Kriel Firin
Enough witless banter

Verkuyl. A nothing planet in the scheme of things but it was of interest to the First order. Perhaps because alahzi was grown there. And as it was one of the main components of bacta, it was a precious resource.
It was grown in large processing plants in a medium of xoorzi fungus – except supplies had been running short of late. Initially there was speculation that it was a ruse to push the price of bacta up – ads the Trade Federation did all those years ago. But instead it was explained by a menace. Roggwarts. Or rather one. Just a very big one that was terrorising the main plant.
So a Knight was dispatched to deal with the creature and Kriel had been assigned to assist him. He was hoping for some training along the way, as journeys in the Outer Rim were notoriously slow and it would be a useful use of the time. But the Knight might have other ideas of course.
So Kriel presented himself at the hangar, ready to embark the Knight’s ship and head to their destination.