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Character Veyna Antilles- Umbra 2

Veyna Antilles

Force SensitiveNo

Veyna was once a striking figure, bearing the deep red skin and natural beauty of her Zeltron heritage, but her transformation into a cybernetic warrior has stripped away much of her former vibrancy. Now, cold durasteel plating covers much of her body, with cybernetic limbs replacing what was lost in her crash. Her left arm and both legs have been reinforced with synth-muscle and cortosis weave plating for durability. A spinal support system enhances her ability to withstand high-speed maneuvers, and her neural interface implant links her mind directly to her starfighter.

The once smooth features of her face are marred by a cybernetic jaw plate extending to her left ear, integrated with an internal targeting HUD and a communications relay. Despite this, her piercing green eyes and the faint, eerie glow from her cybernetic implants give her a haunting presence. Her once vibrant red complexion has dulled slightly due to her extensive cybernetic replacement, giving her an unnatural, almost ghostly appearance.


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Once cocky and full of bravado, Veyna has become more cold and calculating after her resurrection as a cybernetic warrior. She moves with precision, speaks in clipped, efficient sentences, and often regards purely organic beings as slower, both in mind and body. Beneath the cold exterior, however, she harbors resentment toward the Sith who turned her into a machine. She despises weakness but also fears the idea of losing what little humanity she has left.

Her fighter is linked directly to her brain, meaning she can control it with thought commands, reducing reaction delays in combat.
Trained in ground operations, infiltration, and precision strikes.
Talented marksman with blaster rifles, sidearms, and explosives.
Skilled in hand-to-hand combat, using cybernetic-enhanced strength to overpower enemies.
Her voice modulator allows her to mimic the voice of other people. She does however, require a sample.
EMP, ion weapons, and electrical surges can disrupt her cybernetics, causing temporary paralysis or loss of function.
Malfunctions under extreme stress can cause pain spikes, motor disruptions, or sensory overload.
In close combat, her reliance on tactical calculations can make her predictable against unorthodox or chaotic opponents.
Struggles against Force-users in melee combat, lacking the raw power of Sith warriors or the adaptability of Jedi duelists.


Veyna Antilles – Backstory

Veyna Antilles was born into the New Imperial Order, the daughter of Atrion Antilles, a high-ranking officer who believed in the Order's strict militarism and its mission to carve out a future free from Sith rule. Her mother, a Zeltron intelligence operative, was a skilled infiltrator who worked in the shadows, gathering intelligence and eliminating threats to the fledgling regime. Veyna was raised in this world of rigid discipline and ruthless efficiency, molded from an early age into a soldier who would serve the cause without hesitation.

But the New Imperial Order was not built on kindness, and neither was her father. When Veyna was only five, Atrion ordered her mother's execution, branding her a traitor. The official reason was treason—accusations that she had leaked intelligence to the enemy—but Veyna would later learn the truth. Her mother had been seen as a liability, someone whose emotional attachments could compromise the purity of the cause. Atrion did what he always did: eliminate weakness.

Veyna was too young to fight back, too powerless to challenge the man who now controlled every aspect of her life. Instead, she did what was expected—she became the soldier he wanted her to be. She trained relentlessly, mastering ground combat, infiltration, and piloting, proving herself among the best of her generation. But while others fought for the ideals of the New Imperial Order, Veyna fought for survival, for control over a life that had never truly been her own.

The Pilot of the Empire

It was in the cockpit that Veyna truly found herself. Flying was the one thing her father could not control, the one place where she dictated her own fate. Her reflexes, precision, and tactical ingenuity made her a natural pilot, and she rose quickly through the ranks, earning a place in an elite fighter squadron. She became known for hit-and-run tactics, surgical strikes, and high-risk maneuvers that others wouldn't dare attempt. Her ground combat expertise made her just as deadly outside the cockpit—a pilot who could operate in enemy territory as easily as she could in space.

Despite her success, she never forgot what her father had done. She knew that, in the end, she was nothing more than a tool to him. But she played her part, waiting for the right moment.

That moment came when her squadron was sent on a high-priority strike against the Sith Empire. What was meant to be a decisive victory turned into a disaster. Her unit was outmatched, outgunned, and cut down one by one. Veyna fought to the last, taking down multiple Sith fighters before her ship was finally hit. She barely managed to crash-land on a remote world, wounded and alone.


When the Sith found her, she expected execution. Instead, they offered her a choice. They knew who she was, what she was capable of, and they saw potential. The Sith valued power, and Veyna had more than proven she was worth keeping alive. For the first time in her life, she was given the option to choose her own path.

She defected. Not out of loyalty to the Sith, but because she had no loyalty left for the New Imperial Order. The empire she had served had stolen everything from her—her mother, her freedom, her future. If the Sith could give her power, she would take it.

The transition was not easy. Many in the Empire distrusted her, seeing her as a potential spy or a weak-willed defector. But she proved herself quickly. She flew missions with cold efficiency, executed operations with ruthless precision, and adapted to the Sith way of war with ease. To some, she was still an outsider. To others, she was a weapon that had been wasted by the New Imperial Order—one the Sith were more than happy to claim.

Her final act of severance came when she personally orchestrated her father's downfall. With her newfound access to Sith intelligence, she fed them crucial information about his operations, weakening his position until the moment was right. When the Sith launched their strike, Veyna was there, leading the attack, watching as the man who had shaped her life fell beneath the weight of his own ambition.

Now, Veyna serves as an elite Sith pilot and operative, a weapon honed by war and betrayal. She fights not for ideology, but for herself—for the control she has always been denied. The Sith may see her as an asset, but she knows better than to trust them blindly. If the day comes when they decide she is no longer useful, she will be ready.

She always has been.

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