Name: Registration Protocol Droid Model 43729 (RPD-43729), though he is better known by a single computing keyword: Verify
Faction: Droid Rights Movement
Rank: Associate Member
Species: Registration Protocol Droid
Age: 104 years old, though perceptively alerted as a result of memory wipes
Sex: Male by way of Masculine Programming
Height: Approximately 5 feet 5 inches (1.651 Meters)
Weight: Approximately 155 pounds (70 kilos)
Eyes: Blue photoreceptors
Hair: While Verify is noted for his long shock of blonde hair that carries with it a dark metallic sheen, it's important to note that this mane serves only a cosmetic purpose and is synthetic. It was reportedly added in an effort to make him appear more organic.
Skin: Being that he is a genuine protocol droid with a number of reshaped components and a custom paint scheme, Verify actually lacks skin. His face was actually painted to resemble organic skin and the top of his head was painted red to present the illusion that he is wearing a helmet. Likewise, his hands are sheathed and then painted over as though he were wearing gloves. That being said, he still lacks actually skin and only the visible portion of his face is actually painted to mimic it.
Force Sensitive: Being a mechanical droid, Verify exists completely outside of the force and is not a living thing. He therefore can never be sensitive to the Force. He cannot make use of Force powers and he cannot wield a lightsaber.
Ironically enough, however, he is an extremely spiritual individual who has developed a penchant for employing energy melee weapons like stun batons, electrostaffs and vibro-axes due to the fact that he cannot use a genuine lightsaber. He venerates the all-power Force on a deep level despite being insensitive to it and existing outside of it. Notably he spent his time after his liberation visiting the archaeological ruins on Yavin IV.
+ Since he was used as a civilian registration protocol droid for the longest time, Verify had to double as a guard. He taught himself a great deal about the traditional arts of self-defense and he has a strong grasp of body mechanics, though naturally his body requires some slight alterations to that understanding. Component upgrades have ensured that his body could take the additional abuse. Naturally his servomechanisms are considerably stronger than an average person's muscles, which makes this fact that more impressive.
+ Being a non-biological organism, Verify doesn't require food, air or water to survive. Rather, he is perfectly comfortable working in a vacuum, in a contaminated area or a place with high levels of radiation. Unlike many droids, he has made sure to use a series of sheaths, sealed components and tight bolts to keep out dirt and particulates. This helps to protect his motor structure as well.
+ In many ways Verfiy has superior senses to other organic individuals. He can view many wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum and hear audio tones that are outside the normal Human, Chiss or Twi'lek ranges. This was particularly useful in his previous duties, considering the fact that it was very good to know if someone was carrying an unauthorized weapon.
- As a mechanical device, he is extremely sensitive to electromagnetic fields and EMP blasts. This is perhaps an irony considering his preference for energy-based melee weapons, and it's certainly a disadvantage in that respect.
- While he actually is a protocol droid, Verify was programmed with registration tasks in mind. This means that he lacks the verbobrain and communications module that allow protocol droids to speak so many varied languages. While some units boast 6 million forms of communication, he can speak more like 16. He's still hyper-intelligent when it comes to the standards set by organic translators, but that's seriously disabled by droid standards.
- Since his synthetic droid brain is based primarily on computer logic it should be possible to find programming exploits. While this might seem to be a relatively abstract weakness, those who know what they're doing could easily deactivate him with the correct shutdown codes. Slicers who don't have access to these codes can still find programming backdoors and sneak in where they don't belong.
Appearance: As a registration protocol droid, Verify takes on a relatively artificial humanoid visage. A long mane of synthetic hair extends out the back of what appears to be a helmet, though this projection is actually a portion of his head. Verify's face has been painted a skin tone, and his photoreceptors were sculpted to look like eyeballs, but this has served to increase the feeling of uneasiness in some people. Unlike a replica droid, Verify looks humanoid but not organic, which is rather creepy-looking to some.
