Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Verine Kazimir

In Umbris Potestas Est
Name: Verine Kazimir
Faction: Omega Pyre
Rank: Corporal
Species: Mirialan
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Eyes: Green Tourmaline
Hair: Black w/ Red Streaks
Skin: Green
Force Sensitive: No

Strengths and Weaknesses
  1. Very tactical thought processes.
  2. Able to wield many types of weapons ranging from vibroblades, to assault cannons.
  3. Lithe, and agile. Very practiced in melee combat.
  4. Spec Ops training as former Republic Military.
  5. Obeys commands from higher-ups, almost to a T.

  1. Anti-social tendencies.
  2. Bullheaded, with an almost unwillingness to listen to others.
  3. Very blunt.
  4. Small frame, unable to carry very heavy equipment.
  5. Has a mild to strong cases of PTSD.


(To be updated relatively soon)


Verine Kazimir came from a long line of militaristic family from Mirial. Many of her family that she knows of have been a part of the Republic Military for many, many decades, and she was one of the only children of her generation in the family to continue the tradition. Wanting to uphold the traditions of the family values, she took her life in the Republic Military very seriously, and vowed to only follow the orders she was given.

As more time passed, she focused solely on her life in the Military, and the majority of her outside life had given away. She grew close to very, very few people, and she showed little to no signs or interest in knowing others; the only thing that had mattered to her was the Republic Military and working to uphold the Republic's values amongst the others.

###Information Redacted###​
After the incident, she began to question her loyalties amongst the Republic. As she had no idea where to go, one of her few friends--and commander--Major Mao, had offered her a place of elsewhere, away from the Republic. At the time, she was and still is, working on two sides of the fence. On the one side, she still works along with the Arceneau Trade Company, under Dangeruese Arceneau, as a body guard, and now on the other side, she works in Omega Pyre.

Ranged Weapons

(Blaster Rifles from top to bottom)​
(Blaster Pistols from right to left)​
(Mid-right Blaster Rifle)​
  • DLA-13 Modified Sonic Blaster Rifle

  • DLS-17 Modified Sonic Blaster Pistol

Melee Weapons

Specialty Weapons

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