it.
After Vera suffered near total destruction due to her carelessness and bloodthirsty nature during the Invasion of Eshan, only her personality, programming, and memory processors survived--basically Vera's real brain--and were recovered by another of Nine Live's creations.
Vowing to address the flaws in the original design, and rebuild Vera from the ground up, Nine went back to the drawing board, taking from her original technical specs for Vera and expanding and refining them to create an improved Killing Machine
Base: Biot
Studies and observation of Vera's battle on Eshan revealed that for all its strengths, such as its inability to feel pain and extreme close and long range lethality and precision, it still damaged far too easily and repaired far too slowly and not enough to make a difference in prolonged combat. To respond to this, samples from the previous version's genetic structure were altered and then grownn, resulting in a biot with increased bone density, and regenerative properties, particularly vital internal organs such as the heart and lungs and even the brain to some extant being given priority while regenerating, albeit slowly. While it is still able to feed on Nutrient in an emergency, blood is now its primary means of sustainance as well as repairing severe wounds at a fast pace. Its reflexes and speed increase depending on what combat form it is using, and is incapable of feeling pain with few exceptions such as exposure to Unmasquers. It can now be fully upgraded either genetically or through processor replacements and upgrades. Though still easily damaged and even gaining a few new weaknesses, it now has emergency enzymes that are stored in its muscle tissues and brain that release upon detection of catastrophic damage that keep it alive while it slowly repairs damage that would otherwise be fatal (though it will need to feed after being healed) in others, its weaknesses to flame, cryo, Ion, and microwave, while still highly significant, are now much more survivable than before, and easier to recover from, albeit still extremely fatal in the right circumstances such as being unable to escape or feed on her attackers. All in all a solid improvement over the previous model...its even able to regrow its ooglith after suffering catastrophic damage. As before, its internal organs are shaped to resemble a human, allowing it to fool some medical scanners. It can also release enzymes to break down objects lodged in its body.
The Ooglith that serves as its skin has been greatly improved, allowing it greater camouflage functions than previous depending on its current form, able to stretch and match the color and texture of its surrounding environment, as well as mask its thermal signature, even able to alter face and body type repeatedly in a certain guise. It is now slightly more resistant to unmasquers, taking longer to rip away from the biot on exposure, giving the biot time to possibly destroy the unmasquer.
As before, the biot is programmed with with a horrifyingly extensive combat database, which now includes, in addition to all its previous weapon databases, the ability to use rocket and grenade launchers, as well as lightsabers, its processors in other regards have been enhanced as is now able to function as a combat pilot, doctor, or even a private detective or spy, in addition to being a lawyer. It is also a sociopath as a result partly due to its construction but also due to its programming
All in all, an amazing scientific achievement but still hampered by traditional weaknesses, plus a few new ones due to the altered genetics, such as acid and electricity, and the need for blood as a primary form of sustainance, the lack of which will still cause it to mutate and turn feral, but repairable. Anyone ordinary person unprepared to fight such a creature, even if it is in the end something of a glass cannon has a very low chance of survival. With the guises now at her disposal, there is literally almost no social circle Vera cannot infiltrate if she plays her cards right.

