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Approved Planet Veridia

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  • Veridia

    • Intent: To introduce Veridia as a strategic resource hub and a hidden refuge for those seeking knowledge of the Force. The planet embodies a unique blend of traditional governance and societal structures with the onset of modernization and increased interaction with the wider galaxy
    • Image Credit: Dall-E
    • Canon: N/A
    • Permissions: N/A

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    • Planet Name: Veridia
    • Demonym: Veridians
    • Region: Unknown Regions
    • System Name: Shinryoku
    • System Features: Three moons (Tsuki, Kōri, Hikari) one Sun (Shinryoku) 32-hour rotational period, 257 galactic standard day orbital period.
    • Location: [Here]
    • Major Imports: Raw materials for construction, advanced technology components, luxury goods, refined ores, medical supplies.
    • Major Exports: Exquisite artwork, traditional craftsmanship, rare gemstones, unique flora and fauna, handcrafted weaponry, Coal, silk, rice, tea, copper, porcelain, lacquerware, textiles, sake, seafood, timber, bamboo, ceramics, indigo dye, decorative scrap book paper, paper), fruits, soybeans, sushi, Silicone, metalwork, and traditional crafts.
    Unexploited Resources:

    Major Imports:

    • Raw materials for construction
    • Advanced technology components
    • Luxury goods
    • Refined ores
    • Medical supplies
    Major Exports:
    • Exquisite artwork
    • Traditional craftsmanship
    • Rare gemstones
    • Unique flora and fauna
    • Handcrafted weaponry
    • Coal, silk, rice, tea, copper
    • Porcelain, lacquerware, textiles
    • Sake, seafood, timber, bamboo
    • Ceramics, indigo dye
    • Decorative scrapbook paper, paper
    • Fruits, soybeans, sushi
    • Silicone, metalwork
    • Traditional crafts
    Unexploited Resources:

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    • Gravity: Standard
    • Climate:Varied
      • Arid Deserts - 5%
      • Tundras - 5%
      • Swamps and Marshlands - 5%
      • Savannas - 5%
      • Tropical Rainforests - 5%
      • Plains - 5%
      • Lush Grasslands - 10%
      • Dense Forests - 10%
      • Urban and Industrial Zones - 10%
      • Coastal Areas - 10%
      • Mountainous Regions - 10%
      • Oceanic - 20%
    • Primary Terrain: Forests, Mountains, Agricultural areas, Ocean
    • Atmosphere: Type I

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    • Capital City: There is no official capital city. The largest city is known as Gyokuen, The Jade Garden
    • Planetary Features:
      • Ancient Ruins: Scattered remnants of a lost civilization.
      • Interconnected Villages: Network of villages connected by stone pathways and wooden bridges.
      • Floating Markets: Markets on water where vendors sell goods from boats.
      • Tree Building Architecture: Buildings integrated into and built around large trees.
      • Cliffside Monasteries: Monasteries built into cliffs, accessible by narrow paths.
      • Crystal Gardens: Gardens illuminated by naturally glowing crystals.
      • Sky Gardens: Green spaces atop hills and natural terraces.
      • Underground Shelters: Subterranean shelters with basic ventilation.
      • Rural Technology Farms: Farms using simple but effective agricultural techniques.
      • Starlit Theaters: Open-air theaters using natural light and torches.
      • Urban Canals: Natural waterways running through villages for transport and irrigation.
      • Wooden or Stone Temples: Temples made from locally sourced wood or Stone, featuring traditional architecture.
      • Handcrafted Bridges: Intricately designed wooden and stone bridges connecting different areas.
      • Herbal Healing Centers: Facilities using natural remedies and traditional medicine.
      • Artisan Workshops: Small workshops where local artisans craft goods using traditional methods.
      • Stone Aqueducts: Stone aqueducts for transporting water to different parts of the villages.
      • Amphitheaters: Large open-air venues for public gatherings, performances, and events.
      • Stone Fortresses: Fortified stone structures used for defense and as places of refuge.
      • Public Bathhouses: Communal bathhouses using natural hot springs or heated water.
      • Terraced Fields: Agricultural terraces carved into hillsides to maximize arable land.
    - Major Locations:
    The largest city is known as Gyokuen. Also Known as the "Jade Garden".

