Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Very fast but not so furious.

“I can’t help you.” a man said to his friend who sat across the table from him.

“Can’t or won't?” his friend the man’s friend demanded with a hint of incredulity

“Both.” The man replied clearly annoyed.

They were just two people in a noodle shop on Commenor tucked away at a table in the corner waiting for the server to come back with their food. Except they weren’t Just two people in a noodle shop. The man appeared to be in his late twenties but really he was yet to be a decade old. He was a clone. One bred to fight wars and yet one of the few who hadn’t died in any. He for now was a security officer on Commenor helping to keep the public safe.

His friend was not as interesting as being a clone but he was in fact a Jedi Padawaan fourteen and sporting the braid that defined his position among the order, the young would be warrior sat across from the clone, his friend and continued to poke and pry trying to get some kind of information from him.

“Why not?” The young man asked still very much not understanding what could possibly be keeping his friend from giving him exactly what he was asking for. Dagos Terrek as the young padawaan was named was not a spoiled child who wasn’t used to getting his way, well he wasn’t exactly that way, not all the time. He wasn't used to his friend not blindly going along with his plans. Which by the way were for the most part absolutely fantastic.

“Firstly, your master would never go along with it.” the clone responded in his accented voice. He was right, Dagos thought. Master Ismet would never in a million years go along with the plan Dagos was trying to sell here.

“Secondly.” The clone went on cutting Dagos off before he could mention once again the brilliant part of the plan where his Master would never need to know about the plan. “My boss would surely have me fired from the security office and court martialed.”

Dagos looked at his friend who had traded fatigues to wear the dark blue uniform of the security force. He was in uniform now. A dark blue fiber armor top with matching pants, black high top boots and a gold badge that sat prominently on his chest. He was proud to be wearing that uniform, proud of what it meant, that he was doing good.

Dagos for his part was not dressed like many of the Jedi learners. He did not wear robes or tunics or those flimsy boots he often saw them scuffling about in. Nope. Not him. He in his mind was looking fly as heck today. His fit was killer. He had on tight skinny fit slacks with matching loafers(no socks of course.), a long sleeve pink shirt, two thin gold rope chains around his neck, over the shirt of course and one pink studded earring in each ear. He had considered wearing his pink tint sunglasses as well but the way his green eyes stood out in contrast from his dark complexion was always one of his favorite features.

Their server, a young man with blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, came back and set down their bowls with a light clink. He lingered for a moment asking if they needed anything else and then lingered a moment longer after that to share a joke and a laugh with the security officer.

“Party. I think he digs you man.” Dagos told his friend after the young man had walked off to go help another table.

“He’s just being polite.” Party said back sure there was nothing else going on. Dagos knew better though. He was Jedi after all and could sense the waiter’s curiosity and attraction but Dagos knew better than to push any further with Party.

Dagos took a bite of his food and immediately his eyes began to water and his mouth turned in to a circle.

“This chit is fire right here!” He exclaimed with acclaim. It was fire both in that it was very hot but it was also incredibly delicious. He had gotten a bowl of noodles served with some kind of aquatic fowl native to commenor but the star ingredient was the Devaronian fire pepper. Every bite tasted like smoke and spice. His taste buds were being roasted to perfection every time he lifted the chop sticks to his mouth.

“So tell me again about this plan of yours.” The clone said to his Padawaan friend.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Commenor was another world Iris hadn't been to before. It was.. Peaceful. The light she could see coming from the folks who lived there was more than most other worlds she'd been to. Was that normal? Maybe here. Still, she was all smiles as she wandered through the streets, letting the colors guide where she went. All until she found a little restaurant out of the way. She was dressed in typical Jedi attire, which only made her stand out as she wandered in.

Spicy food. She could smell it. She grinned wide as she went right for the bar.

"Give me whatever's the spiciest!"

Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek
“I hate it.” The man at the table told his young friend.

