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Approved NPC Viago the Cruel, youngest of the Pryde Brothers

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  • Intent: Making an antagonist.
  • Image Credit: Here.
  • Role: Captain of the Dauntless at the New Imperial Order.
  • Permissions: Not Applicable.
  • Links: The Prelude.
  • Age: 42.
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User, still its counting remains high enough for him to be considered Force-Attuned.
  • Species: Human.
  • Appearance: In Lunafreya's eyes Nellie Pryde is but one of the dullest examples of humankind throughout the galaxy. He is a male with light skin, brown hair, and colorless eyes, a trait famous in the Pryde Clan, his eyes are taken by foolishness and sadness can be seen on them, although some might that not an inch mercy lives in this man's black heart. His way to speak is disgustingly human, bathed in that horrendous accent from whatever sinkhole of a homeplanet they originally came from.
  • Name: Nelson Viago Pryde.
  • Monicker: Viago the Cruel, Nellie Pryde.
  • Loyalties: New Imperial Order.
  • Wealth: Low. A degenerate gambler, Nelson lost his fortune on illegal games of chance and continues to do it so no matter his losses.
  • Notable Possessions:
    • [01] Pistol
    • [01] Blade
  • Notable Possessions (Starship):
  • Skills: Despite its limitations, Viago is a capable commander. Able to entice the one's in his command to perform acts of violence and brutality quite easily with nothing but a few ignorant words honeyed in a fancy way to speak. Among his greatest skills lies the self-imposed ability to 'crack' any prisoner in his watch, torture is but a paint for his cruel canvas.
  • Personality: Ignorant, xenophobic, and humanocentric to the core of his black heart. Nelson is a sadistic man that enjoys torturing those considered inferior by him, at his eyes, anything non-human is the same as animals and should be treated as such. Still, remarkably among his personal hobbies, Nelson enjoys keeping a privately trimmed garden in his ship and his personal residence, some say he actually had quite the care for his plants.
  • Weapon of Choice: Pistol.
  • Combat Function: Aside from the military training received by him so many years ago, Nelson displays few skills regarding combat. His accuracy with a pistol can good enough to save him from a life-threatening situation quite easily.
  • ORDER ABOVE ALL - One of the finest commanding personal in all the galaxy, Viago knows how to command the assets under his command to achieve his goals without an inch of morality getting in his way.
  • IRON WILL - He will not yield, nor bent by being bullied, mind tricked, or commanded by no one else but himself, for his is the heart of a dragon and the will of a titan.
  • LIMITED POTENTIAL - Found wanted on the proper way of how to conduct a fight in person.
  • ARROGANT BASTARD - A staunch believer in his own abilities as a captain, he likes to think he is the best navy officer in the galaxy, when in fact he is far from that.
  • TOUCHED BY MADNESS - Some believe that ideals as the one personified by the New Order may lead to fascists and warmongering pricks of taking power over those that differ to agreeing to their beliefs.

His past is that of an ordinary military human male. The man was born in a family with an honorable military past, of four brothers, Nelson Viago graduated with flying colors on the Imperial Academy in the days of the First Order, where it was said by him that the 'green boy within himself finally learned how to be a man'. His deeds fighting for the growing fascism of the First Order were much less than honorable, despicable acts of dirty warfare that earned him a place at the table. As Viago the Cruel they called him for the blood of countless lasat's that still soak his hands.

At one point in his life, one of the cadets in his command joked with his name by calling him Nellie Pryde. Mysteriously the very same cadet died on the next fight they had, pierced three times in the back by a pistol.

Viago along with his brothers joined the New Imperial Order and rose to its ranks until he assumed the rank of Captain and was assigned to command his own battleship. He served on the nearby sectors of JanFathal, Lunafreya's ground during her days as Warlord of the New Imperials, where he grew constantly envious and greedy over her victories as one of the most profitable areas in imperial control.

At some point, he joined the Betrayer's Betrayal Plot as one of its leading conspirators. He was the one that started the massacre that took place on the day Lunafreya was commissioned to appear inside the secret New Eclipse, due to avoid further suspicions of her treacherous actions as she joined the Sith Empire. In this event, Lunafreya was captured, her guard was killed, all of her forces on the planet were either bombarded, captured, or fled to the safety of wild space on the Elenna, her treachery at the New Imperial Order revealed and Lunafreya van Solidor was defeated.

After torturing her in vain, Viago the Cruel grew bored and instead of obeying his superiors and putting a bolt in her skull, he preferred taking her to suffer in the worst place he could ever imagine. A Prison where most of her abilities with the Force were nullified, her freedom was denied, specialized on hunting and locking Sith and Dark Jedi alike, the prison of Talgar Grove, where they kept Lunafreya heavily sedated at all times in their attempt of extracting her secrets through dream-inducing. In its last moment seeing one another, Viago touched his hand on the glassteel case she was kept and whispered at her with a smile on his devious lips.
"Fair is foul, foul is fair, ain't that right cupcake? Now, this may serve you as a badge of honor."
Unknown to him, or the members of the New Imperial Order associated with the plot, Lunafreya Solidor has escaped and joined with the Sith Eternal in her newly found quest for revenge.
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