    Gyokuen: The Jade Garden, City of Jade

    Gyokuen, known as both the Jade Garden and the City of Jade, is the largest city on the planet. Built upon deposits of natural jade, the city's structures and pathways are crafted from this precious stone, giving the entire city a mesmerizing green glow. Lush gardens filled with vibrant colored flora further enhance its enchanting beauty. Believed to possess ancient mystical properties, these gardens attract visitors seeking tranquility and healing. Gyokuen's unique architecture, seamlessly integrated with the natural verdant landscape, features tree-built structures, crystal-lit pathways, and serene water canals, making it a fine blend of nature and civilization.

    There is an old temple called the Ashlanti Elysium presently being reconstructed in to a jedi temple.

    - Force Nexus (Optional):
    Whispering Winds Nexus Network

    General Information

    • Nexus Name: Whispering Winds Nexus Network
    • Nexus Alignment: Neutral
    • Size: Large (A location that spans a large area, forming ley lines and nodes across the planet.)
    • Strength: Strong (A strong influence on the area and the people on it. Powerful enough to be renewed in the event of a great cataclysm, and unlikely to be altered.)

    The Whispering Winds Nexus Network consists of multiple nodes scattered across Veridia, rich with kyber, kyberite, and krysteel. These nodes form ley lines, creating a planetary grid of Force energy. Nodes are located in various terrains, some hidden and guarded, others known to local sages. The network is semi-public, accessible to those who can navigate the ley lines.

    The Nexus Network enhances meditation, foresight, and perception. The winds carry whispers of the past, present, and future, providing insights and knowledge from the Force. Nodes with dense concentrations of materials enable teleportation between them, allowing near-instantaneous travel across the planet. To use teleportation, one must first find and attune to a node. Certain nodes may be guarded by denizens of the planet in specific areas as sacred or holy sites. Those spending time in Force Nexus may result in hallucinations and visions from the Force.

    General Guidance for Effects of Items Made from Nexus Materials


    - Certain nodes enable individuals to be attuned for teleportation between nodes, allowing near-instantaneous travel across the planet. Finding and attuning to a node firs is required for teleportation to that node. You must be on the planet to teleport to a node.

    Crafting and Use
    • Crafting: Involves rituals to channel the node's energy into the item.
    • Use: Items become attuned to their user, growing stronger with use.
    • Maintenance: Items may or may not need periodic recharging at their originating node.
    • General Effects
      • Items made may have the Force enhance natural abilities and Force connection.
      • Items made may have the Force bestow unique qualities and advantages.
      • Items made may have the Force bestow / offer protective and fortifying qualities.
    • Resonance: Items made with or with in or attuned to specific Nodes resonate with specific types of effects bestowed by the Force.
    • Node-Specific Enhancements
      • Mountain Nodes: Promote clarity, foresight, and resilience.
      • Forest Nodes: Enhance healing, growth, and nature connection.
      • Water Nodes: Convey peace, balance, and improved meditation.
      • Desert Nodes: Offer endurance, resilience, and insight.
      • Underground Nodes: Enhance stealth, uncover truths, and psychometry.
      • Elemental Nodes: Harness elemental forces like fire, ice, lightning, or wind.

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    • Government: Shogunate
    • Affiliation: Neutral, prioritizing isolation and stability
    • Wealth: Medium - High
    • Veridia enjoys a balanced economy due to its rich natural resources, traditional craftsmanship, and exports. The combination of agricultural productivity, rare gemstones, and artisanal goods contributes to a stable and moderately prosperous economy.
    • Stability: High
      Veridia is a peaceful, law-abiding planet with a strong emphasis on community and tradition. The shogunate governance ensures order and stability, minimizing unrest. The society is well-structured, with clear roles and responsibilities, making it safe for travelers and inhabitants alike. The blend of traditional values with controlled modernization helps maintain harmony.
    • Freedom & Oppression: Emphasis on individual freedoms within the boundaries of shogunate rule

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    • Military: Modest defensive force, skilled infantry, mostly local.
    • Technology: Blend of feudal and galactic standard tech, with gradual adoption of new technologies in rural areas

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    • How was the planet discovered?
      Veridia remained hidden until a group of explorers stumbled upon the planetoid while charting hyperspace routes. Its beauty and unique blend of nature attracted initial settlers.