Image Source:,_Women%27s_World_Awards_2009_b.jpg#mw-jump-to-license
Canon Link: (Thread where Vera's original body is destroyed)
Primary Source:
Manufacturer: Castle Morpheus R&D Labs ( (Where it was made)
Affiliation: Vera Mina
Model: N/A
Production: Unique
Modularity: Yes
Material: Biot Tissue, Specialized electronics
Classification: Fourth Degree
Weight: 103 kilograms
Height: 1.6 meters
Movement: Bipedal
Armaments: None, save its fists, unless equipped with a weapon. Its emotion reading, tactical databases, and stunning good looks could also count.
Misc. Equipment: Thermal Vision, X-Ray Vision, Night Vision, 8x Binocular Vision, Enhanced Hearing, Ooglith Masquer for Skin. Enhanced Targeting.
Illegal Interrogation and Torture Database
Illegal Counter-Forensics Database
Illegal Emotion Read Software
Highly Upgraded Database of Assassination Techniques, Which now includes lightsaber combat.
Extreme accuracy targeting and hand to hand protocols
Custom Hueristic Processors Capable of Enhanced Learning, as well as acquiring new combat related or social engineering skills
Upgraded Shapeshifting Processor, capable of storing more forms than the original.
Biot Body greatly enhanced with more protective features, and capable of being completely modified through either surgery, or genetic treatments, with processors capable of being removed/replaced as technology advances. Also possesses pheremone glands capable of either rendering a Force User unable to sense their presence while in close proximity for a short time, exuding phermones that can possibly fool an individual Force user that the biot is also a Force User of the same alignment, or simply fool a Force User into thinking Vera is a normal human. Now possesses a fully natural, upgraded vampiric health recovery system. Ooglith is improved, allowing it to match the color and texture of surrounding environment, stretching to do so, and capable of randomizing facial characteristics and body type in a specific form. Organs are shaped to resemble a humans, allowing it to fool some medical scanners.
Possesses conditionally enhanced reflexes and speed depending on form
Hmm. Upgrades: Vera's new body is a massive improvement over her previous one. As incapable of feeling pain as her previous body, with denser bones capable of withstanding greater impact (Which allows it to punch and kick harder than normal as it doesn't really have to worry about causing pain to itself while doing so, even if it means breaking or fracturing bones to down a target) such as from small caliber rifle or pistol rounds, in essence armoring the processors. Her heart and lungs have been naturally armored against kinetic impact by modifying the genes to allow them to withstand a single rifle caliber round, and secrets an enzyme that allows it to absorb a single shot from a blaster rifle. The body also possesses a regenerative capacity at fifteen percent of a Gen'Dai, allowing most wounds to heal in under three hours on their own, as well regenerating limbs, , though they can be healed immediately by feeding on blood, be it animal or humanoid, in which case the body will repair in a matter of minutes. The brain releases an enzyme upon detecting damage to internal organs that would be fatal in most organics, keeping the brain biot tissues oxygenated and alive for up to twenty four hours should its body sustain what would otherwise be catastrophic damage that cannot be easily fixed in three hours, and has the ability to regrow the Masquer it uses to operate properly if it suffers catastrophic damage or is torn away, though it takes twenty four hours to do so and must wait three days before it stores up enough cellular reserves in its muscles to be able to grow it again, though this process can be sped up and halved by repeatedly feeding on blood to fix the injuries. Its reflexes and speed now increase depending on the form it is using, and its organs are shaped to resemble a humans, which let it fool certain med-scanners. Lastly, the biot can be upgraded or modified through surgery or genetic treatments, and so can its processors.
Hmmm...More Upgrades: Her processors regarding combat have been greatly updated to include new weapons and methods while retaining its old ones such as dedicated stealth and infiltration methods, including lightsabers. The processors are now also able to learn new combat or social engineering skills, and includes better Ionic and Microwave Shielding, as well as better resistance to temperature extremes. Its shapeshifter circuit has also been updated, allowing it to hold more forms. The speed at which it can shapeshift is slightly improved in some ways as well for certain forms, with forms that require less databases shifting quicker, while more databases require longer to transition, though from these forms, she can easily transition back to her primary form in the span of a minute, even if she has been reconfiguring her body for quite a while, she can "cancel bootup". Additionally, if pressed for time, she can "hard boot" to a form more appropriate to her situation, though this will exhaust her and the hard boot will only last twenty minutes before automatically booting back to her civilian guise, rendering her unable to shapeshift for the next twelve hours while her processors cool down and check for errors. Lastly, while she is nearly helpless shapeshifting and cannot fight back, she can now move around or even run for a short while before becoming too exhausted to move, due to the stress of both transforming and physical activity. It is still best for her to remain absolutely still while transforming.
Pheremone Stealth: By Concentrating, Vera can exude pheremones over a wide area that can potentially deaden a powerful Force Users senses for a short time. She can also now exude pheremones that can potentially fool another Force User that the biot is also a Force User of the same alignment. Lastly, it can exude pheremones in its Lawyer form capable of fooling Force Users into believing she is human.
To fool Grissom: It retains its Counter-Forensics database, allowing it to potentially cover up all its misdeeds, or direct authorities to the wrong area of search.
Insufferable Know It All: Retains its vast legal database of nearly all Confederate Worlds as well as those of its chief rivals, allowing it to potentially dominate in nearly any kind of case in court. It has also acquired additional databases on medical practice, enabling it to be a fully functional doctor for most types of humanoid. It now has Starfighter Piloting in its databases, as well as singing and dancing programs. Lastly, it retains its previous, emotion reading capability, making it able to potentially manipulate all but the savviest and strong minded individuals. Is a master at faking kindness and sympathy in the right guises.
Consigliere: Programmed for complete loyalty to its creator Nine Lives and her Psy-Pires and utter lack of humanity. As it has started to represent more people than just its primary client, any who hire it will have in their company one of the most ruthles allies money can buy. It will never betray the secrets of even former clients (though it should be noted the same cannot be said of their current active interests) and if hired as a body guard, will defend them fanatically unless specifically ordered otherwise by its creator. Interestingly, having been a former client makes the biot only slightly less willing to betray and kill you.
Emphasis on slightly.
Turing Approved: Capable of passing a sentience test, and well, but psychological screening will reveal it as an almost pure Sociopath. It is best at creating short, ultimately lie filled dialogue to create trust, though as time wears on in close proximity its charm may start to fail.
Targeting: Give it a pistol and watch the magic work. Or a rifle. Or a shotgun. Or anything, really. It has a very high chance of hitting what it aims at, and this targeting aids in hand to hand and melee weapons combat as well, making its close range attacks more precise and deadlier than normal
Limited Disguise Capability: While it retains some of its old forms, primarily its Lawyer and Chiss forms, identities with redundant skills were gettisoned and replaced with a few new ones to exploit its new knowledge base, each form having specific advantages and disadvantages, as well as transition times to and back. The Ooglith has been slightly improved as well, being more resistant to breakdown from exposure to Unmasquers, and can now match the texture and color of the surrounding environment, though this feature is only available in her infiltration mode. Also, if the masquer is torn away the biot will not be incapacitated completely, but will be unable to fight and its only option will be to run or die at that point...if it doesn't bleed out from the heavy damage first...
Lawyer Form:

