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Approved Starship "Viator" Matron Treeship

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Manufacturer: Sylva Vitae, through Sylva Motus
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Length: Average
Width: Very High
Height: Very Large
Size: Humongous

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species

A view from the back quarter. Visible here is the solar-facing shield (dark green), pointed to the left. The sun would be on the far left, while the ship will always be oriented towards the sun while it orbits the planet.


The Viator compared to the Lucrehulk-class freighter. The Viator is 4720 m in both height and width, and is about 1890 m in depth; the inner area of the Viator is mostly empty space, acting not unlike an umbrella to protect and refuel any ships hiding in its wings.

View from the front. Not visible to the naked eye is the 8 rings of 8 particle cannons, and a centered particle cannon for full coverage.

Image source: Me, I made it! Link to album here.
Links to specific technologies will be added where they first appear in the submission.

  • The ship is a complex interwoven multicultural living space. It is less a composite of components and more of an immense symbiotic organism. As such, the ship is capable of 'automating' the vast majority of its functions without having to worry about dealing with minutiae such as 'wiring repairs' or 'cargo transfer'. Despite its size, the minimum crew for this vessel is just one.
  • Dotted with 129 'Solis' particle cannons (65 on the sun-side, 64 on the dark side). The cannons are arranged in concentric rings of 8 cannons per ring, 8 rings per side. This allows full 360° coverage on both sides of the vessel.
  • The ship is alive, and self-repairing. Drawing a constant flow of power through photosynthesis, and using satellite ships to transfer nutrients to and from the neighboring planet, it is capable of indefinite survival in a geostationary orbit with minimal upkeep and wastage.
  • Moving from one side of the ship to the other is odd at first, as the gravity of the ship draws in towards the center of mass (and assisted with the Force). There is no 'up', there is only a relative 'down'. Fortunately, by treating inner passageways as xylum to traverse from one side of the ship to the other, any occupants may move from room to room with little more than a gentle nudge and a polite request.
  • The 'Solis' particle cannons are speed-of-light weaponry, each dealing a massive amount of damage with line-of-sight range. 65 on the sunlit side, 64 on the dark side, gives it full coverage from all angles. While not as powerful as other contemporary ships of comparable size and mass, these are still horrifically potent on a ship that can repair itself even in combat.
  • The ship's propulsion & hyperspace capabilities are Force-based in nature. As such, they take significant time to 'spool up' and activate, so care and deliberation must be taken for every movement decision. In addition, in a Force void this ship is entirely powerless, subject to inertia and physics.
  • Near-perfect self-symbiosis allows the ship to maintain itself with minimal upkeep.
  • A multi-cultural layered set of armor provides maximum physical resistance and significant energy resistance; vacuum-rated plating on the exterior, extremely durable & thick plating just below, and inner structures using regenerative layers for internal support all work together to provide a powerful and dense starship's armor.
  • The design of the ship is specifically crafted for both maximum solar radiation intake and minimal visible presence to the naked eye. This, coupled with its zero-technology methodology, prevents it from being detectable to most standard sensor suites.
  • Using Sylva Vitae biotech suites for its computing, communications, and sensor suites provides this vessel contemporary capabilities in regards to communication and awareness of the vicinity.
  • Hangar Space: Base (2)
  • Hangar Allocations:
    • Starfighters: 0 squadrons
    • Support Craft: 2 squadrons (8 craft per squadron)
  • Hyperdrive: Sylva Motus Force Drive, rating 2.6

  • Broad coverage of particle cannon weaponry allows for even protection from every side
  • Self-repairing layers upon layers of armor allow the ship's mass to work in its own favor for regenerating and repairing, even in combat
  • Self-sufficient nutrient recycling and power intake gives it longevity, even in space
  • Almost entirely self-automated, as one singular symbiotic organism, requiring almost zero crew to operate under standard conditions
  • Fully organic biotech is almost invisible to standard detecting technology; distinctive shape is deliberately difficult to spot at a distance
  • Organic construction requires supplementing foodstuffs and fuel; it cannot hibernate for any extended period of time
  • Fuel and nutrition requirements prevent the ship from leaving planetary orbit, except to travel to another planet
  • Force-sensitive design requires that the ship never enter a Force void. The ship will lock up otherwise
  • Force-based propulsion and hyperdrive is sluggish compared to contemporary technology, and also falls under the latter mentioned weakness of inoperability in a Force void
An immense geosynchronous-orbit-based spacefaring tree, the Viator is the first in its class of biological motherships. Self-sustaining and self-capable (to a point), it isn't a battlestation so much as it is a home away from home. Filled with storage, fuel, regenerative biotech, and as customizable as the shipwright desires, the Viator is designed not to necessarily be anything specific, so much as it is capable of being anything its weight class needs to be. Mobile repair ship, fuel tanker, nutrient processor, spaceborne factory, whatever is needed depending on the ship's current mission objective, whatever that may be.

