Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Active Member
Name: Verin



Region: Unknown

System: Bakura System

Suns: Two suns, Medium one and small one.

Orbital Position: The closest planet to this one is Bakura.

Moons: 4 Moons

Coordinates: G-17

Rotational Period: 18 hours

Orbital Period: 1.2 Standard Years

Class: Terrestrial

Diameter: 15,546

Atmosphere: Type II

Climate: Arid on most parts of the planet, except when underground.

Gravity: Double standard, twice as much as regular human gravity.

Primary Terrain: Mountains, Tundras, grassland, and some very rare forests.

Native species: Verin'Daethiril.

Immigrated species: Because of Bakura's assistance, many of the species from there planet had found a way to stumble upon the planet. Human's, Utai, Bith, P'w'ecks, and the Kurtzen.

Primary languages: Galactic Standard Basic, Daethiril, Kurtzen.

Government: Monarchy

Population: 4-5 Billion

Demonym: Verinoen

Major cities: Veldrin, the city is created into the side of the largest mountain of the planet that is filled with wonders inside. Has a population of 18 million.

Major imports: Technology, weapons and knowledge.

Major exports: Diamonds,Exotic animals, and Metals

Affiliation: None

Culture: They celebrate revolution day of there species, every year they have a contest of strength and wits. Allowing the chosen of each house to, Survive on the wastelands, fighting the native creatures of the planet and reaching the Mountain that had saved there race. They also celebrate the day of the shadows, how it created the vast darkness of space and how it is in everything.

Technology: On par with galactic standard
History: The species had taken a wrong turn at evolution, which had set back the race to the dark ages. Despite this, once the support of Bakura had came into there reach. The once backward world had been turned around, advancing faster than expected to grow. The people of the planet, took it to heart to learn from bakura and any knowledge that came there way for the betterment of the world and Verin'Daethiril. In present time, there race is considered to be one of the best for Business and expansion to date.

Notable PC's: None yet.

Notable NPC-High King, Grimas'Verin

Intent: To give the race I am forming a home, because they need one of course. First attempt at this as well.

There are some problems, typos, and other mistakes in the submission.

What do you mean with the orbital position of '1.5'? Orbital position shows the location of a planet in its solar system.

Please change the orbital period to '1.2 standard years'.

Arid on most parts of the planet, expect when underground.
Please correct the 'expect' to 'except'.

Please add some concrete species (preferably sentient) to the Native Species section.

Immigrated species: Whatever comes from the planet, Bakura
I don't quite understand what you meant with that. Do you mean, that whatever species who come from Bakura?

Please add cultural information. Please add information about history.

Change the 'current' in Technology section to 'On par with the galactic average', 'galactic average' or something similar.

Thank you! :)

Orbital position should be something like "habitable zone" or "second planet" or "sixth planet" or something like that. Please edit it.

Culture is not only about holidays, but about the whole society, art, daily life, religion, government, etc. Please add more information.

History is too short. Please add more information.
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