Well-Known Member

- Intent: Create the standard Viper Group infantry kit.
- Image Source:
- Canon Link: N/A
- Permissions:
- HPI - Druetium (OM)
- HPI - Kaldrweave (OM)
- Anti-Shank Cloth (X) - See: Permissions Tab
- HPI - BACS-X89i | Breytast Adaptive Camouflage System (OM)
- HPI - Skuggalegt I-pattern Stealth Polymer (OM)
- Liquid-Aenite Mineral Compound (X)
- Grappling Glove (Generic) (OM)
- FAE/M-05 Kinetite Shockwave Strike Weapon (N/A)
- Gauntlet Comp (OM)
- FAE/S-14 Headgear System Suite v1.0.1 (N/A)
- FAE/S-12 "Dream Sight" Combat Sensor System Mk. II (N/A)
- FAE/C-03 BioMedical Support System (N/A)
- GPO-12 "Ironmaze" Threat-Prevention Suite (OM)
- FAE/A-14 Energized Foot Gear (N/A)
- FAE/C-05 Infiltration Suite (N/A)
- "PureSucculent" Filtration Straw (OM)
- ‘Stimtrients’ (OM)
- Primary Source: VG/ICS-01 Multipurpose Light Infantry Combat System
- Manufacturer:
- Viper Group - Manufacture
- First United Astral Engineering - Design
- Affiliation:
- Viper Group
- Exclusive Writers and Buyers
- Market Status: Closed-Market
- Model: VG/ICS-02 Multipurpose Standard Infantry Combat System
- Modularity:
- Compatible with various control suites and networking systems.
- Boots may be replaced entirely or modified with compatible systems / technologies.
- Modular Attachment Points
- Modular Gauntlet Attachment Points
- Gloves and / or gauntlets may be replaced entirely or modified with compatible systems / technologies.
- Energy Shield Attachment Point
- Modular Gauntlet Attachment Points
- Various Misc. Equipment
- May include backpacks, jetpacks, automated weapon mountings, etc.
- Various Accouterments, Aesthetic Alterations, and Design Patterns
- Accouterments include capes, cloaks, kamas, etc.
- Systems may be stripped as needed or desired.
- Role / Environment Configuration
- Universal Fittings
- Intended wearer’s body is scanned and a fabricator produces a unit tailored to their exact physical profile.
- Limited resizing via programmable matter.
- Production: Mass-Produced
- Material:
- Druetium-Kaldrweave Composite Armorweave - Primary Construction
- Synthetic Ostrine Reinforcement
- Anti-Shank Cloth - Secondary Layer
- Self-Sealing Properties
- Duraplast - Armor Plating and Joint Pads
- Synthetic Ostrine Reinforcement
- Anti-Shank Cloth - Secondary Layer
- TYI Flex-Armor and Shell Spider Silk - Joints
- Intrinsic Anti-Energy and Anti-Particle Field - Construction Incorporation
- Reifflex Cellular Padding - Comfort
- BACS-X89i | Breytast Adaptive Camouflage System - Overcoating
- Skuggalegt I-pattern Polymer - Undercoating
- Polyweave - Pouches, Straps, and Belts
- Liquid-Aenite Coating - Sensitive Components and Electronics
- Programmable Matter - Various Applications
- Druetium-Kaldrweave Composite Armorweave - Primary Construction
- Classification: Multipurpose Infantry Combat System
- Weight: Average
- Resistances:
- Energy: Very High
- Kinetic: Very High
- Lightsabers: Low
- Weaponized Cold: Very Low
- Weaponized Heat: High
- Weaponized Acid | Corrosives: Low
- Sonic: Very High
- Tensor: None
- Electromagnetic | Ion | Electronic Disruption: High
- Mental Attacks: High
- Left Arm
- Grappling Device - Gauntlet
- Modular Attachment Point (2) - Gauntlet
- FAE/M-05 Kinetite Shockwave Strike Weapon - Glove
- Activatable Gription Panels - Glove
- Right Arm
- Repulsor Projector - Gauntlet
- Gauntlet Comp - Gauntlet
- Linked with onboard systems.
- Modular Attachment Point (2) - Gauntlet
- FAE/M-05 Kinetite Shockwave Strike Weapon - Glove
- Activatable Gription Panels - Glove
- Helmet - Half-Face or Full-Face
- FAE/S-14 Headgear System Suite
- FAE/S-12 "Dream Sight" Combat Sensor System Mk. II
- Integrated Force Shield
- Eye Goggles - If Needed
- Rebreather Systems
- Mechgill
- Antisepsis System
- Air Filter and Scrubber
- Microfine Scrubber
- Self-Cleaning Properties
- Blocks harmful particulates, including chemicals, poisons, pollutants, microorganisms, toxins, and viruses.
- Integrated Pipestraw
- Connects to liquid storage cell.
- Capable of holding up to 24 hours of breathable air via miniature tanks of compressed gas.
- Sonic Neutralization and Sound Dampening System
- Can be activated to allow the user to speak without being heard by those around them (most often used for transmitting vocal communications in a compromised environment). Can also render inaudible any sounds made from the user’s mouth and nose (breathing, sneezing, coughing, etc.).
