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Approved Species Ver'dels

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  • Intent: Create the species of Katana.
  • Image Credit: 1 2 3
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Name: Ver'del
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Unknown Regions
  • Average Lifespan: 5 Million Years
  • Estimated Population: Common
  • Description: Var'dels are near humans that can appear white, brown, or purple or really any color. The purple ones have fur across their body, and retractable claws, while the other two appear to look identical to humans, for the most part. All of them have sharper teeth than humans, and "elf" like ears. They have markings on their body that glow when they use the Force.
  • Breathes: All Atmospheres.
  • Average Height of Adults: 5-20 Feet Tall
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: White, Red, Purple, Green, Gold, Brown, Tan, Tons of Colors.
  • Hair color: White, Red, Purple, Green, Gold. They do not have natural hair colors for humans.
  • Distinctions: Var'dels are near humans that can appear white, brown, or purple. The purple ones have fur across their body while the rest appear to mostly be humanoid. All of them have sharper teeth than humans, and "elf" like ears. They have markings on their body that glow when they use the Force. Males generally look bulkier of the Purple variety, and have retractable claws. The females of the purples look slim, and lightweight. The white and brown males can vary as can the females in terms of build. All of them have retractable claws that they can utilize, and sharper teeth than near humans. They have marks on their body that glow when they use the Force. The Var'del can adapt to any environment as well, allowing them to breathe, even when they're in space. They can eat almost anything, and have no poisons that can affect them in the slightest. They have a Gemstone in their foreheads that stores their life experiences, and acts as a sort of "link" so they can communicate privately with other Ver'dels. This can only be removed when they die, and passed to another Ver'del.
  • Races:

  • The Var'tol are a female only sub-species of the race. These have naturally enhanced speed, and strength. They also tend to be better when it comes to the use of weapons. They value training for war, and constantly obsessively train.
  • The As'ral are another species. They generally specialize in the craftmanship of weapons. They have an easier time when it comes to the use of Force Imbue, and Alchemy naturally. They're quick learners, as well. They have light builds to themselves. They also have high metabolisms.

  • Tor'dol: The Tor'dol are mountains of men of the species. They believe in oppression, and dominance. They are physical monsters, having skins able to resist nearly all Slug Throwers and Kinetic Weapons. They also have great strength, able to lift vehicles, and hurl them around. They have an easier time with Terrakinesis, and the more physical force powers.

  • Etrol are another species that has wings. They can fly through the air with the wings. They are more scholarly, and dedicate themselves to the pursuit of knowledge. Their technology is books, and things from fiction generally speaking in terms of motif. They are pacifists, unless you burn their libraries, or steal from them. Well, that's true for most of them except "Seekers" who go forth to seek more things for them to study.
Valshiti: The Valshiti are nocturnals, and have cat like features. They also have retractable claws, and better night vision.

  • Force Sensitivity: All
  • Physical Power: They are physically powerful, possessing great amounts of speed, strength, and durability naturally.
  • Force Power: Most of them have a lot of raw power in the Force.
  • Quick Learning: The Ver'del have an easy time learning tasks. This allows them to learn in 1/5th the time or better skills such as Force Push, Pull, Telekinesis, etc. They can also learn blacksmithing, and the like.
  • Information Transference: When a Ver'del dies, all their life experiences and knowledge can be transferred by simply plucking the crystal from their head, and giving it to someone else. This also includes a copy of their consciousness.
  • Environmental / Poison Resistance: They can resist dangerous environments / poisons because of their ability to adapt to such.
  • The Ver'dels have a sort of "Mental Link" to one another that allows them to share information, and to communicate without speaking.
  • Hurts to Speak: It physically harms them to use their vocal cords.
  • Reliant on the Force: The Force is one of their forms of sustenance, though not something they have to rely on. Cutting them off from it would give them massive migraines, and eventually debilitate them. It could even be fatal.
  • Their word: Once they have given their word, they're literally incapable of breaking it.
  • They're physically unable to lie.
  • Breaking the Gem: Breaking the Gem in their forehead is a death sentence to the Ver'del it is done to.
  • Mortal: Excluding poisons they have all mortal weaknesses.
  • Wing Removal: Cutting the wings off of the sub species that have wings will put them in a coma.
  • Laughing Gas is paralytic to them.
  • Connection: Severing their connection to one another is nearly fatal.
  • Telepaths can infiltrate the mental link.
  • Fatal Allergy to Chili Peppers, and Cayanne Peppers.
  • Diet: Omnivore / Force Energy
  • Communication: Telepathy.
  • Technology level: Their technology has an Asian, Medieval, and Greek type vibe to it. But, it's equivalent to Galactic Standard.
  • Religion/Beliefs: The Ver'dals do not care for the Jedi / Sith war that has plagued the galaxy in the slightest. They believe the Force to be nothing more than a tool someone can use, an asset, and some of them believe it to be an ally. They do believe as long as it is treated right, the Force will not become a threat to all sapient life - so they are respectful with their uses of it, and won't allow themselves to kill planets, or attack helpless opponents. They also believe when they kill an animal they should make use of all of it they can use. Furthermore, they do not believe in the use of Super Weapons or the like, thus preventing them from utilizing such, even in self defense. They believe the Force is alive, and sapient.
  • General behavior: The Ver'dals care for their families, and do their best to ensure their children are kept safe. They hunt animals on their planet in order to provide them food. They also grow crops to make food for themselves. They build, and invent. Generally the As'ral prefer to be nocturnal but the Var'tol prefer to be diurnal. The elders of the species are named after blade types, the ones who have the most authority on the planet anyway are named after such. The Ver'dals do not care for the Jedi / Sith war that has plagued the galaxy in the slightest. The Ver'dals answer to an Emperor, and believe the Emperor is an authority that should be obeyed. They are a species with a high value of honor, and family. As such, backstabbing one another is not something they understand. They also hate when one betrays their family.

Originally the Ver'dels were an ordinary species of Biped on a distant world. Each and every one of them was captured by a mad scientist who wanted guineapigs for his less than ethical experiments. Mutagens, and radiation was used by him on the bulk of them to test to see what would happen should all of them be mutated, to see what would happen to them if such was done. This was done without any form of anesthesia in the slightest. Several thousand did not survive. Those who did continued to get experimented on, some having wings grafted to their flesh, others having tissue inserted into their bodies that they didn't have before. Some of them even had claws forcibly inserted into them against their will, again without any form of painkillers whatsoever being used on them to deaden the pain.

They were then left on the planet. Generations passed while the galaxy fought it's wars, and the Empire / Rebels / Republic did their shenanigans. The civilization of the various sub races of the Ver'dels developed, and marched on. For the most part, they kept to themselves, sending out a scout every 500 years to gather information, and report back to them. Now though, they've sent out a scout again to see what has happened in the galaxy at large.
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Ok. So these guys are interesting, but there are some things. Your Canon, Permissions, and Links sections should have N/A if there is no info to put there. Also, your Description, Skin Color, and Race don't seem to match up well. You say only the purple race has claws, but then also say they all have claws.
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