The One the biot will be in the most often, making deals, engaging in minor philanthropy that does not hurt it or Nine's bottom line, as well as public relations and image defense and rehabilitation of public image. Primary Alias is Vera Mina. Unlike the old version of her Lawyer Form, Vera's limited combat ability in this form has been enhanced by being now able to box, and her ability to manipulate in this form is unparalleled. In addition, while she may be nearly helpless in this form save her fists and a pistol, any form she transitioned to from this one will quickly transition back to this one in under a minute. It is also now capable of conducting interrogation and torture sessions in this form, but in a limited capacity. Emotion Reading set to maximum capacity. Counter-Forensics Database accessable. Legal Database set to Maximum. Exudes pheremones that can possibly fool a powerful Force User into thinking she is human. Reflexes and speed that of a normal, physically fit human.
Command Form:

For when it must operate purely in a Mercenary Capacity for large militaries or as a bodyguard, operating as a particularly vicious and cruel Chiss mercenary known as Rom-Jin. All hand to hand and weapon databases are set to maximum. As an improvement over the previous version of its command form, it now possesses an emotion reading capacity, though reduced to seventy five percent in strength. Requires a full three hours to Transition to from her Lawyer Form. Counter Forensics database disabled and interrogation/torture database set to maximum. No other databases active. The most physically dangerous of all its forms, as nearly all combat databases save lightsabers are enabled. Also the form where Vera is most uninhibited in her bloodthirst, which can be exploited. Stealth Infiltration databases disabled in this setting, unlike the old version of this form. This is the form for pure combat, and the one Vera enjoys the most. Reflexes and speed increased to twice that of a normal human without aid by underlays.
Detective Form:

Having obtained air tight credentials, Vera can use this form to practice actual work as a seemingly legitimate private detective, allowing her access to crime scenes, making it easier to frame others for her own crimes. Combat ability and other stats same as her Lawyer Form, save for also having the ability to use knives and rifles, and thus requiring only two hours to transition to. Alias in this guise is Claire. No other databases are active. Reflexes and speed point five times higher that of a normal human.
Entertainer Form:

Having gettisoned its previous entertainment guise in favor of a new one, a voluptuous singer named Rikka, this allows the murderous Biot access to the upper echelons of society through a different method, but leaves her without any weapons databases active, or even the ability to fight back hand to hand. Counter Forensics database disabled. Interrogation/Torture database set to twenty-five percent strength. Emotion Reading database set to maximum. Singing/Dancing databases enabled. Requires thirty minutes to transition to fully. Reflexes only that of a normal human
Piloting Form:

