http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/c2a43aeaed31084e79c3d8e0ab17ec03/http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s448/EpicAnime19/Anime_boy-1.jpg is where I got the pic.
NAME: Veritas Night
FACTION: Republic
RANK: Padawan
AGE: 41 (But due to rejuvenation, appears younger.)
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 220 lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Agility: For a not so young man, Veritas is very agile.
Amnesia- Veritas only remembers his own name.
Confusion- The plant has caused him no short deal of Confusion.
Memory Flashes- Memory Flashes hit him that are very painful.
Veritas stands at 6"2, and appears to weigh around 220 lbs. His clothes consist of the robes worn by a Jedi which he made himself. Normally he is also seen carrying a walking stick. Veritas dresses in a variety of clothes when he does not need to wear his jedi attire. These include body suits, hooded cloaks and a whole lot of other clothes that he wears.
Born on Tatooine as a slave he eventually won his own freedom in one of the pod races from his master. For 5 years after that, being 10 at the time he traveled the cosmsos, with no real sense of purpose. Eventually he fell in with the sith, until he was 41. However, having a change of heart he left the sith order and decided to do some good to make up for his past transgressions. The best course of action he could think of was one he would regret. Erasing his memory would prevent him from becoming a full on sith, and so that is exactly what he did try to do. Over the course of six months he tried multiple times to erase his memory. It didn't work.
Finally he heard of an amnesia causing plant, and went to the planet that had it. Using the plant he wiped out all his memories, and skills except for his own name. Now amnesiac, he travels the Cosmos looking for a purpose, and trying to figure out who he is. Recently he has arrived in the Republic, and is seeking to learn to become a jedi, for some reason.
Force Abilities:
Force Push
Force Pull
Force Persuasion
Force Lightning
Force Storm
Lightsaber Telekinesis
Water Manipulation/Ice Manipulation
None yet.
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