Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Vexien

Vexien The Crafter

NAME: Vexien


RANK: N/A or The Boss

SPECIES: Falleen

AGE: 30yrs

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 190lbs

EYES: Grey wash

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Green to Red, based on choice in the moment


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
[+] Technical knack, Some times knowing the precise place to smack a machine is all it needs. Vexien has perfected his ear to knowing exactly what a starship needs, it almost speaks to him at this point.

[+] Re purpose that, "Oh you need a new barrel for your laser cannon, let me see what I've got in the shop give me till tomorrow and come by ill have it ready for you then," Vexien knows exactly what parts he can and can't make in his shop out of old parts.

[+] Crafter, money had its perks on Fallen a alot of money had been spent to help him perfect making new parts when he can't reuse the old ones. The draw back, some of that equipment to make starship parts sure is expensive and takes up a lot of space.

[-] Paranoid. The thought that the Fallen may finish the destruction of his family is never far from his mind. He is always nervous of new people.

[-] Hot Headed. Vexiens temper burns hot and close to the surface, you should be okay though as long as you don't insult his work.

Vexien stands at 6' and 190lbs, muscled but not overly, his black hair is usually tightly braided against his back so he doesn't burn it off or get to much grease in it. His grey washed eyes are ever looking for new parts to add to his collection of junk to build starships out of. His hands that shift between green and red coloured, well they would if they weren't stained black from all the grease and white from the numerous scars from sharp metal and hot welding burns that also decorate his forearms.

Typically Vexien wears black coveralls, well mainly black, the grey they started as shows through in one or two places, over top of a simple white under shirt and basic brown pants. Strapped to his leg, most of the time, is a small hold out blaster. You can be sure Vexien always has an array of tools in his tool belt from basic blades to cut and pry to all sorts of wrenches and drivers.

Vexien grew up on Fallen until he was 18. He had spent all his early years in the garages and dry docks his family owned. Not that they were huge, but they were the only ones orbiting Falleen at the time. He learned from a young age how to pull laser barrels, proton torpedo tubes and every other weapon you could think of from snub fighters to cruisers, he learned how to change out shield generators and power cores. He learned how to find the knock in that engine that just wouldn't quite down. It seemed to those around him almost eerie the easy at which he found a problem and was able to fix it.

He left Fallen exiled as the last member of a Royal house that saw itself assassinated in a single night. The only reason he escaped death was he that he had spent the night with a lady friend aboard her ship, only thanks to Vexiens Pheromones. Upon reaching Denon he let her go and she ran as fast as she could, now that he wasn't royalty after all.

He wandered the streets for awhile using his Pheromones so he wasn't living on the streets at least but it still wasn't much better and he hated making people give him a bed for free even if it was just for the night. Eventually he did find work for an old Sullesten, Zero as he went by never did learn his real name. The old Sullesten had a overflowing garage with a small landing pad that would accommodate yt freighters but nothing much bigger than that, the beautiful thing about it was that it had a closing hatch to protect it from the elements, or from prying eyes. From Zero he learned how to build and hide perfect smuggling compartments, how to change the IFF signature how to build new ones or ones that would change on command. He learned that some pilots didn't know the difference between a shield generator model 1.09p7 and a 1.09p8 and other such details so you could strip em out and replace them and they would never be the wiser and then turn around and install it for some one who did know the difference.

When Zero died of age, Vexien just sorta took over and never looked back. He looked forward though, he looked forward to building a starhip corporation one day. One to rival the Kuat drive yards. Well that's his dream anyway. For now he contents himself with planning and building "Uglies" but with new connections into Darkwire maybe he is finally on his way. Only time will tell.

Modified X-wing model T-65B, though so heavily modified 'under the hood' you would never recognize it as such, the proton torpedo bay and launcher tube were removed in place of the launch tube there was a single ion cannon, in place of the bay was an additional fuel tank and back up shield generator. if you looked at the engines you would notice that they were half again bigger than normal allowing more power to be produced for the ion cannon and the additional shields, not to mention significantly faster.




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