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Approved Armor VG/ICS-01 Multipurpose Light Infantry Combat System

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Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Various aesthetic patterns and configurations of the VG/ICS-01 Light Infantry Combat System.
  • Classification: Multipurpose Infantry Combat System
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers: Low
    • Weaponized Cold: Very Low
    • Weaponized Heat: High
    • Weaponized Acid | Corrosives: Low
    • Sonic: High
    • Tensor: None
    • Electromagnetic | Ion | Electronic Disruption: High
    • Mental Attacks: High
  • Star Burn: In spite of its light design, The VG/ICS-01 is rated to withstand direct hits from blaster cannons and other energy and heat-based weapon types of similar power quotients. While vehicle-grade weapons (i.e. laser cannons) are beyond its capability, the infantry combat system provides its wearer with excellent protection against directed energy threats. In this regard, the construction-integrated anti-energy field provides resistance to disruptors that is commensurate with the infantry combat system’s resistance to more standard energy weapons.
  • Scream of Defiance: VG/ICS-01's integrated sound dampening overlay gives it the ability to mitigate the deleterious effects of sonic weaponry.
  • Storm Dancer: Owing to its combat de-ionizers and integrated liquid-aenite coatings, the VG/ICS-01 is hardened against Ion and EMP-based assaults, allowing it to maintain a degree of robustness under conditions of interference which might otherwise disable much of the integrated electronics.
  • Low Profile: The VG/ICS-01 has a greatly diminished observation profile owing to its camouflage and polymer coatings, while the D-baffling system renders it nearly dead silent. Both of these systems lower the overall signature of the unit, but they do not offer true stealth capability or invisibility. Instead, they serve to make the infantry combat system and its user more difficult to distinguish from the surrounding environment and harder to detect.
  • Persistence: The reactive polymer underlay provides moderate strength enhancement to the wearer. It generally doubles their effective strength, allowing them to withstand the physical demands of combat for longer periods.
  • Tensor: Although the VG/ICS-01 is optimized to mitigate damage from most forms of energy-based assaults, tensor weapons are indeed the exception. In firing compressed tractor beam waves, they can bypass most of the defenses and affect the wearer’s body at a cellular level, with the potential to cause severe injury or outright death.
  • Deep Freeze: While the VG/ICS-01 is rated to protect the wearer from all environments (including arctic planets the likes of Hoth and Ilum), it unfortunately does not grade well in terms of defense against cold-based weaponry. That is to say that the biting, freezing power of cryogenic weapon systems is far more penetrating than that presented by cold environments. Thus, wearers are advised to rely on other means of protection should they come to face these weapons.
  • Acerbic Affliction: While the VG/ICS-01 holds up fairly well against blasters and slugthrowers, corrosive and acid weapons present a much larger problem in that they can eat through the protective material rather quickly, with the potential to inflict harm on the wearer in the process.
  • Plasma Lance: Given the ubiquity of lightsabers and Force-wielders on modern battlefields, the VG/ICS-01’s relatively low resistance to the vaunted laser sword may represent a critical weakness. For this reason, wearers are advised to maintain their distance when facing combatants wielding such weaponry.
Designed for the Viper Group, the VG/ICS-01 Multipurpose Light Infantry Combat System is an all-environment, multipurpose combat protection uniform optimized for use by infantry and as a general field uniform. Like many First United Astral Engineering-designed systems, the VG/ICS-01 is a feature-rich platform. Providing its wearers with top-of-the-line protection and utility, the light infantry combat system ensures that no soldier of the Viper Group’s inner circle is left wanting.

Thus, the VG/ICS-01 Multipurpose Light Infantry Combat System is hoped to prove a reliable platform for the Viper Group, giving the organization the ability to extract power and wealth from the galaxy with persistent aggression, while also maintaining excellent mobility.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create the light Viper Group infantry kit.
Permissions: See Body

Technical Information

Affiliation: Viper Group, Exclusive Writers and Buyers
Model: VG/ICS-01 Multipurpose Light Infantry Combat System
Modular: Yes
Material: See Body
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Average
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: High
Thermal Resist: Low
Radiation Resist: Average
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