Dagos’ face, the purest expression of joy and enthusiasm, came crashing down as shock, disappointment, disbelief and hurt all competed to take their place. He didn’t get it. He had laid it all out perfectly. Didn't once stumble over his words or lose his train of thought. It couldn’t have been the plan itself. No way. The plan was infallible. Foolproof. Genius even.

“Kark you mean, you hate it?” Dagos asked gobsmacked.

“Where to start?” the clone asked in a tone full of sarcasm “I hate the part where you and I got shot at. I really hate the part where we die in flaming wreckage and most of all I hate the part where you have the time of your life while those things happen.” Party just stared across at Dagos with an expression that said ‘good enough?’

“What about Kashyyyk?” Dagos countered knowing this time he had him.

“Kashyyyk?” Party said, almost choking on his food. “You’re really going to hold that up as a shining beacon of your plans going well?”

“Yes!” Dagos yelled “c’mon that chit was tight as hell and it shows that you and I make a good team. We get results.”

Dagos had no idea how Party could deny any of that even though it was clear he was going to try. Kashyyyk was karking tight. Okay so yes, they had gotten shot at...a lot and okay... they did have to jump from a moving speeder before it crashed... and well yeah they did get shot at some more... and then there was the whole thing with the reek BUT it was hella tight.

“Is Jedi Shan part of this plan?” Party asked, clearly intending to burst Dagos bubble. True Aayla Shan Aayla Shan had shown up on Kashyyyk right when Dagos was quite literally looking down the barrel of a blaster... and it was true that she had single handedly stomped out like half a dozen bad guys all on her own and... if she hadn’t lent Dagos her lightsaber it would of been a lot easier for the bad guys to have shot him and party...BUT she didn’t have anything to do with the whole reek thing, that was all him.

“Uuuhh…” Dagos started to say when a presence peaked his mind. Someone connected to The Lightside had walked into the shop. Dagos looked to where he felt The Force. A young woman. A girl really around his own age was ordering a meal. A grin came across his face as he watched her. She was dressed like a Jedi and that... that could be enough to pull off this new phase of his plan.

He didn’t recognize her from the temple or from classes but that really didn’t surprise him. Dagos still avoided those as much as he could without having to hear about it from his master.

“Party, mate. We don’t need Aayla. I have another Jedi in mind who will be absolutely perfect.”
Dagos ignored the dubious look on his friend’s face and sent a welcoming mental nudge through the force to the girl who waited for her soup. When or he guessed if she looked over at their table he would wave to her to come take a seat.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


"Spiciest? You sure?" The chef behind the counter gave Iris a rather dubious look, but the girl was all smiles. She nodded quickly, the smile turning more to a grin as she settled in her seat. She loved spicy food. Legs swinging to and fro as she sat on the stool, she was in a world of her own. At first. The colors that swirled around her, the aroma of spicy food, it was all fantastic. Something to easily loose herself in.

Except some of the colors swirled around her specifically. In a way she wasn't used to seeing unless someone was trying to talk to her. She tilted her head, waiting for a voice. No voice, though. She blinked. It wasn't Kai, so.. Who?

Her gaze turned as she looked around, only for them to settle on Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek . He was the one who called her then? Her head stayed cocked to the side, curiosity evident in her gaze. Rather than get up to take a seat with him, she reached out in the Force, speaking directly to his mind.

<Hello. Can I help you..?>

He ‘said’ back to her through the force with about as wide a grin as could fit on his face. It had been a long time since he had truly spoken to someone through the force.

Not since Nar Shaddaa. Not since Ragos had left.

For years he had his brother’s voice in his head as they stood together facing all sorts of challenges. Whether it was when the two of them would have to face off against their trainer and work together to take him down, or whether it was during months long fasts.

His mind flashed and he was back in a memory. A place so dark it was unknowable. There was no telling just how penned in he was. The walls could have been a foot away or a mile. There was no sound. No noise at all except for the thunderous clangor of his own heart beating. He tried to scream but could not hear his own voice over the sound of his heart, tried to lift a hand, to move his foot to find a way out and could not tell if he had even moved. Fear began to swallow him. Full and crushing the weight of the panic building in him was too much to bear. He was going to die.

