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Character Vhailor the Blood-Eagle


Blood Lord Vhailor, standing over the corpse of his father, the Greater Demon Jormungandr.
General Information
Full Name: Vhailor the Blood-Eagle
Birth Name: Vhailor, Son of Jormungandr
Force Rank: N/A

  • Blood Lord of the Crimson Host
  • The Sanguine Eye
  • Weeper of Bloody Tears
  • Angel of Sorrow
  • Raven-Father
  • Gold-Crow
Species: Humanoid

Race: Jotunn
Planet of Birth: The Crucible
Homeworld: The Netherworld
Gender: Male
Age: 70's
Height: 230 cm (7' 6.5")
Weight: 150 kg (330 lbs)
Eyes: Crimson
Hair: Unknown
Complexion: Unknown
Force Sensitive: Yes

Strengths & Weaknesses
Blood Lord: As the newly-crowned Blood Lord, Vhailor leads the Jotnar in bloody battle against the mortal realm.
Raven-Father: Shows genuine care and concern towards his sons in stark contrast with typical Jotnar behaviour.
The Eye: Gifted with intelligence rarely witnessed, Vhailor favours clever strategy and tactics over brute strength.
Twisted Angel: Capable of flight after a set of sable wings burst from his back, providing an obvious edge in battle.

Gift of Tongues: The innate ability to speak any language flawlessly is bestowed only to the chosen few.
Unknown visage: Ever hidden behind his mask, not even his loyal sons know the face of the man they call father.
Force-Dead: As is the case with all of his kind, this one is Force-Dead with all its benefits and drawbacks.

Bloody Tears: The Angel weeps tears of blood when in combat, grieving for the lost souls he puts to the sword.

Head of the Snake: To strike him down is to sever the sole bond of Jotnar unity, resulting in immediate in-fighting.
Not of This World: Lacks knowledge of the mortal realms outside of Midvinter, but is more than eager to learn...
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Vhailor the Blood-Eagle
A Brief Introduction

This realm... I weep for it and its people, knowing what I must do. I am blinded by its beauty, its diversity, and its prosperity. Life thrives here, and so shall my children after we take what we are denied: a future. When I slew the creature that once wore my father's likeness I swore that my destiny would be different. I refuse to give in to the blood haze; to barter my soundness of mind for a scrap of power like everyone before me. My sole purpose is to provide for my people by taking what she promised us.

My father Jormungandr, the great leader of our clan, was totally seduced by her words. He even murdered my mother when she spoke out against his precious queen. She carried my baby brother within her womb. I didn't hesitate; I drew my father's spear from her corpse and thrust it through his chest before having his head put on a spike for all to witness.

I regret what I must do, but I will do it regardless. Such is my burden. I shall be the saviour to my people, knowing none will be there to save me. Let the mortals array their armies before me and I shall ground them to dust; let their champions present themselves and I shall end them of foolish notions.

I am Vhailor, Blood-Eagle of the Jotnar, Lord of the Crimson Host, and the Sanguine Eye. The Dark Powers chose me to usher in a new era, and I weep as I carve a bloody path until my fate be fulfilled.

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