      How was the planet settled?
      The initial settlers established small communities along the planet's pristine landscapes, forming the foundation of Veridian society. Over time, more immigrants arrived, drawn by the planet's rich resources and harmonious culture.

      When was it settled?
      The first settlements were established roughly a thousand years ago, and the planet's population has grown steadily since.

      Why was it settled?
      Veridia's appeal lies in its abundant resources, including rare gemstones, fertile lands, and unique flora and fauna. Additionally, its balance of traditional and modern elements has attracted those seeking a simpler way of life.

      What major events specific to the planet helped shape its inhabitants to what they are today?
      The planet's inhabitants have forged a unique identity characterized by reverence for nature, artistic expression, and the pursuit of knowledge. Over time, the establishment of the shogunate helped maintain stability while adapting to the changing galaxy, ensuring that Veridia's traditions and values endure.
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Braze Braze

Hi there!

So, there are just a few small things to go over.

1.) Some of your tabs are wonky and don't reflect the category correctly. (Ex. OOC Info, General Info is Duplicated) We don't mind if you use tabs, but they need to be labeled correctly for easy reading.

2.) There's a lot of Japanese influence in this submission. That is perfectly fine, but, the naming of the system/sun (Shinryoku), the moons (Tsuki, Kōri, Hikari), Gyokuen, or even the status of the government as a Shogunate all nod toward Japan (which doesn't exist) in Star Wars. If it was just one or the other it wouldn't even register, but it's a reoccurring theme, that isn't differentiated much by the historical portion. I won't ask that you change these at this time but I will ask you to be mindful about being a little too on the nose with Earth Terms in the future.

3.) Gravity: If it's "Earth-Like" this should say "Standard".

4.) History - Suggestion: You covered the basics, certainly, but is there anything that could be added about what writers might expect in the now? It seems like "tradition and culture" is a big thing for Veridia but it never states what these traditions actually are. The culture is a blend...But is there anything that sticks out that they might value?

The more background you set down, the more clearly others will be able to understand your view of your creation.

If there's nothing you can think of to add in that regard that's fine. Most of my response is meant to help versus being a critique. The only things that need to be adjusted are #1 and #3. Give me a tag when you're ready!
Braze Braze

Hi there!

So, there are just a few small things to go over.

1.) Some of your tabs are wonky and don't reflect the category correctly. (Ex. OOC Info, General Info is Duplicated) We don't mind if you use tabs, but they need to be labeled correctly for easy reading.

2.) There's a lot of Japanese influence in this submission. That is perfectly fine, but, the naming of the system/sun (Shinryoku), the moons (Tsuki, Kōri, Hikari), Gyokuen, or even the status of the government as a Shogunate all nod toward Japan (which doesn't exist) in Star Wars. If it was just one or the other it wouldn't even register, but it's a reoccurring theme, that isn't differentiated much by the historical portion. I won't ask that you change these at this time but I will ask you to be mindful about being a little too on the nose with Earth Terms in the future.

3.) Gravity: If it's "Earth-Like" this should say "Standard".

4.) History - Suggestion: You covered the basics, certainly, but is there anything that could be added about what writers might expect in the now? It seems like "tradition and culture" is a big thing for Veridia but it never states what these traditions actually are. The culture is a blend...But is there anything that sticks out that they might value?

If there's nothing you can think of to add in that regard that's fine. Most of my response is meant to help versus being a critique. The only things that need to be adjusted are #1 and #3. Give me a tag when you're ready!
1. Apologies something go mixed up. I'll add a few more things and correct this in the next 3 weeks if that's okay as I'm finishing up some other subs and such that should be linked here as well.
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