Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Verz Horak

Name: Verz Horak

Faction: Mandolorians

Species: Human

Age: 30
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6' 3''
Weight: 100kgs
He was born to a Mandolorian family after the great plauge occured. He lived a quiet life, until his mother died of illness when he was 5. When he was 8, his father, a Mandolorian Rally Master, brought him to fight in the wars he participated in. When he was 9, one such war was a revolt on Quilarra, where his father was killed by a Gurrlian. He then shot the alien predator with his father's Verpine shatter gun. He gathered his father's armor and took his ship to the nearest spaceport. He didn't have the fuel or credits to leave, so he worked there for the next 7 years as a busboy in the spaceport. He got enough credits to get back to Mandolorian space, where he lived and trained for the next 2 years.
Verz went on to serve a long and influential career with the Mandalorian military. He served with [member="Jorn Mair"] , [member="Mia Monroe"] , and @Hutuun Kyr'amund when the Mandalorian Clans started expanding. First stop was Taris, where they found an empty rhakghoul nest. After the deployment there, he was deployed in the Fall of Junction to protect the planet. He was extracted with the retreat of Mandalorian forces and deployed to protect Concord Dawn. After Concord Dawn fell and subsequently returned by the new Empress, Verz was promoted to Rally Master and deployed in conquests of several planets. By the time the Mandalorian forces were hitting Borosk, he was a Field Marshall. When Mia Monroe became Mand'alor, he served as her second in command, leading the conquest of Mygeeto and bringing new riches to the Clans. When Mandalore was invaded by the Sith and traitorous Deathwatch, he lead the defense of the capitol, with help from Omega Pyre and Republic forces, including [member="Ben Watts"] . When Mia Monroe stepped down as Mand'alor, he took the job. He lead the Clans, and when the Sith declared war once more, he lead his people against them. After a stalemate at Yaga Minor, he reached out to the Emperor, Kaine Zombrano, and they authored a peace treaty splitting the planet along the equator and trying to foster trade and good relations. However the newer generation of Mandalorians disliked this, and deposed him from office. He then decided to leave the Mandalorians and travel the galaxy for some time, with [member="Ordo"] and [member="Arla Balor"] as his companions.
Flashpoint: Roche
Verz lead a team of 100 supercommandos against the fortified position Republic troopers had secured in a major asteroid, under orders to seize the ion cannons. His troops succeeded with minimal losses.
Clocwork Rebellion:
Verz landed with Mandalorian troops on Coruscant, helping repel Omni's forces in the megacity.
Dark Harvest:
Verz lead warships to cleanse an infected planet.

Capable Warrior: He is a capable warrior who was trained by his father. His combat skills are honed like a knife and he constantly tries to practice and keep them as sharp as his father's Mandolorian iron beskad.
Intelligent: He was always a curious boy when he was young, so he read any holo book and watched as many holovids as he could. He is always chalenging his mind with combat simulations and games.
Good Shot: He is a good shot with close up, automatic weapons. He dislikes sniper weapons, but acknowledges their use on the battlefield.

Smart Aleck: His intelligence leads him to try to outwit his opponents, and he knows he is smart and strong. So naturally he tries to see just how angry he can make people, and this can lead to problems.
Arrogance: Verz, after being Mand'alor and a commander of large amounts of troops, is no longer prone to rookie mistakes, but now he can see himself as too strong, leading to him being a bit reckless in battle.

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