Now comes with interceptor piloting protocols, as well as basic piloting of frieghter type star ships, though it is best at interceptors. All other databases except some hand to hand programs and pistols are disabled. Requires only three minutes to transition to. Alias in this guise is a Mercenary pilot known as The Spider. Reflexes and speed increase to three times that of a normal human.
Jedi Form:

An updated version of Vera's previous Jedi form, now with actual Lightsaber Combat Protocols. Stealth Pheremone system enabled, potentially causing powerful lightsiders to believe she is a Force User of the Same Alignment. Lightsaber Form is Soresu. Alias in this guise is Seku. All other combat databases except boxing disabled, leaving her in trouble should an enemy prove particularly skilled. Emotion Reading set to maximum. Counter Forensics database disabled. Interrogation/Torture database reduced to half capacity. Requires full three hours to Transition to. Reflexes and speed two times that of a normal human.
Sith Form

Takes the Form of a Sith Warrior, alias in this guise being Lekktraa. Settings exactly the same as Jedi Form, save for The Lightsaber form, which is Shien in this setting. Requires full three hours to Transition to.
Physician Form:

Obtaining airtight credentials as a traveling physician, Vera is able to use this guise as a doctor...particularly to criminal elements, allowing her to build influence in the criminal underworld. Physician database enabled, allowing her to treat and diagnose most humanoids. Interrogation/Torture database, and Counter-Forensics database enabled at half capacity. The most vulnerable of all her forms, as all combat databases are disabled. Requires two hours to transition to. No reflex or speed enhancements
Infiltration Form:

Used primarily for stealth and Infiltration, as well as information gathering. Vera uses this guise primarily as a freelance underworld spy and sabotuer that goes by the alias of Alice. Also the guise that operates most openly as a vampire. Requires four hours to transition fully, but once having done so, can transition to combat form near instantaneously and back. All melee weapon protocols except knives are disabled and Hand to hand combat is focused on strangulation and joint targeting. Interrogation/Torture programs are disabled in favor of reducing blood shed unless left with no other choice. Can get the most use out of her ooglith's camouflage feature in this form, as it can stretch over the sparse clothing necessary to achieve camouflage. Thermal signature reduced to nothing while camouflaged in this manner. Can alter facial structure, and body type repeatedly in order to confuse witnesses as to how many people are using the Alice alias. Reflexes and speed five times that of a normal human
It burns: While this version of Vera's body is capable of repairing flame damage easily, it is still not capable of resisting burns, because her tissues are easily flammable. Vera must find a way to put out the fire quickly if set ablaze, or she could burn alive in minutes, and cannot fight if on fire.
Too Cold!: Very cold temperatures of thirty below cause intense, severe malfunctions in the biot, and must find a way to warm up or block the cold, because any exposure to severe cold temperatures in the environment or a few shots from a cryoban rifle could cause her to temporarily be rendered inoperable (though temporarily alive for about eighteen hours after due to emergency enzyme releases in the brain) for as long as she is in extremely cold whether. While her body can now easily recover from the damage, she has to be actually physically retrieved from super cold conditions to do so. This renders her easily destroyed if found by an enemy.
Too Loud!: The changes to her design have rendered her vulnerable to sonic weaponry, which upon impact heavily damages the masquer, discoloring it and rendering her unable to fight properly for about twelve seconds, throwing off her targeting both in aiming with weapons and hand to hand combat. This can render her potentially easily defeated and destroyed.
Impalement: If impaled, then as long as the object remains in the body the tissue around the damaged area can't be repaired...and neither can any other spot on the body as long as a large object remains lodged in the body. If impaled in a normally fatal area for humans such as the heart, enzymes release from surrounding muscle tissue that break down the object in question and use the broken down materials to kick start the repair process, but for the two to three minutes in which the biot is 'dead' it is easily destroyed potentially.
Acid: Corrosive acids prevent limb regeneration for up to two days, and eat through her bodily tissues rapidly unless nuetralized by another chemical or use of healing underlays or immediately feeding, though it will take longer to eat through the bone. This is very deadly because if the head is exposed to acid and not immediately treated, it could eat all the way to the processors, killing her for real.
Anti-Vong: Baffer Pollen can cause rapid necrosis in the masquer, heavily damaging the biot as it simply cannot fight without it. Alpha red will kill it in an hour and a half without the proper treatment or underlays. While the Masquer is more resistant to unmasquer's, the fact remains that the ooglith will still eventually tear itself completely off the biot, heavily damaging though not killing it
Burnout: The Biot may need blood to speed up tissue repair but it now also needs blood for general sustainance (Though it can still use typical biot nutrient for sustainance in an emergency, though it now only provides a quarter of the nourishment other biots get), as much as twelve pints every three days, and breaks down after four if it does not get it, eventually mutating and turning feral to get blood regardless of the situation or source to obtain it until it turns back to normal. Once mutated, it is completely unreasonable and bloodthirsty, though its speed and reflexes are twice that of a normal human...
Effects of turning feral and mutating from lack of sustainance:

Once mutated it 'must' consume flesh and blood, otherwise it will break down further and be rendered inoperable until repairs could be made. If not, death would occur. Whatever combat databases it has active in this state are dependant on the form it was in when it broke down, so it might have no combat protocols active at all in certain scenarios, which makes this state of being less dangerous to others depending on whether they keep their wits about them when encountering it. All forms of strategy go out the window for the sake of obtaining food at any cost, potentially rendering it easily defeated and destroyed. Curiously, the one exception to who it attacks in this state is Nine...
Also, the higher its speed and reflexes are set, the faster its muscles break down due to fatigue, requiring more and more frequent feeding to maintain them the higher they are set, and quadrupling her nourishment requirements at their highest possible setting. Also, at max settings, she cannot use healing underlays, leaving feeding the sole means of repairing damage or keeping fed.
Ion: Its weakness to Ion is only slightly less incapacitating than it was in its old body, either disabling, enabling or randomizing its active databases no matter the form, which can be deadly in a fight if she is hit with one without the proper protection. Requires three minutes to reboot, and could presumably be easily destroyed by another if under heavy attack. Also causes stiffness in joints and vomiting of white blood, giving away her inhuman nature.
Advanced Microwave weakness: While not as lethal to her as it was to her previous body, Microwaves can still do heavy damage, rupturing biot tissue and requiring her to feed immediately to repair the damage to avoid blacking out. Also, half her databases and shapeshifting functions are randomly disabled as well as slowing her speed and reflexes by half depending on her form...meaning she could be as slow as a snail if it happens in a civilian guise, rendering her extremely vulnerable and easily destroyed potentially. Even minor exposure from poorly shielded machines emitting undirected microwaves can cause temporary glitches in the masquer that last about five seconds, giving away her non-humanity to everyone around her.
Mode locked: Once in a particular form, it is at varying levels of disadvantages. Its near or totally helpless in its civilian guise and can neither attack or defend while altering its form, rendering it easily destroyed if discovered. Its Lawyer form has the most strategic processing power, and every other form is acting on plans formulated during its lawyer guise, leaving it unable to easily come up with back up plans if things go wrong. Also, depending on the form its using, its blood thirsty nature may lead to it screwing up its plans due to not having the guiding logic of its lawyer guise, though even in its lawyer guise it is still exceptionally murderous, which may cause problems regardless.
You don't belong in this world!: The very nature of this Biot is repulsive to any ordinary person given its lethality and bloodthirsty much so they might be tempted to destroy it given its peculiarities, and any authorities not directly aligned with it and reliant on its services would condemn it as particularly dangerous and insidious assassin droid and immediately order its destruction.
Personality flaw: The processor that controls her shapeshifting ability is mounted directly over the brain that would allow this biot to feel and express empathy in more than the tinest amounts she naturally does when its fully working. If the processor were disabled, Vera would suddenly feel guilt and shame for her brutal nature, emotions that might be near totally incapacitating to the biot, which does not know how to deal with and process such things. This could render her easily destroyed and compounds the other issues that result from compromised processors in other situations previously listed...she could be destroyed because she lost the will to fight her enemy out of shame. Nine can wirelessly disable the processor as a form of punishment but if anyone else learned the encrypted frequency...they could presumably use it to either torture or destroy it easily.
Restraining bolt: Built into its very programming, Nine can revoke her biot's ability to kill at any time, and restore it as she pleases.
Also, due to cramming its head with information despite its upgraded learning capacity for new weapons and social engineering, due to its programming limits being currently maxed out, it literally cannot be more than a sociopathic, parasitic lawyer/assassin/bodyguard/doctor/spy and faux philanthropist. This causes it the faintest amount of distress that it can be no more than a variation of these positions and nothing more.
