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Approved NPC Verrin Traske

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  • Intent: To provide an antagonist for Aryn Teth's personal development, and expand upon the lore of the Eriaduan Authority
  • ​Image Credit: Art by Will Nunes
  • Role: Head of the Traske Noble Family, Current Lord Admiral of the Eriaduan Authority
  • Links: N/A
  • Age: 45
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Human (Eriaduan)
  • Appearance: Tall and Lanky, Verrin Traske's appearance strongly represents the affluence the man comes from. With pale, flawless skin well maintained through a combination of care and cosmetic surgeries offset by raven hair and hazel eyes. Traske often dresses in the colours of the authority, crimson red and gold, often mixing traditional noble garb with military naval uniforms. He has been known to carry a pair of blaster pistols on his hips at almost all times.
  • Name: Lord Admiral Verrin Traske
  • Loyalties: Eriaduan Authority
  • Wealth: Traske's family is among the more affluent noble houses on Eriadu, especially after seizing many of the old assets of the Teth family. As Lord Admiral, Traske also has access to the treasury of the Eriaduan Authority, providing him with more than enough credits for his machinations.
  • Notable Possessions: Nothing especially out of the ordinary.
  • Skills: Traske is not the Lord Admiral in name only, he has spent much of his life dedicated to the navy, and become a formidable fleet commander, managing to keep the system of Eriadu and the nearby sector relatively safe from opportunistic pirates following the Sith Endgame. As a noble, he is skilled as a politician, often able to maneuver things and people to his gain. It was through such maneuvering he secured the position in the Authority he now holds.
  • Personality: To the masses, Verrin Traske appears a confident, skilled battlefield commander, and a kindly philanthropist often doing his best for the people of Eriadu. In reality this is an image almost completely constructed by propaganda. In reality, Traske is cruel, calculating and ruthless in defeating both his military and political enemies. He has little regard for ethics, and an addiction to alcoholic substances of any kind. He is often engulfed by his affluence, and struggles when not able to spend to his heart's content.
  • Weapon of Choice: His common weapons are a pair of Westar-35 blaster pistols, but he also has extensive training in the use of a blastsword.
  • Combat Function: Face-to-face, Verrin avoids combat as much as possible. In reality something of a coward, Verrin will quite literally throw others between himself and his enemy if it gives him the chance to run and fight another day. When he is forced into combat he is formidable, but often struggles to take risks when faced directly with an enemy. He is almost the opposite when it comes to fleet engagements, taking numerous risky maneuvers with expert precision.

Born as the third son in the Traske noble family on Eriadu, Verrin was never expected to achieve much in his family, and so spent much of his younger life enjoying the benefits of his affluency through drugs, alcohol and women. As he grew, he eventually chose to join the navy, opting to join Eriadu's local defence fleet rather than the larger Defence Fleet of the Galactic Alliance as his older brothers had. Traske made a strong name for himself within Eriadu's defence fleet, eventually rising to the rank of Grand Admiral of the Eriaduan fleet.

At the time of the Sith Empire's Endgame and their assault on the Core Worlds, Verrin chose not to bring the Eriaduan Defence Fleet to the assistance of the Alliance, an action which partially led to the death of his two older brothers who perished over Fondor as the result of Sith aggression. Using his new position at the head of the Traske family, Verrin moved quickly, taking the chaos of the Endgame to his advantage.

Traske spread propaganda which suggested that by holding the Eriaduan fleet in reserve, he had saved Eriadu from assault by the Sith or the First Order, and spread a number of lies suggesting that the fleet had conducted operations, uncovering Aryn Teth as a traitor not only to the Galactic Alliance, but to the Eriaduan Authority. Through this propaganda, Traske managed to squash whatever political power the Teth name still had among the highest noble families of Eriadu, and stole power for himself, proclaiming himself as the new Lord Admiral of the Eriaduan Authority. In the process, Traske declared the sovereignty of the Authority, and began an aggressive expansion across the Eriadu system and local systems in the Seswenna sector.


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Pinterest isn't a valid image source. Find an alternative, please.

Loyalties: Eriaduan Authority
Provide a link for the relevant submission.

Weapon of Choice: His common weapons are a pair of Westar blaster pistols, but he also has extensive training in the use of a blastsword.
Could you please link the weapons mentioned above?

[member="Aryn Teth"]

Done, I have changed the reference link to the artist's website, it's fairly awkward to navigate around so I couldn't provide a direct link on the website to the image, hopefully just his site his sufficient.
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