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Approved NPC Vice Admiral Hedan Vaal

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  • Intent: To give Zahori a friend in the Armada
  • ​Image Credit: Warrick Wong
  • Role: Sith Armada Officer
  • Links: N/A
  • Age: 34
  • Force Sensitivity: NFU
  • Species: Keshiri
  • Appearance:
    ​A prime example of a Keshiri male. Hedan Vaal is an imposing individual, taller and a lot more physically built than an average Keshiri and, considering the Keshiri are powerfully built compared to humans, that is saying something. His presence invokes fear in his enemies and respect from his comrades. His black hair is kept short, sometimes he'll go completely bald for some time. He has several scars on his upper body. Those under him call them battle scars while he calls them flesh wounds.


  • ​Leadership
  • Fleeting Tactics
  • Melee Combat

  • Hedan is known to be a very harcore individual. He speaks in a rough tone of voice always and rarely shows emotion. He cares for nothing except the sweet aroma of victory. Anything else is pointless to him. Despite craving victory no matter the cost, he is no stranger to defeat. However, those defeats are seen as smaller victories in his eyes because he still gains something from them. He gains experience and new ideas to implement for when the same situations happen again. Always calculating and always working his opponents into a metaphorical vice grip to the point where he is a towering titan over them all, physically and mentally.

  • Weapon of Choice: SI-HB-2 Power Mace
  • Combat Function: Hedan is a well experienced fleeter in the Sith Armada. He has experienced many combat situations in his years of service to the Empire. During fleet engagements, he commands his fleet with extreme precision and demands results. Hedan can normally be find commanding his fleet from the rear, within a heavily defending starship. From the back, he watches as his fleet decimates his foes.

    Hedan believes in an old war edict: Strength in numbers and heavy armor. To outnumber your enemy, is to defeat them. Hedan utilizes heavily armored destroyers and cruisers in great numbers to overwhelm enemy forces. In most cases, this works as most foes Hedan encounters are greatly overwhelmed by the numbers. However, this tactic can be exploited easily by those smart enough to have heavily armed ships to outmatch his numbers. Also, if Hedan's opponent manages to decipher his strategy of remaining int he rear alone, he can be caught off guard and outnumbered.

    Hedan prefers the comfort of his command ship as opposed to ground combat. In the rare case his ship gets boarded, Hedan will fight off the invaders himself. When he is in command of a ship, he spends a lengthy amount of time learning every meter of his ship for those situations. He wants to have the upper hand on his enemy at all times. Knowing his ship the way he does makes him a deadly opponent to anyone who would manage to make it aboard his ship. Running into Hedan would be a short day for those not smart enough to use his size against him. He's awfully large so those who are fast and evasive enough to dodge his massive right hook could possibly gain the upper hand on him.

Hedan was raised in a disciplined military home in the capital city of Bastion. Having military veterans as a mother and a father lead Hedan to growing up in a strict, no nonsense environment. Everything had a place and everyone had theirs. Each member of Hedan's family had to contribute to the family in some way whether it be with money, food, or hard labor. Hedan started with working in a scrapyard where he was tasked with separating scrap from the massive piles of waste that littered the yard. It only took several months for Hedan to grow tired of this work. While an employee of the scrapyard, Hedan witnessed several murders handled by an infamous gangster known as Mackie Un. Hedan was caught witnessing one of the murders by one of Mackie's goons one day and was brought before the crime boss himself. Begging and pleading for his life, Hedan offered his services tot he crime boss, saying that he would deal with Mackie's trash so that he doesn't have to make the trip all the way to the scrapyard himself. Mackie accepted the boy's deal, naming him his garbage collector.

Several years went by as Hedan continued doing the dirty work for the mob without any issue. However, the operation was discovered by the authorities who then promptly arrested Hedan. Once he found his way to court, Hedan was given the options of jailtime or military service. He chose the service.

Hedan served in the Imperial Armada as an engineer. His experience with vehicle engine's while working at the scrapyard was enough to make his job easy on him, however, landspeeder engines were incredibly different from starship engines.

In this position, and after several years, Hedan found himself climbing the ranks at an average pace for an Imperial naval officer. Soon, he was attached to a starfighter squadron as their squadron's repairman. During a mission to Felucia, one of the pilot's had gone MIA. Hedan took the initiative and commandeered a fighter to search for the missing pilot who would have been left behind otherwise. After hours of searching, Hedan found the crash site of the missing pilot. He discovered the pilot had drug himself several meters away from the site with both legs broken. Hedan carried the pilot to his fighter and brought him back to the carrier they were stationed on. Hedan received a medal for his bravery and camaraderie. Soon after, Hedan found himself in the command of a corvette after showing even greater initiative in several operations after Felucia.

It was the Sith Empire's subjugation of Raxus that was Hedan's ascension to admiral. Serving as Admiral Zahori Denko's XO during the operation, Hedan showed great courage and leadership as he took command of Admiral Denko's ship as she was away. Partial credit for the successful operation went to Hedan for his efforts in the name of the Empire. Because of this, he was promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral of the Imperial Armada and named commander of his own fleet. As a Rear Admiral, Hedan oversaw the defense of the Muunilist system and, thanks to his contributions, Muunilist has never been better defended from attack. He was given an honorary promotion to Vice Admiral thanks to his overwhelming sense of duty to the Empire and defense of the Empire. Now, he operates alongside fellow fleets in offensive operations in the name of the Sith Empire.
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