Much of his body has been sculpted and reinforced. His hands have sheathed monocoque over them that provide some degree of protection, and each of his limbs and joints have some degree of rapid articulation. These joints are all attached to a central torso, which continues the red, black, white and gold paint scheme that most of his body is painted in.
Ventilation circles are located on what appear to be large boots, but are instead actually sculpted and attached to his legs via welding and bolts. This general appearance combined with his penchant for unique weapons like stun batons has given him more of the look of a literary character than a droid might normally have had.
Biography: Most droids manufactured on Kuat are designed to be shipped off world, but some are required to keep up the constant industry on that planet. Not much of his early history is really all that memorable. While Verify would personally like to recall more of it, that sort of thing wouldn't really be possible considering the fact that he was regularly memory wiped in order to ensure that he didn't develop too much of a personality independent of his original programming.
What is known, however, is that he was assigned to work as a civilian registration droid, keeping watch over a specific sector inside of the massive drive yards that orbit the planet. Countless droids were needed to watch over small sectors that were not much bigger than a room.
Pilots and technicians needed to sign in with someone and receive security verification clearance to get to their needed jobs. This is more than likely where his nickname comes from, though it's also a play on a computer command keyword.
Generally an organic guard is needed to work in concert with a registration protocol droid to ensure secure working conditions, but it was felt that various upgrades to make Verify a little more potent would have been far more economical.
Due to the memory flushes, it was made sure that he didn't gain too much independence and would instead be content daily with checking to make sure that unauthorized personnel didn't enter as well as registering new test pilots and technicians. He had to go about making sure that he was able to speak to numerous people from across the galaxy in different languages that had to visit the drive yards for one reason or another.
Unfortunately for his owners, though, his advanced upgrades caught up with him. With a higher skill set came a greater need to achieve, and that meant that he had wanted more and more out of life. Business personnel from several worlds eventually needed his services to seal deals across the galaxy, considering Kuat's important industrial status.
That meant that he was able to finally leave the drive yards behind and see a few other admittedly remote worlds. Having been taken on a trip to far off places like Dantooine and Lothal, Verify ironically wanted to get in touch with the natural world, but in his own locale he wasn't able to even see dry land down on Kuat. The day came when he was able to act lost and therefore slip onto a hyperdrive vessel headed to a far off place. He was gone before anyone realized it, and considering the distance his restraining bolt no longer held him down and he had it removed.
Since that time he has started to take his self-defense training quite seriously, and has focused on acquiring experiences that he wasn't allowed to previously. While he is concerned that eventually that will require his memory banks to fill up, he has made two plans about that. He can backup memories and then refresh his banks to ensure storage and efficiency without loosing anything, and he has also recognized that eventually forgetting something might make him far more human than his creators ever had intended him to be in the first place.
He spent much of his time since liberation at the Massassi Temple complex on Yavin IV, contemplating the mysteries of an all-encompassing life force that he will never be able to truly understand because of his unique makeup. In addition he has become an avid reader of the Journal of the Whills; the almost philosophical legendary text that presumably lays out the history of the galaxy. Considering that his computer brain can hold the entire text of such a document easily, he also often provides quotes from it.
Ship: Generally he prefers to fly the A-Wing interceptor that he's come into possession of. The blindingly fast ship makes for an excellent tool in his machine-aided hands, and he appreciates the incredible maneuverability that it has to offer him.
It's rather ironic that a droid who can operate in a vacuum would choose a space vehicle that offers a pressurized cabin, but he often doesn't pressurize it in order to conserve resources. Verify figures, however, that it would be useful if he ever needed to lend it to someone or transport something biological that needed to breath.
Smaller vessels often lack names as it is, though he is currently contemplating whether or not he should eventually give the small fighter a name to illustrate his thankfulness for the situations it's gotten him out of.
The ship is currently painted in gray tones with a prominent blue dorsal and ventral stripe along with red accents.
Kills: N/A
Bounties Collected: N/A