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Vespa-class Droid Fighter
- Intent: To create an unmanned, autonomous droid fighter for use by the First Order that can adapt to situations and can still be operational if the control ship is destroyed.
- Image Source: Pinterest & Discord
- Canon Link: N/A
- Restricted Missions: If needed
- Primary Source: Swarm Drone,
- Manufacturer: First Order
- Model: Mark I Vespa-class
- Affiliation: First Order
- Production: Mass-Produced.
- Material: Durasteel hull
- Classification: Droid Starfighter
- Length: 6.25 meters
- Width: 3 meters
- Height: 3 meters
- Armament: Low
3 Light Blaster Cannons - 2 Missile Launchers
Discord Missile - Ion Pulse Missile
- Disruptor Torpedo
[*]Defenses: Very Low
[*]Squadron Count: Very High: 24
[*]Maneuverability Rating: Average
[*]Speed Rating: Average
[*]Hyperdrive Class: N/A
- Standard Communications Array
- Standard Droid Brain
- Standard Deflector Shield Generator
- Standard Ion Engines
- Standard Navigational Systems
- Standard Repulsorlift Engines
- Standard Sensor Array
- Standard Targeting Systems
- Small - The Vespa is small, making it hard to hit with conventional starfighter weaponry. This also allows it to come in larger amounts from command vessels, making it 'block out the sun' in a sense.
- Quick - The Vespa can easily outpace slow bomber craft and fighter craft at ease, while going toe-to-toe with standard fighters.
- Adaptable - The processor of the Vespa is quite a potent enemy on the battlefield. Unlike most droid fighters, this one is able to adapt to certain situations and make its own choices. This allows it to choose the best course of action for dogfights and combat maneuvers. Within the brain and processor, is already a set of pre-created digital plans for the droid to work off of, with extra space for new choices for the droid to determine it's self.
- Swarm Tactics - The Vespa is a small and quick ship with large squadron sizes. Needless to say, swarm tactics are heavily used with these type of fighters. The swarm tactics are used to supremely overwhelm and enemy with vast and uncountable numbers, which can make the enemy feel intimidated due to the overwhelming odds and the sense of impending failure.
- Useable without Command Vessel - The Vespa is a particularly unique droid fighter. It can function without a command vessel. How this is done is closely guarded by the Corps of Engineers, though whatever it is, it's working.
- Cheap to Make
- Low Armament Rating
- Low Defense Rating
- Hyperdrive is a No Go - The Vespa doesn't have a hyperdrive. It was omitted out due to both size and affordability, the First Order wanted a really cheap fighter, one that could be both expendable and lethal in space combat. Hyperdrive wasn't needed for that.
- Less Effective without Command Vessel - Despite being able to function without a control vessel, the ship is far less effective without one. Without a command vessel, the droid fight's combat effectiveness drops to 50% whereas it was at 100% previously when hooked up to the command vessel.
- Unmanned - A droid brain will never be as good as a real, living pilot. If only it were possible to combine the two, organic and machine, to create a perfect fighter.