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Codex Denied Vernichten

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  • Unit Size: Small
  • Unit Availability: Unique
  • Unit Experience: Elite
  • Combat Function: The Vernichten serves as Ben Craig' s personal bodyguard unit and special ops. The Vernichten are extremely loyal to Ben Craig and are rumored to be more dedicated to the man himself than the Union. Participating in covert operations overseen personally by the Director, they act with no impunity and are entirely off the grid with little to no records of them or their activities in the Union database. Forbidden to engage in love affairs and have friends, members are socially awkward unable to have a conversation about day to day life. One of the qualifications potential recruits must meet is having no alive family members. Contact outside of work is extremely limited and monitored. However, within the unit itself, socializing is much easier as each member is a seen as a sibling by each other.
  • Combat Experience - Many years in the field make these men and women experts in what they do best, kill.
  • Stealth - Using their specially designed armor completely shrouds the individuals in shadows. Even without their stealth armor, they are trained to "blend" in the crowd.
  • Support - Acting off the grid comes with several consequences such as the inability to request air support. Once deployed they won't be able to be called back until the objective is finished.
  • Availability and Size - Due to the rigorous training and requirements, recruits for the Vernichten are rare. The size of the Unit is small to maintain a tight-knit community.
The Vern was assigned as Ben Craig's personal detail when he was a commander in the Imperial Navy. When the Empire fell and Craig joined the Directorate, he brought his troops with him. He was able to expand his unit, selecting the very best Directorate Supercommandos to serve as his detail.

When the Directorate fell, the Vernichten, along with the rest of the Executor trooper program, followed Ben and other high ranking officials to the newly formed Zweihander Union where they now serve.
4/15/20 - Edited : Intent, Role, Description, Affiliation , Equipment , Permissions , Combat Information , Historical Information
7/6/20 - Out of character information, general information, combat information
Last edited:
  • Image Credit: Link; Rogue One, A Star Wars Story
I know it's from Rogue One, but we need a source link, not just a link that shows the gif.

To keep things simple, you can just link the movie's IMDB page.

Equipment: No Specialty Weapons, Tools, or Spacecraft. All tools/weapons/spacecraft may vary depending on the mission, but standard gear is similar to that of Stormtroopers or Death Troopers.

Stormtroopers and Death Troopers have various types of gear. All the equipment the unit has access to needs to be linked.

Ben Craig Ben Craig
  • Image Credit: Link; Rogue One, A Star Wars Story
I know it's from Rogue One, but we need a source link, not just a link that shows the gif.

To keep things simple, you can just link the movie's IMDB page.

Equipment: No Specialty Weapons, Tools, or Spacecraft. All tools/weapons/spacecraft may vary depending on the mission, but standard gear is similar to that of Stormtroopers or Death Troopers.

Stormtroopers and Death Troopers have various types of gear. All the equipment the unit has access to needs to be linked.

Ben Craig Ben Craig

All done, Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Zak Dymo

Ben Craig Ben Craig

I'll be reviewing this submission for you. As is, there's only one comment that I have.

This states that your character is a board member and CEO of the company, but what it does not state is that you have carte blache to use factory submission that are under Credius' name. I'll need to ask you to show permission to use the submissions, which could be satisfied by Credius' stating such in the linked company submission or a screen shot of a PM or other source that documents it.

Please tag me when you have completed any edits.
Zak Dymo I have used the N&Z Umbrella Corporation link for my permissions in most of my submissions, and they have been approved by the judges or admins. Do you require me to still give a screenshot? I hope i don't sound offensive, just a bit frustrated that i would require Credius Nargath Credius Nargath to specifically state that i can use any of his subs. He has stated before, LINK. Tony Bonaduuci is my other character and is a proxy for Ben. I would think that a board member and CEO of a company would be able to use any tech from his company. Ben does own a share of N&Z Umbrella Corporation.

If this is still not satisfactory, i will go get the screenshot, but i just wanted to clarify a few things. =)

Zak Dymo

Credius Nargath Credius Nargath

I appreciate the edit and clarification there; however, please do not post in other people's submissions.

Ben Craig Ben Craig

I appreciate that it can be frustrating when interacting with different FJs/CJs who may interpret the rules separately and differently from the last. However, Codex does not work off of precedent. The rule states: Factory Submissions that are included in Codex Submissions must conform to the limits of production and affiliation set forward in the Factory. If an item listed was created by another member, or is listed as "Closed Market" you will be required to include proof of purchase/permission by the original submitter for the equipment, or you will need to choose something else. No exceptions. (emphasis in the original)

As I indicated, the original linked permission that you gave listed only that you were a member of the company. It was silent as to permission by the original submitter for the linked factory submissions. The Codex rule does not allow for exceptions. Permissions regarding factory items used in Codex submissions must be clear. The benefit to you, as a submitter, is that you can always Second Chance to request a new Codex Judge if you feel that the judge reviewing your submission is treating a particular rule unfairly.

With that said, the edited language that Credius has supplied:
Boardmember and company CEO: @Ben Craig Granting full and universal permission to use Company subs par regular codex and factory rules of having a mention in manufacturer. the clarity that we needed.

Ben Craig Ben Craig

This armour is Semi-Unique. Per the template, Semi-Unique equipment is limited to Unique/Small units. This unit is Rare/Small. So you will either have to replace this piece of equipment or lower the Unit Availability to Unique.
  • Social Life- Forbidden to engage in love affairs and have friends, members are socially awkward unable to have a conversation about day to day life. One of the qualifications potential recruits must meet is having no alive family members. Contact outside of work is extremely limited and monitored. However, within the unit itself, socializing is much easier as each member is a seen as a sibling by each other.

This is a nice trait to flesh out the unit's character, but not a weakness that has any bearing on combat, which is what we're looking for here. So I'd recommend adding a weakness that affects combat. At a glance, while tough, the unit lacks stuff like vehicles or aircraft, so that could be something to mention.
Ben Craig Ben Craig
  • Unit Size: Unique
  • Unit Availability: Rare
  • Unit Experience: Elite
Bit of a misunderstanding here. Unique is an Availability Rating, not a Size rating. Small is a Size rating. This is detailed here.

The correct ratings, if you wanna use this armour, would be Unique Availability and Small Size.

  • Unit Size: [ This is how many individuals make up a single unit. Choose from Small (each unit is small, comprising a dozen members or less), Medium (moderately sized units, often specialized), Large (many individuals, often compromising the rank and file). ]
  • Unit Availability: [ This is how many units are available for deployment. Choose from Unique (only one), Rare (very few, difficult to replace, may have long training times), Uncommon (some, replaceable, enough to support), Common (many, easy to replace, likely with more always in training). ]
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