{C’mon little brother. Almost there. One inch at a time}

The voice had come from without and within all at once. It was a flame that drove back the fear. A foundation for him to stand in in the mysterious dark. He was not going to die, he understood. He was going to be born. He would be born and he would never be alone.

He’d always had Ragos… and then he hadn’t and things weren’t the same.

{How’d you like to be a hero?} He asked this girl who was clearly on her way to becoming his friend and likely partner in keeping this town safe.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


That was one way to keep Iris's attention. Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek 's voice in her mind was a welcome point to focus on, though. Hero? The Padawan tilted her head curiously before shrugging. She'd gather up her meal and head over to the table to sit down, glancing between Dagos and his friend. She glanced between them both, letting her 'voice' ring out mentally while she continued to eat.

<So, being a hero?>
Party looked from Dagos to the girl who had joined them and back again at Dagos, a knowing grin starting at the corner of his mouth. Dagos did not like the look of it at all.

“Alright mate.” the clone said, smoothing the wrinkles from his uniform as he stood up from the table. “We’ll talk more later, yeah?” he nodded his head to Iris “Ma’am” turned on his heel and left the shop all the while Dagos stared at him with a look that clearly read ‘What the frell?’

The clone had taken his chance to leave without committing to going through with the padawan's plan, leaving him at the table alone with…he realized he hadn’t gotten her name.

{I’m Dagos by the way. That was Party. Don’t mind him, he can be a schutta sometimes but he really is a good guy} He decided to take her lead and continue their conversation through telepathy.

{I haven’t seen you around the temple. Are you here visiting? Wait, you are a Jedi right?}

It turned out once Dagos’ plan to just drag this girl along on an adventure fell through that he was actually pretty curious about her. It had been a while since a padawan his age had come around. If she even was a padawan or his own age.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Iris tilted her head as she watched Party leave. She wasn't entirely sure what was happening now, but she wasn't going to stop the figure from leaving. Instead her attention stayed on her food. Eating the spice infused meal with pure delight. Food was always something she could focus on, other than the colors that seemed to consume her world and attention. At least until Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek started to speak in her head.

She blinked, lifting her gaze to the other.

<Hmm? Oh. Yeah. I'm a Jedi. I haven't been at this temple for a while, though.>
{So you learn somewhere else?} He asked, stating the obvious. Dagos knew that there were other temples around the galaxy, heck even other Order of Jedi but unlike this girl here, he had never traveled to visit any of them. He hadn’t been anywhere but Commenor really, except for the little while he spent on Kashyyyk last year for Life Day and the thing with the poachers.

{Yo, you got your own ship?} he asked, thinking it would be totally killer if she did. He met a girl last year who had her own ship. S Sam . He hadn’t seen her for a while now but she had been cool. She was covered in cybernetics and had helped him learn how to fix and out together some moisture machine.

{Where is it that you learn? Do you have a Master? Are there other padawan’s there?} He kept plowing on with questions. Oblivious to the fact that she hadn’t asked any back and seemed to care more about eating than entertaining him. He was fourteen after all, those were not the kind of things a boy his age noticed.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Oh, there were a lot of questions. Iris blinked, then laughed nervously between bites. At least Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek was talking in her head. It made it easier to focus on the individual questions at least, just.. Too many for the Padawan to keep track of. <Mm. I have a master. On Ossus. There's some other Padawans there, yeah.> She nodded. That seemed like a good answer to everything that'd been asked.

And she could keep focusing on her meal.
{Have you gone on a lot of missions then?} Dagos had not yet gone on any missions with his master but in just a few days he was going to travel on a cruiser to Roche asteroid belt to help on some kind of mission, his master won’t be going though.

A server came over and laid down a basket of hard crusted bread and a couple dishes of spiced oil to dip the bread in. Dagos took a hunk of bread and covered it in a liberal amount of the oil. It was quite tasty.

Iris Arani Iris Arani
He frowned a little, cheeks full of bread.

