Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Veteran smuggler storyline?

So, I've had an idea for awhile now and would like to start RPing with it.

The whole idea is that my character, a businessman and former smuggler, is required to get back into the smuggling business for one last run.

So, who'd be interested!?
[member="Kyra Sol"]


Perhaps your character is in need of assistance? Maybe delivering a shipment or a damaged ship? I'm really up for anything.

[member="Pavor Clauditis"]

Maybe the person who the shipment is for is a little questioning of Adi's abilities (he's good at what he does, just not known Galaxy-wide) and insists that your guy (maybe someone he's heard of/used to hire) has to journey alongside the cargo to ensure it gets from A to B? Just an idea

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