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Character Veradun Sharr


SpeciesNagai, some human influence somewhere
Height1.58M / 159cm / 5’2”
Weight47.6kg / 105 lbs
Force AlignmentDark Side
FactionThe Sith Order
Eye ColorPale blue; darker outer ring
Hair ColorBlack
Skin ColorPale


Pale skinned, deceptively gaunt and thin, with glossy black hair and icy blue eyes with a darker ring around the outside. Sports some mild blemishes on his face due to the onset of puberty. Wears typical dark clothing befitting of a young Sith in training. Despite his appearances, he is very quick and agile and very dexterous.


Academy Uniform

A pair of clothes made from finer material
Zeyd-cloth hooded cloak


Veradun is somewhat introverted, preferring to keep his own company over the company of others. However, he has no issue with engaging with others when necessary. He is very close with his adopted family and close extensions of those individuals, and he holds them above all others. He is bound to a sense of honor, a trait that has naturally developed as he’s grown from child to young teenage boy, and this has shaped him to become dutiful - especially to those he has a strong bond with. Veradun tries to make friends with others if it suits him, and he is fairly quick to pick out allies from foes. Even at a young age, his adopted parents, older sister Revna, and his High Priest and other mentors, noticed a streak of mercilessness within him which seemed to reveal itself when his honor or the honor of his close loved ones was called into question or besmirched by others. There have been multiple occasions where he has been pulled out of a fight with other children, simply so that he wouldn’t kill them, and this boldness and fearlessness has even extended to adults from time to time. The only things he truly fears is losing his family, his loved ones…and losing his freedom.


Honorable, Disciplined, Dutiful, Insightful, Devoted, Loyal, Passionate


Merciless, Introverted, Passionate, Fear of losing family and freedom


Not much is known about Veradun before he was found on the war torn streets of Tund by the then Sith Acolyte, Revna Revna , who brought him to safety as she helped her Mentor Darth Strosius Darth Strosius attempt to take over the planet.

When they were forced to leave, Revna decided to take the orphaned boy with her and her Mentor, giving him the name ‘Veradun’, taking inspiration from the name of an ancient Sith Lord, Darth Malgus. Upon returning back to their secret home base on Formos, Veradun was officially adopted into one of the many families that resided within the Formos Dresuoti, and given a second chance at life. Early on it was discovered that the boy was Force sensitive, and thus his introduction into the Force and the Dark side began. As he grew older, he helped his parents around the settlement, oftentimes volunteering his service at the Cathedral in the heart of the settlement, helping the priests and priestesses with their various duties and to try and catch a glimpse of his High Priest. He formed a very deep bond to Revna, who had saved him, and she formally adopted him as her brother and gave him her former last name of Sharr. Besides his adopted parents, Revna and his High Priest Darth Strosius are the only individuals to whom he is closest to, and holds the highest honor for. He has grown somewhat close to others over time, such as individuals within the noble House of Marr since his sister became an official Marr herself.

By the time Veradun reached his teen years, he had grasped the basics of Force application and had an understanding of Sith history including modern day history and notable figures, had memorized the Sith Code, and had received some form of physical and weapons training. However, it was agreed by his parents, his sister and his High Priest that he should be enrolled into the Sith Academy at Jutrand with a sponsorship from the Lord Inquisitor of the Sith Order and, if accepted, have his training completed in such an environment - thus opening up more opportunities for him to truly step into his role as a future Sith of the Sith Empire.


Mother: Myra Drakar (Kyanis) (NPC) (Deceased)
Father: Orrin Drakar (NPC) (Deceased)
Siblings: Renn Drakar (5) Talia Drakar (3) (Deceased);
Revna of House Marr; Adopted older Sister; Living
Master: Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron ; Current, Living
Mentor(s): Darth Strosius Darth Strosius , Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Apprentice/Student: TBA
Friends: TBD
Enemies: TBD
Romantic Interests: TBD

Skill Level Legend: 1-5
1-Novice: No/little experience
2-Advanced Beginner: some experience
3-Competent: moderate experience
4-Proficient: significant experience
5-Master: complete experience

1) Telekinesis: Competent Overall

  • Force Lift - Competent
  • Force Pull - Competent
  • Force Choke - Advanced Beginner
  • Force Push - Competent
  • Move object - Competent
2) Force Jump: Advanced Beginner

3) Force Sense: Advanced Beginner

4) Force Speed: Advanced Beginner

5) Force Stealth: Novice/Advanced Beginner

6) Mental Shield: Novice/Advanced Beginner


1) Shii-Cho: Competent
2) Makashi: Advanced Beginner
3) Soresu: Novice
4) Ataru: Novice
5) Shien/Djem So: Novice
6) Niman: Novice
7) Juyo: Novice


  • Midi-chlorian Score Tested at 15,120
  • Nagai bloodline traces back to his Sith ancestor, Darth Nihl
  • Prefers physical blades such as a Sith sword over lightsabers

STORY ARC THREAD TRACKER (In Order Of Story Progression)

Academy Arc

1) Going Away to College (Faction) - Veradun Sharr leaves home to attend the Sith Academy in Jutrand; there he must pass a series of tests to even be considered worthy enough to attend.
2) Tale of the Shadow (Dominion) - Veradun tags along with one of the Academy Masters and a group of fellow Acolytes to be a part of a "negotiation" on behalf of the Sith Order, which turns sour. The Sith must then fight their way out of the mess they've found themselves in. Veradun makes his first kill.
3) The Rubicon (Faction) - Veradun sits in on the Assembly as the Emperor of the Sith tries to bring some warring Sith to heel. The boy is approached by a cloaked Stranger who, after some conversing, extends and offer of apprenticeship to Veradun - but to accept it is to permanently leave the Academy. He leaves Veradun to think on his offer.
4) To Seek Counsel (Private) - Veradun meets with one of his Academy Sponsors, Darth Strosius, for advice and preparation training for an upcoming Academy placement duel, as well as to gain advice on the apprenticeship offer he was given.
5) Thicker Than Water (Private) - After his meeting with his Sponsor, Veradun roams the Bailiff Station to pass the time and runs into another Sith by the name of Kasir, a Wonosan Darkseeker, who takes the boy along on an adventure to the Inquisitional planet of Faldos.

Post Academy; The Apprentice Arc
ACT 1-The Very Beginning

1) Cut Off One Head, Two More Shall Arise (Faction) - Veradun is brought to the Kaggath/Trial of Darth Strosius by his new Sith Master, Darth Nefaron - a calculated move to beginning severing the boy's ties to his former life and connections, and further plant the seeds of wickedness and insidious plots in his young Apprentice.

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