Squishy: Despite protective enhancements to vital organs and the skeletal structure, most of its tissues are as easily damaged as they were on the old body. Blasters tear through it even easier than on normal tissues in other organics in most parts of its body, and though the skull is dense enough to survive a single blaster rifle bolt, if the enemy thinks to use more than one Vera is going to die, though it will tear through the skeleton easily elsewhere, potentially causing loss of limbs. Also, Vera can be as affected by blood loss as anyone else, especially if sustaining heavy amounts of damage.
Electricity: Electricity has a curious effect on this new model. While it will not kill the biot it will cause it to rapidly shift between forms, databases going on and off between them for thirty seconds, disorienting it until the shielded processors reboot. This could presumably give an attacker a small window of oppertunity to attack and possibly destroy it.
After Vera suffered near total destruction due to her carelessness and bloodthirsty nature during the Invasion of Eshan, only her personality, programming, and memory processors survived--basically Vera's real brain--and were recovered by another of Nine Live's creations.
Vowing to address the flaws in the original design, and rebuild Vera from the ground up, Nine went back to the drawing board, taking from her original technical specs for Vera and expanding and refining them to create an improved Killing Machine
Base: Biot
Studies and observation of Vera's battle on Eshan revealed that for all its strengths, such as its inability to feel pain and extreme close and long range lethality and precision, it still damaged far too easily and repaired far too slowly and not enough to make a difference in prolonged combat. To respond to this, samples from the previous version's genetic structure were altered and then grownn, resulting in a biot with increased bone density, and regenerative properties, particularly vital internal organs such as the heart and lungs and even the brain to some extant being given priority while regenerating, albeit slowly. While it is still able to feed on Nutrient in an emergency, blood is now its primary means of sustainance as well as repairing severe wounds at a fast pace. Its reflexes and speed increase depending on what combat form it is using, and is incapable of feeling pain with few exceptions such as exposure to Unmasquers. It can now be fully upgraded either genetically or through processor replacements and upgrades. Though still easily damaged and even gaining a few new weaknesses, it now has emergency enzymes that are stored in its muscle tissues and brain that release upon detection of catastrophic damage that keep it alive while it slowly repairs damage that would otherwise be fatal (though it will need to feed after being healed) in others, its weaknesses to flame, cryo, Ion, and microwave, while still highly significant, are now much more survivable than before, and easier to recover from, albeit still extremely fatal in the right circumstances such as being unable to escape or feed on her attackers. All in all a solid improvement over the previous model...its even able to regrow its ooglith after suffering catastrophic damage. As before, its internal organs are shaped to resemble a human, allowing it to fool some medical scanners. It can also release enzymes to break down objects lodged in its body.
The Ooglith that serves as its skin has been greatly improved, allowing it greater camouflage functions than previous depending on its current form, able to stretch and match the color and texture of its surrounding environment, as well as mask its thermal signature, even able to alter face and body type repeatedly in a certain guise. It is now slightly more resistant to unmasquers, taking longer to rip away from the biot on exposure, giving the biot time to possibly destroy the unmasquer.
As before, the biot is programmed with with a horrifyingly extensive combat database, which now includes, in addition to all its previous weapon databases, the ability to use rocket and grenade launchers, as well as lightsabers, its processors in other regards have been enhanced as is now able to function as a combat pilot, doctor, or even a private detective or spy, in addition to being a lawyer. It is also a sociopath as a result partly due to its construction but also due to its programming
All in all, an amazing scientific achievement but still hampered by traditional weaknesses, plus a few new ones due to the altered genetics, such as acid and electricity, and the need for blood as a primary form of sustainance, the lack of which will still cause it to mutate and turn feral, but repairable. Anyone ordinary person unprepared to fight such a creature, even if it is in the end something of a glass cannon has a very low chance of survival. With the guises now at her disposal, there is literally almost no social circle Vera cannot infiltrate if she plays her cards right.