The ship orients itself in orbit to constantly stay facing with the rounded side to the system's sun, absorbing as much radiation as it can. The particular shape of the curve is designed to reflect as little light as possible in any one direction, limiting its reflection value while maximizing its absorption rate. This design, coupled with the ship's lack of standard technology, makes it particularly difficult for standard scanners to detect, as with standard Sylva Vitae biotech. However, also in keeping with Sylva Vitae biotech, its Force presence is unmistakable, and for a ship this large it is impossible to hide. In a Force void, this ship is rendered inoperable and dead in cold space.

Its immense size and variable interior allows it to store a massive amount of crew, storage, and goods. Half again as broad as a Lucrehulk-class cargo ship and with far more interior space (though a larger portion of that is devoted to power and fuel), the ship is capable of containing 150 thousand passengers with food and water as needed, making it a surprisingly ideal ship for refugees or mass transport. Its distinctive 'smooth' surface belies an incredibly complex inner structure, with ports and docking bays able to 'sprout' wherever needed to attach to other ships for transferring goods and energy. However, this ship is not designed to carry any fighter or cargo ship in and of itself; in a proper flight group it would have other ships nearby for refueling, storage, fighter protection, etc. Just as it itself is not a singular species but a broad collection of plant and fungal species, the ship itself cannot subsist without others.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To craft a unique mothership and branch out into spacefaring capabilities for Sylva Vitae
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Sylva Vitae
Model: Viator-class bioship - SMSV
Starship Class: Battlecruiser (2000m-5000m)
Starship Role: Colony
Modular: Yes
Material: 'Nutriset' Medium Armor, Vacuum-rated Polycultural Ectosymbiotic Armor, 'Sero' biotech interface, 'Chyme' nutrient slurry, Plem cells, Iron wood, C. viridis
Armaments: Rating: Average - 'Solis' particle cannons (129)
Defense Rating: High
Speed Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Low
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: High
Other Resistance(s):

EMP: Very High

Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 300
Passenger Capacity: 150000
Cargo Capacity: Large
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow

As usual, very nicely made sub!
  • I would like to ask you to remove your character from the Affiliation, because individuals cannot own/field more than 500 metres ships.
  • To avoid future misunderstandings, I would like to ask you to add the Armament rating to the field or the template.
  • And this part is not in the fields, so I would like to ask you to add these to the template:
    • Hangar Space: (Please provide the amount of fighters/support craft this submission can hold in it's hangar by count of Squadrons, which hold 12 average Starfighters. The higher your squadron count, the lower your Armament and number of advanced systems should be. )
    2000m [Base: 2 | Very Low: 5 | Low: 8 | Average: 11 | High: 14 | Very High: 17 | Extreme: 20]
    2500m [Base: 3 | Very Low: 6 | Low: 10 | Average: 14 | High: 18 | Very High: 22 | Extreme: 25]
    3000m [Base: 3 | Very Low: 7 | Low: 12 | Average: 16 | High: 21 | Very High: 25 | Extreme: 30]
    3500m [Base: 4 | Very Low: 9 | Low: 14 | Average: 19 | High: 24 | Very High: 29 | Extreme: 35]
    4000m [Base: 4 | Very Low: 10 | Low: 16 | Average: 22 | High: 28 | Very High: 34 | Extreme: 40]
    4500m [Base: 5 | Very Low: 11 | Low: 18 | Average: 25 | High: 32 | Very High: 39 | Extreme: 45]
    5000m [Base: 5 | Very Low: 12 | Low: 20 | Average: 28 | High: 35 | Very High: 42 | Extreme: 50]
    • Hangar Allocations: (This is the allocated amounts of starfighters and support craft (dropships, shuttles,gunships,etc) this submission can hold in its hangar based on the maximum hangar space capacity listed above)
      • Starfighters: x squadrons
      • Support Craft: x squadrons
    • Hyperdrive: (Does this ship have a hyperdrive? If this ship has a hyperdrive how fast is it? The lower the number, the faster the ship is, you may choose decimals. Any speed below 1.0 requires the hyperdrive to be added to the ship’s strengths and accordingly balanced with weaknesses. Links: Hyperdrive, Hyperdrive Comparisons)
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