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Character Vice Admiral Bastilla Korve, a Past Visionary in a Future Twist

Bastilla Korve, Vice Admiral of the old Separatist Alliance


NAME: Bastilla Korve

FACTION: The Korve Remnant

RANK: Vice Admiral (of the Old Confederacy) | Leader (of the Korve Remnant)


AGE: 28

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5'11

WEIGHT: 168 lb

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Caucasian


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Korve is a determined man, and a genius tactician. Though he's not completely without the ability to fight completely, he's no powerhouse to say the least and would much rather settle things with starships and bodyguards. However, Korve is a hard man to impress, and he believes most people are scum and villainy.

He's 5'11, male, Caucasian, has blue eyes, black hair, and is 168 pounds. He wears the uniform of a Confederate Vice Admiral, custom-tailored to differentiate himself from the other Admirals. Its akin to Krennic's outfit, but all the white has been replaced by light brown or cream.

Bastilla Korve was born on Corellia in the Korve family. Wanting a change of scenery to live, Bastilla's father decided to move out to Arganzda. However, his mother wished to stay on Corellia. When discovering the truth why she did, the two were divorced and his father moved out Arganzda. Bastilla could only theorize why she wanted to stay, for his father never answered truthfully or didn't answer at all sometimes.

As he grew older, his father realized how potent of a strategist the young Korve was. After easily besting all the local masters of Dejarik and Holochess (as well as its physical older brother), Bastilla Korve went on to put his planning skills to good use in the local defense fleets. As the Confederacy of Independent Systems rose to power, however, Bastilla Korve was entranced by the ideals of the Separatists, for all he had truly seen of the Republic were the worst parts of Corellia, the constant reports of senators and other officials being exposed for corruption, and entitled tourists on his new home planet.

Joining the Confederacy was easy after they made some background checks, and he was elevated to Second Lieutenant of the Confederacy of Independent Systems fleet after a month or two of required recruit jobs. Soon after achieving this rank, however, the ship he served upon, a Lucrehulk, was ambushed by Republic ships. Venator after Venator tore the ship apart, with the bridge of the ship going up in flames. However, Bastilla took command quickly, and despite the Bridge being offline, commanded the droids onboard to manually control each system, with Bastilla himself hotwiring the ship's movement capabilities. The ship only had 80% of its mass left, but it had made it out of the bad situation through the leadership of Korve.

With the successful escape (and partial damage of a Venator while doing it, no less) under his belt, Korve was assigned, as the last surviving officer of that attacked fleet, to the rank of Lieutenant. The ship he saved was repaired and renamed Scythe of Corruption, and was made the capital ship of his fleet once he had a high enough rank. The Scythe of Corruption and Bastilla were reaching fame for their presence during the Johu Campaign, where the Republic had firmly taken hold of the Johu Campaign. Utilizing hit-and-run tactics, the Lucrehulk picked off smaller Republic vessels one by one, until they had been scared into keeping all their ships in one place, allowing Confederate forces to take all but one planet in the system. With the leadership of Johu becoming more and more displeased with the Republic's performance, it was morbidly ironic that the last thing the ARC Trooper who had been assigned to protect the president of the planet saw was the president shaking Lieutenant Korve's hand. With the Johu system, along with its resources and repurposed factories, captured, Bastilla was promoted to captain.

The next major conflict Bastilla participated in was the fall of the Hondis system, a Confederate System that was under siege by the Republic. Commander Konnik, a Herglic CIS officer, was sorely losing the battle due to his stubborn refusal to retreat, instead wasting ships on impossible battles. Bastilla Korve tried to show Konnik the error of his ways, using chess as an example. "Each and every pawn is worth saving if possible, for each and every pawn is capable of slaying a king." Konnik simply laughed it off and continued wasting ships against the Republic's unfaltering lines. Captain Korve, as the second to last defense fell in the form of Hondis Prime's twin moons, was forced to kill Konnik and his Commando Droid bodyguard as he was unwilling to hand over control of the remaining fleet. Even after the Commando Droid broke his left arm and gave him a minor slash wound from a vibro-blade, Captain Korve led the remaining fleet to safety, albeit at the cost of letting the Republic take the system. While retreat disallowed him a promotion, it did allow him to keep his life and save a good twenty-five Confederate ships.