{no not exactly. Karked up some poachers once!} he added pridefully at the end glad you avoid being totally lame.

The thing with the poachers wasn't really a mission and his master hadn't been there. It was just him and Party and another Padawaan, Aayla Shan. All in all it had been pretty fun and he walked a way from it with a bunch of new chit. A blaster pistol take from one of the poachers, oh and a speeder he has been fixing up and best of all Thunder. Thunder was a baby fathier that he'd rescued from the poachers, he had also let a reek loose but it had run off into the forest and lived on Kashyyyk now.

{What's the coolest thing you done?} he asked her

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Cool. Right. That was.. Nope, she still didn't have much of an understanding of it. A frown crested her lips as she continued to stare out the window. What had she done that was cool? <My master helped me to escape slavers once. They'd caught me and put me in chains. I helped a couple others escape too.> Was that cool? The Padawan had no idea, but she nodded regardless. Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek had given some kind of story on something he'd done, so it made sense in her mind.

<It was.. Stressful.>
Slavers were bad. Well that was pretty obvious or you would think it was obvious but Dagos knew slavery went on in a lot of places in the glaxay both illegally and otherwise. Normally he could get a sense of another person’s feelings especially on a subject as sensitive as almost being sold as chattel but the girl across from him was still a mystery as far as her feelings went. Dagos was unsure how to feel about that.

{Yo, that chit sound stressful.} It really did.

{Helping rescue people though, that chit is tight} It really was.

{Tell me a bit about Ossus if you can, oh and uh, what’s your name again?} He hoped she wasn’t offended that he had forgotten.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Iris just nodded. She wasn't sure what else to say about it. It didn't.. It wasn't a good memory. The frown remained, at least until Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek changed the subject. She was more than alright with changing it, instead smiling and nodding. Had she introduced herself? She herself wasn't sure, so.. "Iris. And, it's in the process of being rebuilt. The Sith put up some markings or whatever. I've been painting, mostly."

She spoke aloud, mostly to push the memories of what'd happened before away. "You should come see it some time."
There it was. Maybe he had been too caught up in his own feelings earlier to properly get a sense of her's but they were there, rigid and spiky feelings. calcified fear that hurt to touch even if it wasn't his own.

He closed his eyes for just a second looking as though he had suddenly become sensitive to the light. Dagos was no true empath but ever since joining the Jedi and expanding his knowledge and control of his power he'd somehow tapped further into that aspect of The Force than he ever had before or had even intended to.

He felt her relief and smile softly as she spoke about Ossus, actually spoke. Dagos had almost gotten used to talking mentally and was slightly taken aback by hearing the girl's voice in his ears instead of his head.

"That would be dope!" He said after she invited to come to the temple on Ossus sometime.

"Oh. Beautiful name by the way." He had heard somewhere that a gentleman always complimented a girl on her name. He couldn't remember where he had heard it but it had stuck.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


"It means eye monster, I think." Well, if she listened to what another had said about her name. Not that Iris seemed to take offense to it. She just nodded, unphased by the compliment. Drifting off in the sea of colors just outside the window. It was getting later, were people heading home after a long work day? "You ever wonder what it'd be like to not have the Force?"
He laughed. Only a little. He hadn’t meant to and he was not being mean, not intentionally anyway. She however had asked him what it would be like to not have a soul. It was absurd. He was Koruunai and all Koruunai were born with Pelekotan, The World-Power. He had known it, had felt it his whole life. It had touched and shaped everything that he was, from his private telepathic conversations with his brother, to being the source of his fighting skill, to being the thing he could turn to always. Imagining life without it would be like imagining life without his heart, he would have nothing. Would be nothing.

“Have you?” he asked instead of actually answering.Not exactly aware enough to realize his laughter may have been offensive.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


"No." And that was that. Iris didn't elaborate on any reason why she'd asked, instead content with again watching the colors outside. Perhaps forgetting Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek was there, it was hard to tell. The Padawan was very much in a world of her own for a few minutes.

Then blinked.

"Oh, am I keeping you from something?"

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