- Annunciation System
- Miniaturized Power Cell - Rylith or Diatium
- Universal Components and Features
- Oversight Computer Brain - System Unification and Governing Functions
- Magnetic Equipment Attachment Strips
- Energized and Reactive Polymer Underlay Construction - Total Body Strength Augmentation
- Mk. III Flexibility Enhancement
- Mk. III Sound Dampening Overlay
- Incorporated Energy Sinks and Combat De-Ionizers
- FAE/C-03 BioMedical Support System
- Energy Shield Attachment Point (1)
- Diatium or Rylith Power Cell
- Liquid Storage Cell
- Liquid compressed and shrunken within a molecular disruptor mirror cell.
- 45 Liter Liquid Capacity
- GPO-12 "Ironmaze" Threat-Prevention Suite
- Biometric Security System
- In the event that the wearer fails the authentication, the reactive polymer underlay will “lock”, potentially locking them in place and preventing them from moving. The system will deactivate any attached weapons, defensive systems, and sensors. In addition, the system will broadcast the unit’s location and compromised status to nearby Viper Group forces.
- Boots
- Utility
- FAE/C-05 Infiltration Suite
- Lyra Gravity System
- Medpac
- Multitool
- Ion Flares
- "PureSucculent" Filtration Straw
- Stimtrient Capsules
- Wrist Binders
- Reserve Power Cells - Rylith and Diatium
- Various Satchels, Straps, Holsters, and Harnesses - Optional
- Star Burn: In spite of its light design, The VG/ICS-02 is rated to withstand direct hits from blaster cannons and other energy and heat-based weapon types of similar power quotients. While vehicle-grade weapons (i.e. laser cannons) are beyond its capability, the infantry combat system provides its wearer with excellent protection against directed energy threats. In this regard, the construction-integrated anti-energy field provides resistance to disruptors that is commensurate with the infantry combat system’s resistance to more standard energy weapons.
- Scream of Defiance: The VG/ICS-02 has a high-rated sound dampening overlay which gives it the ability to thoroughly mitigate and defend against the deleterious effects of sonic weaponry, up to large man-portable sonic cannons.
- Storm Dancer: Owing to its combat de-ionizers and integrated liquid-aenite coatings, the VG/ICS-02 is hardened against Ion and EMP-based assaults, allowing it to maintain a degree of robustness under conditions of interference which might otherwise disable much of the integrated electronics.
- Low Profile: The VG/ICS-02 has a greatly diminished observation profile owing to its camouflage and polymer coatings, while the D-baffling system renders it nearly dead silent. Both of these systems lower the overall signature of the unit, but they do not offer true stealth capability or invisibility. Instead, they serve to make the infantry combat system and its user more difficult to distinguish from the surrounding environment and harder to detect.
- Persistence: The reactive polymer underlay provides a powerful strength enhancement to the wearer. It generally triples their effective strength, allowing them to not only better withstand the physical demands of combat for longer periods, but also to potentially overpower enemies in hand-to-hand combat.
- Tensor: Although the VG/ICS-02 is optimized to mitigate damage from most forms of energy-based assaults, tensor weapons are indeed the exception. In firing compressed tractor beam waves, they can bypass most of the defenses and affect the wearer’s body at a cellular level, with the potential to cause severe injury or outright death.
- Deep Freeze: While the VG/ICS-02 is rated to protect the wearer from all environments (including arctic planets the likes of Hoth and Ilum), it unfortunately does not grade well in terms of defense against cold-based weaponry. That is to say that the biting, freezing power of cryogenic weapon systems is far more penetrating than that presented by cold environments. Thus, wearers are advised to rely on other means of protection should they come to face these weapons.
- Acerbic Affliction: While the VG/ICS-02 holds up fairly well against blasters and slugthrowers, corrosive and acid weapons present a much larger problem in that they can eat through the protective material rather quickly, with the potential to inflict harm on the wearer in the process.
- Plasma Lance: Given the ubiquity of lightsabers and Force-wielders on modern battlefields, the VG/ICS-02’s relatively low resistance to the vaunted laser sword may represent a critical weakness. For this reason, wearers are advised to maintain their distance when facing combatants wielding such weaponry.
Designed for the Viper Group, the VG/ICS-02 Multipurpose Standard Infantry Combat System is an all-environment, multipurpose combat protection uniform optimized for use by infantry and as an armored field uniform. Like many First United Astral Engineering-designed systems, the VG/ICS-02 is a feature-rich platform. Providing its wearers with top-of-the-line protection and utility, the standard infantry combat system ensures that assault-oriented, heavy, and shock infantry of the Viper Group remain resilient and lethal in the face of overwhelming resistance.
Thus, the VG/ICS-02 Multipurpose Standard Infantry Combat System is hoped to prove a reliable platform for the Viper Group, giving the organization the ability to extract power and wealth from the galaxy with nigh-impunity.
Out Of Character Info
Create the standard Viper Group infantry kit.
See Body
Technical Information
Viper Group, Exclusive Writers and Buyers
VG/ICS-02 Standard Infantry Combat System
See Body
Defense Rating:
Energy Resist:
Very High
Kinetic Resist:
Very High
Sonic Resist:
Very High
Thermal Resist:
Radiation Resist:
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