After a dozen or so basic participation in minor battles, the rank of Commodore was bestowed upon Korve and by this point his renown started to grow in the Confederacy. With a Neimodian Confederate Rear Admiral by the name of Lssyn Manni publicly inviting him to his wedding by name, Commodore Korve realized the CIS started to see him as a bigger deal than most officers. While this might've emboldened another ranking officer, Korve reminded himself why he fought; it was not for power or was in the name of burning down a corrupt oppressive society and building something good out of the ashes.

Commodore Korve accepted the Neimodian Rear Admiral's invite nonetheless, and found himself among respected admirals, generals, and commanders. Using this time to scout out potential allies and those who had the same motivations as himself, his search came up with only a Genosian Captain and a Skakoian Lieutenant. The rest were merely in this to get wealth from the various banking clans involved in the Separatist movement. The tipping point was when Lssyn Manni promised Korve a promotion and forty million credits, just to promote his corporation while it was under fire for toxic material usage, a worthy criticism. While Korve realized how wrong this was, he also realized another thing; the CIS was just as rotten as the Republic. Why hadn't he seen it sooner? Literal banking clans and business partners of those who also support the Republic!

Nevertheless, Korve took the promotion and promoted his brand. While he had done his part to save the face of a corporation he disliked and caused indirectly the death of hundreds of innocent would all be worth it for him to climb the ranks and burn off the parasites within the Separatists.

The now Rear Admiral Korve bought non-Confederate ships to add to his fleet using the forty million credits and his personal funds. Why he bought ships like Nova-Class Battle Cruisers or Hornet-Class Carriers was not that he found CIS ships bad, he just no longer wanted to support the financial gains their manufactures were getting. After discussing plans with the Genosian Captain and Skakoain Lieutenant from the wedding, the trio all decided that enough was enough and both the CIS and Republic were failed. But before they could make a move, both the Captain and Lieutenant were killed in a battle against Republic forces. With their deaths, Rear Admiral Korve found himself emotionally and literally alone, no one to confess his shattered faith in the CIS to.

As the Clone Wars raged on, Bastilla Korve's notoriety grew as well. He noticed during ops officers of all rank called him by 'Rear Admiral Korve' and not simply 'Rear Admiral'. Yet this did not satisfy him, for in his eyes earning the respect of those he secretly despised was no achievement.

The Ynvvan Conflict was perhaps Bastilla Korve's claim to fame. Outnumbered three to one in a system that was neutral only about a month before being invaded by the Separatists. Korve valued the opinion of the civilians he was supposed to rule, as he did not want to come off as a tyrant but rather a benevolent ruler, a one man, pure, senate rather than an Emperor. Seeing how this is how the rulers of this planet handle things, before assaulting villages and turning their cities into the staging ground for the Clone Wars to burn on, he sent out messages, asking civilians, no, begging them to leave their homes. War was to come, but there was no need to lose innocent lives. As this gained the respect of the ruling powers, the military of the planet marched along the battle droids of the CIS. Rear Admiral Korve laughed as he saw Republic forces running from his smaller fleet, and he ordered his fleet to cut them off, already foreseeing this turn of events. Four Lucrehulks moved in front of the Republic fleet, with Providence-Class Carriers drowning them in fighters and bombers. Korve's main strike force disabled their engines from behind, and not a single Republic ship survived the battle, nor did a single Clone survive the ground campaign. For this cunning and highly effective tactic, Korve was promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral.

The mission which finally got Bastilla to the rank of Admiral was the Lyssma Campaign. With a fleet of a hundred and fifty Separatist ships, Bastilla The Strategist faced off a Republic fleet of similar composure. By managing to barely hold his droid commanders in line across the fleet, the confusion tactics the Republic employed on the Clankers was mute, with only a couple ships succumbing to confusion. The largely unfazed fleet easily repelled the squadrons and moves made to take advantage of the non-existent distractions. The CIS fleet moved in to attack, destroying the surprised Republic fleet's Venators and Imperator-Classes. The now Capital Ship-less fleet managed to escape, but not before loosing a dozen more ships. By both repelling a massive Republic with minor causalities AND seizing a world for the Confederacy, he was finally promoted to Vice Admiral.

It was during his hunt of Clone Captain Dice and his Jedi General that Bastilla Korve was tossed forward in time, along with his Clone prey...

The Scythe of Corruption is his primary flagship, a Lucrehulk Battleship with extra armor plating and Battle Droid storage.




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